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And his friends traduction Espagnol

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What makes you think it was the gypsies? My son Edward Junior and his friends saw the gypsy men themselves.
Mi hijo, Edwin Junior, y sus amigos vieron a los gitanos desde nuestro estudio.
Lukasi and his friends prefer snowmobiles to dogsleds.
Lukasi y sus amigos prefieren las motos de nieve antes que los trineos tirados por perros.
Cosy inside their igloo, Lukasi and his friends must now wait.
Dentro de su acogedor iglú, Lukasi y sus amigos ahora tienen que esperar.
Lukasi and his friends try to get under the ice as quickly as possible.
Lukasi y sus amigos tratan de traspasar el hielo lo antes posible.
Orlando's and his friends'survival depends upon embracing every opportunity in the forest.
La supervivencia de Orlando y sus amigos pasa por aprovechar todas y cada una de las oportunidades que te de la selva.
My successor will build new hospitals and buy Toyota's for Ruhemba and his friends.
Mi sucesor construirá hospitales nuevos y comprará Toyotas para Ruhemba y sus amigos.
Trip and his friends are not the whole house.
Trip y sus amigos no son toda la casa.
David holloway and his friends were inside your garage?
David Holloway y sus amigos estaban en su garage?
Yes, Mike and his friends were underage and had been drinking.
Sí, Mike y sus amigos eran menores y habían estado bebiendo.
Flynn possessed an undying commitment to his family and his friends.
Flynn tenía... un compromiso a muerte con su familia y sus amigos.
Yeah, and just like those scum, grant and his friends were never charged.
Si, y tal como esas basuras, Grant y sus amigos nunca fueron acusados.
I kept seeing grant and his friends holding my mother's legs wide while they raped her.
Vi a Grant y a sus amigos sostener las piernas de mi madre extendidas mientras la violaban.
And he didn't, he stabbed his enemies in the front and his friends in the back!
Y no lo hizo, ¡ apuñaló a sus enemigos por el frente y a sus amigos por la espalda!
Madhav and his friends.
Madhav y sus amigos.
You know he canceled his trip to Mammoth with Dan and his friends?
¿ Sabes que canceló su viaje a Mammoth con Dan y sus amigos?
My stepson Rallo and his friends are going to sing us a little song about responsible investing.
Mi hijastro Rallo y sus amigos van a cantarnos una pequeña canción sobre inversion responsable.
Er, we could get some tracks down and, er, we could have a little sports day event for him and his friends, for Warwick and his friends.
podríamos conseguir unas pistas aquí. Podríamos tener un pequeño evento de día de deportes para él y sus amigos, para Warwick y sus amigos.
Rico and his friends.
Rico y sus amigos.
And when I got there, he and his friends started giving me drinks, and they...
y cuando llegué allí, él y sus amigos comenzaron a darme tragos, y ellos...
Rajesh and his friends did this with police and media support, and branded my sister as a prostitute,
Y haciendo pasar a mi hermana por una puta. Convirtieron a mi padre en un proxeneta.
( Sighs ) Wow. It's great how cool you are that Alonzo and his ex-wife are still friends.
Es genial lo bien que llevas que Alonzo y su exmujer sean amigos.
What kind of dirtbag doesn't stand by his best friends, but instead sides with some self-righteous bitch with a pointless cause and a megaphone?
¿ Qué clase de porquería no se sostiene por sus mejores amigos, sino que se pone del lado de una perra santurrona - con una causa inútil y un megáfono? - Tío.
What kind of dirtbag doesn't stand by his best friends, but instead, sides with some self-righteous bitch with a pointless cause and a megaphone?
¡ ¿ Qué clase de asqueroso no apoya a sus mejores amigos, sino que en lugar de eso, se pone del lado de una zorra mojigata con una causa inútil y un megáfono? ! ¡ Tío!
Are you sure you can keep up with topher And his pretentious hipster friends?
¿ Está seguro que puede seguirle el ritmo a Topher y a sus amigos pretenciosamente alternativos?
So, uh, will topher and his hipster friends Be joining you here to help you give pie what for?
Y entonces, Topher y sus amigos alternativos se reunirán con usted aquí para comer tarta, y ¿ qué más?
The nanny says Colin got too interested in his videogames, and the boys are not friends anymore.
La niñera dice que Colin empezó a interesarse demasiado por los videojuegos y que los chicos dejaron de ser amigos.
Then the boy and his new friends start to bully Colin.
Entonces el chico y sus nuevos amigos empezaron a acosar a Colin.
Tell him you have access to a great deal of very sensitive information and you're happy to meet his friends, but not at the apartment, it's not safe.
Dile que tienes acceso a mucha información sensible y que te encantaría conocer a sus amigos, pero no en el apartamento, no es seguro.
And I don't know if I'd call them his friends.
Y no sé si llamarlos "sus amigos".
But a sudden and unexpected loss like this is hard on all those left behind, and we share in the great sadness felt by each and every one of you, his friends, family and colleagues.
Sin embargo, una pérdida repentina e inesperada de este tipo es dura para aquellos que nos quedamos aquí, y compartimos la gran tristeza sentida por todos y cada uno de ustedes, sus amigos, familía y colegas.
Friends and neighbors haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary with the Senator, or his wife.
Sus amigos y vecinos no han notado nada fuera de lo normal con el Senador o su esposa.
The first thing he does is to bring up precious water, not just for his herd and his family, but for his wild friends too.
Lo primero que hace es coger el agua preciosa, no solo para sus rebaños y su familia, sino para sus amigos salvajes también.
They just destroy whatever's in their path. Dwayne and his redneck friends
Simplemente destruyen lo que sea que se interponga en su camino, Dwayne y sus amigos sureños
And meeting his friends.
Y se ve con sus amigos.
Steven's words and the support of his friends were a great comfort, but there was little anyone could do to calm down emotional time bomb Ashley Sullivan.
Las palabras de Steven y el apoyo de amigos fueron un consuelo. Pero era poco lo que podía hacer para desactivar la bomba emocional Sullivan Ashley.
My son and his college friends swear by them.
Mi hijo y sus amigos de universidad son entusiastas de ellos.
Nerdy, emotional, into his family and friends disarmingly attractive.
Cerebrito, emocional, con su familia y amigos arrebatadoramente atractivo.
I made promises to my friends here and a Lannister always pays his debts.
Yo hice promesas a mis amigos aquí y un Lannister siempre paga sus deudas.
Kennedy had so many one-night stands, his friends couldn't count that high, and Lincoln, well, he consorted with prostitutes.
Kennedy tenía tantas aventuras, que sus amigos no podían llevar la cuenta y Lincoln, bueno, confraternizaba con prostitutas.
I'll just sit here and darn some of these old socks, try to masturbate. Meanwhile, in the big city, Owen hits the town with his new friends.
Sólo me sentaré aquí a zurcir estas viejas medias, tratar de masturbarme.
No, and although I am not friends with Shane, while you were spinning your wheels, I was able to friend a friend of his girlfriend,
No, y aunque no soy amigo de Shane mientras estabas dando vueltas en vano, fui capaz de hacerme amigo de su novia,
The guy asks his friends to be in the wedding, and the girl asks her friends.
El hombre le pide a sus amigos estar en la boda, y la chica le pide a su amigas.
Guy like that and his ex-con fucking friends can go to hell for all I care.
Ese tipo y sus putos amigos ex-convictos por lo que a mí se refiere, pueden irse al infierno.
I want you to marry your daughter to his son and become friends forever.
Quiero casar a tu hija a su hijo Y serán amigos para siempre.
We have teams interviewing his co-workers and friends.
Tenemos equipos entrevistando a sus compañeros y amigos.
Meanwhile I've terminated Rajesh and his friends.
Esa fue mi última matanza.
All I have to do is say one word about him and his loser friends, And she'll write him out of her will so fast...
Todo lo que tengo que hacer es contarle todo sobre él y sus fracasados amigos y le sacará del testamento en el acto...
- No, bing was drinking a bottle with his friends, and selling the other five.
No, Bing estaba bebiendo una de esas botellas con sus amigos, y vendió las otras cinco.
The father and three of his friends stand accused of abusing the boy.
El padre y tres de sus amigos están acusados de abusar del niño.
That's him... and his two best friends.
Ese es... - Sí, señor. - y sus dos mejores amigos.
All his friends are deaf and his whole family is deaf.
Todos sus amigos y familiares son sordos.

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