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And his daughter traduction Espagnol

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During that interval Kidd and his daughter were held hostage on the rooftop.
Durante ese intervalo de Kidd y su hija fueron tomados como rehenes en la azotea.
Here's a picture of Mister Duke and his daughter, Doris.
Aquí hay una fotografía del Señor Duke... del Señor Duke y su hija, Doris.
And his daughter?
¿ Y su hija?
It's a bit of a sensitive issue, but there's been an incident between Mr Anderson and his daughter and I've asked him to leave the premises.
Es un tema delicado, pero huno un incidente entre el Sr Anderson y su hija y le pedí que deje las instalaciones.
You can turn yourself in, release bennet and his daughter.
Puedes hacer lo correcto, liberar a Bennet y a su hija.
"Go inside honey." You see Freddy and his daughter, you see her as a little girl in that creepy backyard.
Trabajar en este film como una niña pequeña, fue realmente una experiencia aterradora, por decirlo menos. ( risas )
Only a neighbor and his daughter?
¿ Un vecino y su hija?
Narimichi and his daughter are here. What?
Narimichi y su hija están aquí.
Last night, I had a dream about devalos and his daughter.
Ayer por la noche, soñé con Devalos y su hija.
Oh, I guess it's totally normal to find your future husband and his topless teenage daughter lying out completely naked in full view of the entire world.
Supongo que es normal hallar a tu futuro esposo... y su hija desnuda tendidos... a la vista del mundo entero.
He told me that everything worked out with him and his sister. She had a daughter.
Él me pidió que te dijera que todo estaba bien... para él y su hermana.
And a father who lost his daughter?
¿ Y un padre que perdió a su hija?
And, his daughter Kiki is my classmate
Y, su hija Kiki es mi compañera de clase
Because a deadbeat ex-husband who never had to pay any alimony you're welcome, by the way and can't pay for his only daughter's wedding?
Porque, ¿ un ex esposo mala paga que nunca tuvo que pagar pensión alimenticia a propósito, de nada y no puede pagar por la boda de su única hija?
He was a Raja and so, a smalltime landlord married his daughter to him.
Era un Raja y un pequeño propietario casó a su hija con él
And his daughter.
Y su hija.
He'll join us due to the murder of his son and daughter-in-law.
Se nos unirá debido al asesinato de su hijo y de su nuera.
Having a quality time with his wife and daughter.
Pasar mas tiempo con su esposa / hija.
However, Goneril, Regan and the Fool constantly remind him that he is a man who has lost his kingdom, his faithful daughter and his wits through his own...
Sin embargo, Goneril, Regan y el Bufón constantemente le recuerdan... que él es un hombre que ha perdido su reino, su hija, y su ingenio.
He was a successful insurance executive, and I was just his flaky daughter who dropped out of college to become a rock star.
Él era un ejecutivo de seguros con exito, y yo sólo era su hija rara. que dejo la universidad para convertirse en una roquera.
To his beloved daughter, he left cash and securities.
a su amada hija le dejó dinero y acciones.
His love and his desire to be back with his daughter whatever is genuine!
Su amor y su deseo por recuperar a su hija es verdadero.
"You're his daughter and you get to kill him." I was like, " Wow, alright. That sounds pretty good.
Si ibas a hacer una historia acerca de la hija de Freddy, tenías que hablar de como empezó el mito, ahí fue en donde comenzamos con las ideas de la historia original.
I can only have one thought excited for my father that would have been so proud of her daughter. And it is in his memory solemnly declare that I want me, Suzanne Pujol Michonneau born, I will continue dad's work, benefactor of this city.
En esta emocionante noche de victoria solo puedo pensar emocionada en mi padre, Raoul Michonneau quien estaría muy orgulloso de su hija y es en su memoria que me presento ante ustedes y declaro solemnemente que yo, Suzanne Pujol Michonneau seguiré con la obra de papá en los derechos obreros.
I imagined the man that took my daughter had fangs and... blood-red eyes and... black oil dripping from his...
Me imaginé que el hombre que cogió a mi hija tenía colmillos y... ojos ensangrentados rojos y... aceite negro goteando desde su...
But even this was not sufficient to prevent him from attempting to kill his own daughter and save himself.
Pero ni siquiera eso fue suficiente para que no intentara matar a su propia hija y salvarse él.
His name is Albert and renamed my daughter Amy.
Su nombre es Albert y... le puso Amy a mi hija.
Years ago, a landlord hung himself from here, after he'd killed his wife and daughter with a meat cleaver.
Muchos años atrás, un propietario se ahorcó aquí, después de haber matado a su esposa e hija con un cuchillo de carnicero.
He killed his wife and daughter.
Mató a su mujer e hija.
James bradstone killing his wife and daughter.
a James Bradstone matando a su mujer y a su hija.
And here, where-Where my dad treats you like his own daughter
Y aqui, donde mi padre te trata como su propia hija.
I'm his daughter and he's not my husband.
Soy su hija y él no es mi marido.
With the aid of his right-hand man, Ubu and dutiful but devious daughter, Talia Ra's Al Ghul is a force to be reckoned with.
SALÓN DE LA JUSTICIA Con la ayuda de su mano derecha Ubu y su obediente pero peligrosa hija Talia Ra's Al Ghul es digno de temor.
Tell Baze that I threw him under the bus to save my relationship and that's why he hasn't been seeing his daughter?
¿ Decirle a Baze que lo empujé bajo un camión para salvar mi relación y que por eso no ha estado viendo a su hija?
And when he saw her picture, imagine his surprise When he realized that he raped The daughter of his own defense attorney.
Y cuando vio la foto de ella, imagínate su sorpresa al darse cuenta de que violó a la hija de su abogado defensor.
Of course, all I had to go on was a French arms dealer and his rather fetching daughter.
Por supuesto, todo lo que tenía que ir el era un traficante de armas francés Y su hija en vez ir a buscar.
They killed his wife and daughter instead.
Mataron a su mujer y a su hija en su lugar.
He told me to do what I had to do to keep you quiet, Or Doyle wouldn't be the only man to lose his wife and daughter.
Él me dijo lo que tenía que hacer para mantenerte callado, o Doyle no sería el único hombre en perder a su esposa e hija.
Wade lost his home, his wife, And custody of his daughter When the courts deemed him unfit.
Wade perdió su hogar, su esposa y la custodia de su hija cuando el tribunal lo consideró inepto.
Well, he promised you his daughter, you took him at his word, and she ran off with another guy.
Bueno, el se prometió con su hija, le tomó su palabra y ella escapó - con otro tipo. - Espere.
Karl Gerhardstreiter, also known as Clark Rockefeller, was sentenced today to four years in federal prison for kidnapping his daughter and assaulting a social worker.
Karl Gerhardstreiter, también conocido como Clark Rockefeller, fue sentenciado hoy a cuatro años de prisión federal por el secuestro de su hija y asalto a un asistente social.
Her father was King Cepheus whose country was being ravaged by storms. And in the end, he decided the only way to appease the gods was to sacrifice his eldest daughter to a hideous sea monster.
Su padre era el rey Cefeo cuyo país estaba siendo asolado por tormentas y decidió que el único modo de aplacar a los dioses era sacrificar a su hija mayor, entregándosela a un monstruo marino.
A single dad and his 15-year-old brunette daughter
Un padre soltero y su hija morena de 15 años.
Same thing. Another dad and his brunette daughter.
Lo mismo... otro padre y su hija morena.
So then we'll investigate the dead men, And his team can see if there is A missing father and daughter.
Así que nosotros investigaremos a los hombres muertos, y su equipo puede ver si hay un padre y su hija desparecidos.
Our guess is that he lost his daughter in some way And it's symbolic of him not fighting for her in the first place.
Sospechamos que perdió a su hija de alguna forma, y es un símbolo de que él no luchó por ella lo primero.
He probably lost a teenage daughter In a way that corresponds to the dates He abducts and kills his victims.
Probablemente perdió una hija adolescente y de alguna forma corresponde con las fechas en las que secuestra y mata a sus víctimas.
His Majesty would like to propose a marriage between his second son, Henri, Duke of Orleans, and your daughter, the Lady Mary.
Su Majestad desea proponer un casamiento entre su segundo hijo, Henri, Duque de Orleans y su hija, Lady María.
So, he just visits his heterosexual, healthy daughter, and you go out to dinner and a movie and talk about your garden?
¿ Así que él visita a su hija saludable y heterosexual y salen a cenar y ver una película y hablan sobre el jardín?
And he left behind an 11-year-old boy that I had to convince his daughter-in-law to take in.
Y dejó atrás a su nieto de 11 años... y he tenido que convencer a su nuera para que le acoja
And now his other daughter, Sara, also murdered?
Y ahora su otra hermana, Sara, ¿ también asesinada?

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