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And his traduction Espagnol

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Now, you've already cased his house, got his phone logs and his banks records, and even obtained his garbage... thank you, Mr. Chen...
Ahora que ya habéis cubierto su casa, conseguido sus registros telefónicos y bancarios. e incluso su basura... Gracias, Sr. Chen...
Gabriel, his daughter, and his husband, Robbie.
Gabriel, su hija y su marido, Robbie.
Turned out that my father and his business partner were involved in a Ponzi scheme.
Resultó que mi padre y su socia estaban involucrados en un esquema Ponzi.
Oliver's dad Magnus Steele and his business partner Edith Kananack.
El padre de Oliver, Magnus Steele, y su socia Edith Kananack.
And his men wiped out the Protectors.
Y sus hombres aniquilaron a los Protectores.
Immediately, Lacey and his people started talking about how they believed in prostitution.
De inmediato, Lacey y los suyos empezaron a hablar acerca de cómo creían en la prostitución.
This is his mother, Nisha, and his brother Ajay.
Estos son su madre, Nisha, y su hermano Ajay.
Kilgallen said that if the story is true, it would be a terrible embarrassment for Jack and his plans to have NASA put men on the moon.
Kilgallen dijo que si esta historia era real, seria un embrollo terrible para Jack y sus planes de que la NASA ponga un hombre en la luna.
The subject repeatedly called the Attorney General and complained about the way that she was being ignored by the President and his brother.
Ella llamo repetidamente al fiscal general y se quejo de la forma en que estaba siendo ignorada por el presidente y su hermano.
And now I'll ask officer Stein and his colleagues to escort the accused into the room so that we may all look upon the guilty party.
Y ahora le pedire al oficial Stein y a sus colegas escoltar al, acusado al salon para que todos podamos observar sobre la parte culpable.
The admiral and his assistants are there.
El almirante y sus asistentes estan ahi.
That's my roommate and his kid.
Este es mi compañero y su hija.
- Yeah, with Danny and his cold hard cash.
- Sí, con Danny y su dinero contante y sonante.
And why would Jerome give money to Archer instead of helping his son?
¿ Y por qué Jerome daría dinero a Archer en lugar de ayudar a su hijo?
So we can only imagine Jerome's guilt when you revealed to him that it was his own negligence that caused Torey's tragedy - - and being the loving family man that he was, he would've been desperate to keep this a secret from Torey and Sabrina.
Así que solo podemos imaginar la culpa de Jerome cuando le reveló... que fue su propia negligencia la que causó la tragedia de Torey... y siendo el hombre de familia cariñoso que era... estaría desesperado por mantener esto como un secreto... de Torey y Sabrina.
Exactly - - and then ripped his overalls
Exacto y luego rasgó su mameluco...
Which is when, with the prospect of Archer finally revealing the truth, and already racked with the guilt of what he thought he'd done to his own son...
Que es cuando, con el prospecto de que Archer finalmente revelaría la verdad... y ya atormentado con la culpa... de lo que él pensaba que había hecho a su propio hijo,
My partner Tom, the boat's gone and he's not answering his phone.
Mi compañero Tom... el bote se ha ido y no contesta su teléfono.
Your job is to learn all you can about him and figure out how best to turn him against his country.
Vuestro trabajo es aprender todo lo que podáis sobre él y averiguar la mejor manera de volverlo contra su país.
She explained to me how the clerk interpreted his one loyalty-card punch per purchase policy, and despite him being completely wrong...
Ella me explicó cómo interpretaba el empleado la política de una perforación en la tarjeta de fidelidad por compra, y a pesar de que él estaba completamente equivocado... acepté que la gente razonable puede no estar de acuerdo,
So how about I man the fort and I'll help Ralph finish his project.
Entonces, qué tal si me quedo en el fuerte y lo ayudo a Ralph con su proyecto.
He needed a bold move that no one saw coming, and he faced his fear, he took action and he was victorious.
Necesitaba un movimiento audaz que nadie viera venir, y enfrentó su temor, actuó y fue victorioso.
And if he were to act his age, well, he'd drop dead right here.
Y si actuara como de su edad, bueno, se caería muerto aquí.
All of these things didn't exist when Cabe was born a full decade and a half before his current girlfriend.
Todas estas cosas no existían cuando Cabe nació, una década completa y media antes que su actual novia.
He's my boss, and it'll be his job to tell his boss.
Es mi jefe, y su trabajo es decírselo a su jefe.
But every year at Christmastime, I... leave a voicemail at his old work number, begging him to come back and just turn himself in.
Pero cada año por Navidades... dejo un mensaje de voz en su antiguo número del trabajo, rogándole que regrese y se entregue.
He's in a bad state, he needed to know that his sister is alive and fighting to see him again.
Está mal, necesita saber que su hermana está viva y luchando para volverlo a ver.
And he won't pay your ransom because he doesn't love his son like you loved your daughter.
Y no va a pagar tu rescate porque no quiere a su hijo como usted quería a su hija.
For three months, we've been listening to that sad sack spout his unhinged tirades, day in and day out, because we were promised 40 % of the ransom.
Durante tres meses, hemos estado escuchando a ese patético viejo sus desquiciados discursos, día tras día, porque nos prometió el cuarenta por ciento del rescate.
And every single one of those memories that you're so desperate to pry out of his damaged brain can turn him right back into it.
Y cada uno de esos recuerdos que tan desesperados estáis por extraer de su cerebro dañado pueden convertirlo de nuevo en lo que era.
He grabs the kid and the chair, lifts him up above his head, so that the fire doesn't burn this little heavyset boy.
Cogió al niño y la silla, los levantó por encima de su cabeza, para que el fuego no alcanzara al niño corpulento.
Tony, with the long fingernails, and he always wears a whistle around his neck.
Tony, con las uñas largas y que siempre lleva un silbato colgado del cuello.
I was hoping to fly to Gotham and talk to him while we walked to where his Testarossa was parked.
Esperaba volar a Gotham y hablar con él mientras caminábamos hacia donde estuviera aparcado su Testarossa.
♪ I can ski in and out of the chalet ♪ ♪ But not into his heart ♪
* Puedo entrar y salir esquiando del chalé * * pero no de su corazón *
and had his secretary soak the label in tea, so get out of my way, you therapy-inducing windbag!
¡ así que aparta de mi camino, cotorra causante de mi psicoterapia!
He took to wearing cargo shorts, switched to an AOL email address, and used all of his vacation days
Empezó a ponerse pantalones cortos, se cambió a una cuenta de correo electrónico de AOL y utilizó todos sus días de vacaciones
Also, I can tell by his brittle nails that he has an iron deficiency, so by day ten... I'd be able to overpower him, and then I'd eat him.
Además, sus frágiles uñas son signo de que tiene un déficit de hierro, así que para el día diez... sería capaz de dominarle y me lo comería.
Dr. Steven Greer opened his archives of documents and interviews.
Dr. Steven Creer abrió sus archivos de documentos y entrevistas.
Then I looked at his head and all... The head was different, the arms was spindly, the body was gray.
Entonces mire su cabeza y todo... la cabeza era diferente, los brazos largos y delgados,
I had seen him personally, of course, before that, but... When someone of his stature indicates that, uh, they're real, and probably from another planet, it's very convincing.
Lo habia visto personalmente, en efecto, despues de eso, pero... cuando alguien de su estatura indica eso, uhh, son reales, y probablemente de otro planeta, es muy convincente.
I can tell by the tone of his voice he's very shook up, and says, "Sir, there's a glowing red object hovering right outside the front gate."
Puedo decir por el tono de su voz que estaba conmocionado, y dijo, "Senor, hay un objeto rojo brillante flotando justo afuera de la puerta del frente."
It turns out that Sagan, in his early career, actually spoke and wrote about UFOs in a way that was affirmative, that was legitimate.
Resulta que Sagan, en su temprana carrera, realmente hablo y escribio acerca de los ovnis en una forma afirmativa, que era legitima.
There is secrecy that is legal, and unfortunately, where Edward Snowden made his mistake, was by disclosing secrets, no matter how inappropriate it might have been that they were going on, that were being managed legally that the President and Congress
Hay secretismo que es legal, e infortunadamente, donde Edward Snowden cometio su error, fue en revelar secretos, no importa cuan inapropiado pudo haber sido en lo que andaban, que estuvieran siendo manejados legalmente, que el presidente y el congreso
Kennedy may have been engaged in a bit of a struggle with the CIA in trying... Attempting to get more information on the UFO subject and that might have accounted for his termination.
Kenneddy pudo haber sido involucrado en un poco de lio con la CIA tratando... intentando obtener mas informacion sobre el asunto ovni y eso podria haber contado para su término.
So I had placed those on his table where he was going to be sitting, and I said, "Good morning, Mr. President."
Asi que yo la habia puesto en su mesa donde el se iba a sentar, y yo dije, "Buenos dias Sr. Presidente."
And with that magnificent grin of his, he said, "I asked you first."
Y con su magnifica mueca, dijo, "te preguntè primero."
He had tubes draining out of his side, and he was tapping on the desk telling me, "You will come to Fairchild."
Tenia tubos saliendo de de su lado, y el estaba dando golpesito sobre la mesa diciendome, "tu vendras a Fairchild."
... you'll be taken care of. You'll have access to his trust fund, to his Yankee Candle loyalty account, and to the family Jet... magazine subscription.
Tendrás acceso a sus fondos, a su cuenta de Yankee Candle y al Jet familiar.
And all my pillows are stained with his nightmare sweat.
Y su sudor en todas mis almohadas.
And I shot him with his own gun'cause he was gonna try to kill that girl.
Y le disparé con su propia arma porque iba a matar a esa chica.
And then I woke up here... In his house.
Y me desperté aquí, en su casa.

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