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And his girlfriend traduction Espagnol

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Aw, nah. Mark had just turned 18, And his girlfriend was 15.
Mark había cumplido justo los 18, y su novia tenía 15.
Hates his wife and his girlfriend.
Odia a su mujer y a su novia.
You know what else happened at the party? A guy grabbed my butt and his girlfriend got very mad at them. You know, I think they broke up.
Un chico me tocó el culo y su novia se enojó con el, si, creo que cortaron.
And he was here the day that Clemente and his girlfriend came in with multiple gunshot wounds?
¿ Y estaba el día que Clemente y su novia... llegaron con múltiples heridas de bala?
We caught him and his girlfriend high on something.
Los agarramos a él y a su novia drogados.
I'm your mother, Lucas. And considering that I was pregnant at 17, I just want to know if history is repeating itself with my son and his girlfriend.
Soy tu madre, Lucas, y considerando que me quedé embarazada con 17 años, sólo quiero saber si la historia se está repitiendo con mi hijo y su novia.
They also ate the man who shot the footage and his girlfriend.
También se comieron al hombre que filmaba y a su novia.
He and his girlfriend can't get The story straight.
Él y su novia no pueden mantener la historia.
And his girlfriend... or ex-girlfriend... is also in it.
Y ahora está el asunto de su novia... No, la ex-novia ahora.
We're meeting him and his girlfriend for a movie.
Hemos quedado para ver una peli con él y su novia
He got into boxing, got his first girlfriend, and get this, turns out he had a knack for disarming IEDs.
Se metió en boxeo, consiguió novia y, escuche esto resulta que tenía talento para desarmar bombas.
And where does his girlfriend fit into that?
¿ Y en todo eso como encaja su novia?
And this is Lisa, his girlfriend.
Y esta es Lisa, su novia.
This crazy story about his girlfriend having a job, only he didn't know where, and he didn't know with whom.
Esta loca historia del trabajo de su novia sólo que el no sabía en dónde, y no sabía para quien.
It's work. / And stick his girlfriend's parents with the bill.
Es trabajo... y endosar al padre de la novia la factura
He just met his dad's girlfriend for the first time and he might be having a rough time with it.
El acaba de conocer a la novia de su padre y está pasando por un mal momento.
Your kid's got his dad and his uncle, his dad's girlfriend and you.
Tu hijo tiene a su padre y su tío, la novia de su padre y tú.
- -Philip and his new girlfriend.
Philip y su nueva novia.
His henchmen are using Level 5 offensive weapons for a Level 1 threat... no offense to Dr. Venture, and he's kidnapped my girlfriend.
Sus secuaces usan armas de nivel cinco para una amenaza de nivel uno, sin ofender al Dr. Venture y ha secuestrado a mi novia.
I don't know. Wealthy, good-looking, hedonistic heir to billion-dollar, multinational media conglomerate moves to London and spends nights pining away for his college girlfriend?
No lo sé. ¿ Un rico, atractivo y hedonista heredero de un conglomerado multinacional de medios de comunicación de mil millones de dólares se va Londres y se pasa las noches suspirado por su novia de la universidad?
- And Fi, she, s his girlfriend?
- ¿ Y Fi? Ella es su novia.
And did his girlfriend ever come over to help?
Y su novia alguna vez lo venía a ayudar?
Your roomie swipes a playbook from his ex-Girlfriend's meathead new boyfriend, so why not pass it along to the other team and then bet the farm against Hearst?
Tu compañerito de cuarto roba un libro de jugadas del imbécil del nuevo novio de su ex-novia entonces, ¿ por qué no entregárselo al otro equipo para luego derrotar a Hearst?
With all due respect, I work for Lex and not his girlfriend.
Con todo respeto, trabajo para Lex, no para su novia.
And then here, the owner's girlfriend reports him missing and then his buddy comes by to check it out and he goes missing too.
Y aquí, la novia del dueño denuncia su desaparición... y su amigo viene a echar un vistazo... y también desaparece.
He Came Over to my place earlier and said he, d split up With his girlfriend.
Vino a mi casa y me dijo que había roto con su novia.
I'm his girlfriend, and I'm not even trying that hard.
Soy su novia y ni siquiera me esfuerzo tanto.
And, uh- - And he says that if I do it, I'll be his girlfriend, so...
Y Y él dice que si lo hago, seré su novia, así que...
Dr. Troy and I had an argument about taking on a surgery, and he sided with his girlfriend, so I attacked her.
Christian, el Dr. Troy y yo tuvimos una discusión sobre realizar o no una cirugía. Y él se puso del lado de su novia. Entonces la ataqué.
Yeah, and even if he didn't, there might be somebody in there that knows him better than his girlfriend does.
Si, e incluso si no lo hace, debe haber alguien ahí que le conozca mejor que su novia.
Jamie Jones was arrested in 1998 for assault and battery on his girlfriend and.... she dropped the charges and married him six months later.
Jamie Jones fue arrestado en 1998 por asalto y agresión a su novia y ella retiró las acusaciones y se casó con él seis meses después.
Spend it with my mom and her new boyfriend Clint, spend it with my dad and his new girlfriend micro-brewing, or head down to Staten Island to spend it with my super religious cousin Stacy and her family.
Pasarla con mi madre y su nuevo novio Clint, pasarla con mi padre y su nueva novia, la fabricación de cerveza, o ir a State Island a pasarla con mi súper religiosa prima Stacy y su familia.
And now he's on a mission to avenge the death of his girlfriend.
Y ahora está en una misión para vengar la muerte de su novia.
Meantime he met my mother... she became his girlfriend... both had been married and separated.
Lo que pasa que ya en ese ínterin, la conoció a mi madre, ya mi madre había hecho pareja con él. El también era separado.
- and his trophy girlfriend.
-... y su novia trofeo.
He dated his college girlfriend for 13 years, and the marriage didn't last eight months.
Salió con su novia de la universidad por 13 años, y el matrimonio no duró ni 8 meses.
I've gotta make sure Lundy gets his man after I figure out a way to erase the marina files and make up with my girlfriend.
Tengo que asegurarme que Lundy encuentre a este hombre luego de encontrar una manera de borrar los archivos del embarcadero y arreglarme con mi novia.
Tony is with his girlfriend and you are worried about him.
Tony está con su novia y tú estás preocupada por él.
The reason Cecil hasn't had a girlfriend in six years is because girls will fuck him, and if you fuck Cecil, you don't become one of his girlfriends... not to say I want to be his girlfriend,
Cecil no ha tenido novia en seis años porque las mujeres se acuestan con él. Y si te acuestas con Cecil no serás una de sus novias.
Because my ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend are out there.
Porque mi ex-novio y su nueva nueva estan ahi fuera.
They popped us both, and poor Paco never even got to see his old girlfriend again.
Nos trincaron a los dos, y el pobre Paco nunca consiguió volver a ver a su antigua novia.
The First Man In History Actually Had To Break Up His Wife And Girlfriend. You See, James?
El primer hombre en la historia que tuvo que romper con su esposa y su novia.
He drives a 130-mile-an-hour Chrysler convertible... works out three times a week... and he's got Mary Lou, the girlfriend he calls his squeeze.
Conduce un Chrysler descapotable que alcanza los 2 1 0 km / h... va al gimnasio tres veces por semana... y tiene a Mary L ou, la novia a la que llama "su muñeca hinchable".
His girlfriend's bleeding in the hospital her daughter's born two weeks early Tom's brother was taken hostage by the Taliban and the star of one of his shows just went on television to declare his allegiance to al Qaeda.
Su novia está sangrando en el hospital. Su hija nació dos semanas antes el hermano de Tom fue capturado por el Talibán y la estrella de uno de sus programas acaba de salir en televisión para declarar su lealtad a Al Qaeda.
We think he was going after his ex-girlfriend and screwed up.
Creemos que fue tras su ex-novia y cometió un error.
And over there, she's his ex-girlfriend right? Even more ( worrying ), eh?
Él está con la ex, eso es peor aún.
So, all you have to do is convince this kid that his girlfriend had a secret doctor, and a secret stash and a secret life.
Sólo debes convencer al muchacho de que su novia tiene un médico secreto, drogas, y una vida que él no conoce.
The other thing is, he obviously had problems with his relationship with his... his girlfriend Annik and his wife.
Lo otro es que tenía problemas con esta relación con su novia Annik y con su esposa.
He meet with well-wishers, arranged to meet with... his girlfriend for drinks at the Hay-Adams, never showed and nobody ever saw him again.
Se reunió con bienhechores, organizó una reunión con su novia para beber en el Hay-Adams, nunca apareció y nunca nadie lo volvió a ver.
And he and his girlfriend were like, "we have to go see him."
"Tenemos que ir a verlo".
6 Months Ago He And His Gang Victimized You And Your Girlfriend, Right?
Hace 6 meses él y su banda os atacaron a ti y a tu novia, ¿ verdad?

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