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And his friend traduction Espagnol

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Both he and his friend have disappeared.
No aparece ni su compadre, ni él.
And as God is my witness, whoever did this to Prince Charmington and his friend is going to pay.
Y a Dios pongo por testigo, quienquiera que haya hecho esto al Príncipe Charmington y a su amiga va a pagar.
But now, cracks are appearing where they never did before, so David and his friend Laimikie have taken on a new job.
Pero ahora, las grietas están apareciendo donde nunca lo hicieron antes. Por lo tanto, David y su amigo, Laimikie, han tomado un nuevo trabajo.
Then one night, I was sleeping in the carny tent and I woke up to find my new best friend toothless t was trying to saw the toes off my foot with his Swiss Army knife,'cause he said they were looking at him funny.
Entonces una noche, estaba durmiendo en la carpa cuando me despertó mi nuevo mejor amigo sin-dientes estaba intentando cortarme los dedos de mis pies con su navaja suiza, porque decía que le parecía divertido.
Uh, did you find yourself turning to his brother in arms, his best friend, and his cousin, Tommy Gavin?
Eh, buscaste consuelo en los brazos de su hermano, su mejor amigo, y su primo, Tommy Gavin?
I slept with his best friend, he caught us, he physically removed me from our apartment in Manhattan... And he moved to the woods.
Me acosté con su mejor amigo, nos pilló, me echó de nuestro apartamento en Manhattan... y se mudó al bosque.
My client Jason Baldwin was essentially investigated mainly on the basis that he hung out around Damien echols and was known to be a good friend of his.
Mi cliente, Jason Baldwin, era investigado sobre todo basándose en que andaba con Damien Echols y se sabía que era buen amigo suyo.
However, there's a lot of evidence to show that it's a much older city. And, in fact, uh, Hindu legends say that the ancient king Rama met with his monkey god friend Hanuman there at a cave at
Las leyendas hindúes dicen que el antiguo rey, Rama loco con su mono amigo de Dios, Hanuma estaban en una cueva en Vijayanagara y esto crearía la ciudad, varios miles de años atrás.
Daddy, this is my friend, Jimmy, and his daughter, Hope, and his parents, Burt and Virginia.
Papá, este es mi amigo, Jimmy, y su hija, Hope, y sus padres, Burt y Virginia.
And tell your fat friend that this is my house, not his.
Y dile a tu amigo gordo que esta es mi casa no la suya.
And his new best friend, Brad Williams.
y su nuevo mejor amigo, Brand Williams.
And his much-younger friend.
Y su amigo mucho más joven.
Yeah, so you gave up on him and went whoring out with his best friend.
- Sí, por eso perdiste la fe en él y te enrollaste con su mejor amigo.
But I didn't even know, and I'm his best friend.
Pero ni siquiera yo lo sabía, y soy su mejor amiga.
I feel Schmidt's had a particularly bad day, and I feel that if Nick is truly Schmidt's friend, he would show Schmidt what's in his pants.
Yo siento que Schmidt tuvo un día particularmente malo, y siento que Nick fuera un amigo verdadero de Schmidt, el le mostraría a Schmidt lo que hay en sus pantalones.
I thought you said his name was Lars and he's your Facebook friend And he sends you a virtual chicken every week on Farmville.
Creía que habías dicho que se llamaba Lars y que era tu amigo en Facebook y que te manda gallinas virtuales en Farmville todas las semanas.
- So go ¹ æa said, and her word worth more than any whose employee of the hotel. In addition, it is a Lady, permanent and go ¹ æl liènoj friend Teresa lower. - What did you say his name was?
Bueno, es lo que dijo la clienta, y su palabra vale mucho más que la de cualquiera de nosotros, sobre todo tratándose de una de nuestras clientas fijas y amiga personal de doña Teresa.
You support me in November, come'64, you're gonna have a friend in the mayor's office who loves this city... and who doesn't have his hand in your pocket.
Si me apoyais en Noviembre, y llega el 64, vais a tener a un amigo en el despacho del alcalde. Quien ama esta ciudad... Y quien no tiene su mano en tu bolsillo.
Mackenzie and sophie accepted his friend request.
Mackenzie y Sophie aceptaron su solicitud de amistad.
Remember our friend the German agent, and his escort to JFK?
¿ Recuerdas a nuestro amigo el agente alemán y su escolta hacia el aeropuerto?
He says they both flirted with the victim, and then his friend Anders went off with her.
Dice que ambos flirtearon con la víctima, y que luego su amigo Anders se marchó con ella.
Your job is to be his friend, to stay here and sit with him and watch the fight on pay-per-view while bitching about me.
Tu trabajo es ser su amigo, quédate aquí y ve con él a ver el combate en la tele mientras me ponéis a parir.
My best friend, his wife and kids and me.
Mi mejor amigo, su mujer y sus hijos y yo.
There is a fresh, white billboard. I'm climbing it with my friend, and we're putting up his artwork.
Hay una fresca y blanca pizarra, la cual treparé con mi amigo, y pondremos a trabajar, su arte.
But Cristina was my friend and I did not even know Jimena a. His roommate.
- Solo espero que cuando veas como es en realidad Belén no sea demasiado tarde.
I asked little Eric where he would feel safest and he said with his friend Token.
Le pregunté al pequeño Eric dónde él se sentiría a salvo y él dijo que con su amigo Token.
I helped my friend up when he slipped and skinned his arm and knee
Ayudé a mi amigo cuando se resbaló y se raspó el brazo y la rodilla.
From the early days, one man influenced Steve Jobs more than any other, his friend and rival Bill Gates.
Desde los primeros dias, un hombre influencio a Steve Jobs mas que cualquier otro, su amigo y rival Bill Gates.
The next day, his closest friend and colleague
El dia siguiente, su amigo mas cercano y colega
He's meeting the brother and sister of a friend of his who disappeared. A soldier with whom he fought in World War II.
Se reúne con el hermano y la hermana de un amigo suyo que ha desaparecido un soldado con quien luchó en la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
One day I came home after being with his friend and I told him I sawthat friend.
Un día, llegué a casa, estaba con ese amigo suyo. Llegué a casa y le dije.
He traveled, and I who had loved that thing, but had no idea, decided to call his friend to buy a rock and surprise him.
Él viajó, y como aquello me había encantado, pero no sabía cómo era la cosa, llamé a su amigo y le compré para hacerle una sorpresa.
I was too afraid to step up for my friend Burt, and now the world will never get to taste his man yogurt.
Tenía tanto miedo de dar el paso por mi amigo Burt, y ahora el mundo nunca probará este yogur de hombre.
A friend had been shot, and just like in the movies, he had stood up and ran to help his friend, and he got shot in the throat, drowned in his own blood.
Le habían disparado a un amigo y al igual que en las películas, se levantó y corrió para para ayudarlo, y le dieron en la garganta, ahogándose en su propia sangre.
What my spineless friend lacks the courage to say is you're a terrible person who took advantage of his tiny size, his uncoordinated nature and his congenital lack of masculinity.
Lo que mi débil amigo carece de la valentía de decir es que eres una pésima persona que tomó ventaja de su pequeña estatura, su naturaleza descoordinada y su congénita falta de masculinidad.
And his new best friend, a backpack.
Y su nuevo mejor amigo, una mochila.
And he made a friend who would shape his destiny.
Y trabó amistad con alguien que cambiaría su destino.
Or sometimes with Bill Dean and his wife, sometimes with Brenda Meserve, and maybe another friend or two.
O a veces con Bill Dean y su mujer, a veces con Brenda Meserve, y puede que con otro amigo o dos.
And you're meant to be a friend of his
Y tú estás destinado a ser un amigo de su
The thing is... we're supposed to go to Italy this summer with my oldest friend and his wife.
El problema es que íbamos a ir a Italia con mi mejor amigo y su esposa.
The King's most important adviser is called The Hand of the King and the former Hand has died under mysterious circumstances, so King Robert travels north to ask his most trusted friend to come back to the capital with him and serve as his chief adviser, as his Hand.
Al consejero más importante del Rey se le llama "La Mano del Rey" y la anterior Mano murió bajo circunstancias misteriosas así que el Rey Robert viaja al norte para pedirle a su mejor amigo para volver a la capital con él y servir como jefe consejero, como su Mano.
One of the primary conflicts in the show is when Ned is called south and given no choice, to help out his best and oldest friend in the world.
Uno de los principales conflictos en el programa es cuando a Ned lo llaman al sur y no le dan opción, para ayudar a su viejo y mejor amigo en el mundo.
My friend Ronnie is having this party on Sunday night, and it's like a real hoity-toity thing, and his wife Veronica's a real stickler for...
Mi amigo Ronnie da una fiesta el domingo a la noche parece ser que es algo de engreídos y su esposa Veronica repara mucho en...
And, um, him say have a friend that he can give these books to. And he did that, and then he turned to his music.
Dijo que tenía un amigo a quien podía darle estos libros lo que hizo y se dedicó a su música.
It was him sending his letter through his friend. Not by himself. And to say yes, he likes me and want to talk to me.
Él enviaba la carta a través de su amigo, no en persona y decía que sí, que yo le gustaba y que quería hablar conmigo.
Just being led to these nuts would not help Oscar, but now Freddy steps up and gives his new friend first pick of every one he cracks, just as his mother once did.
Sólo llegar a estas nueces no le ayudaría a Óscar pero Freddy hace algo admirable y deja que su nuevo amigo coma las nueces primero... El lazo entre los dos está creciendo.
and now he's calling his friend an egghead?
y ahora se está llamando su amigo un intelectual?
All right? He set me up, had my friend killed, took his chances and paid the price.
Me engañó, mató a mi amigo, se arriesgó y pagó.
Him and his men were behind a coup in West Africa that secured mining operations for our friend John Daggett.
Él y sus hombres estuvieron detrás un golpe de estado en África Occidental. ... que garantizo el control de la minería a nuestro amigo, John Daggett.
They killed his friend and they've been trying to kill me, too.
Mataron a su amigo y trataron de matarme a mí también.
Enterprising young Misha abandoned his career as an unskilled laborer and opened his own advertising agency, Mikhail Galkin Global Marketing, with funds borrowed from an old family friend, Yuri Nikolaivich.
Misha joven emprendedor abandonó su carrera como un obrero no calificado y abrió su propia agencia de publicidad Mercadeo Global Mikhail Galkin con fondos prestados de un viejo amigo de la familia Yuri Nikoliavich.

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