And his father traduction Espagnol
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He's got his father's eyes and his father's boyfriend's love of dance.
Tiene los ojos de su padre y el amor del enamorado de su padre por el baile.
And his father led him there.
Y su padre le guió hasta ahí.
Does Your Majesty permit me to spare him and his father from the hangman's noose... for now?
¿ Me permite Su Majestad que les perdone a él y a su padre de la horca del verdugo... por ahora?
And his father.
Y su padre a él.
Tell Edward... his father screamed like a child. And I pushed him.
Dile a Edward que su padre gritó como un niño cuando lo empujé.
So, what I need from you is to get a hold of his mother or his father. I need them to get on the phone and I need to speak with them right away.
Lo que necesito de ustedes, es que encuentren a su madre o padre, y los pongan al teléfono, tengo que hablar con ellos de inmediato.
As soon as he's talking on the phone to his father, you take the opportunity and you shoot him right between the eyes.
En cuanto tome el teléfono y hable con su padre, aprovechas la oportunidad, y le disparas en medio de los ojos.
Now I need you to bring this phone to Bill and hopefully his father can talk some sense into him.
Necesito que le des este teléfono a Bill, con suerte su padre hará que que entre en razón.
Look, his father is going to talk to him and hopefully he can talk him down.
- Sí puedes. Su padre hablará con él, y con suerte lo calmará.
Timothy's death was real... but was it really conceivable that a father could kill his own child... and if so, what kind of monster was Ronald Clark o'Bryan?
La muerte de Timoteo era real... pero ¿ era realmente concebible que un padre podría matar a su propio hijo... y si es así, ¿ qué clase de monstruo era Ronald Clark O'Bryan?
You know, when I first read the script for Empire Strikes Back and Darth Vader told Luke he was his father I thought for sure he was lying.
Sabes, cuando leí por primera vez el guion del imperio contraataca y Darth Vader le dice a Luke que era su padre... pensé que seguro estaba mintiendo.
A father and his three-year-old son.
Un padre y su hijo de tres años.
I started my organization because me father, his father and my great-grandfather before him all served.
Monté mi organización... porque mi padre, su padre... y mi bisabuelo antes que él estuvieron en el ejército.
It makes his father very cross and I didn't want to get him into trouble so I just left.
Eso enfadaba mucho a su padre y no quería meterle en problemas así que me marché.
On Thursday we go to town together, buy your dress, you go to confession, and we'll ask Father Weber if he wouldn't like a choir of his own.
Esto es lo que haremos : El jueves vamos juntas a la ciudad a comprar el vestido y cuando te confieses, le preguntamos al Padre Weber si podría crear su propio coro.
And I promised Henry I'd find the person responsible for his father's death.
Y le prometí a Henry que encontraría a la persona responsable de la muerte de su padre.
When your father gets home, if the Pope agrees to his terms and makes you the next heir, things are going to start moving very quickly.
Cuando tu padre vuelva a casa, si el Papa está de acuerdo con sus términos y te hace el siguiente heredero, las cosas van a empezar a moverse muy deprisa.
And my father needs that money for his legal defense.
Y mi padre necesita ese dinero para su defensa.
There was a reason my father came here and didn't use his real name.
Había una razón para que mi padre viniera aquí y no usara su verdadero nombre.
It makes sense that Grant was selling the parts to the black market and was trying to pin the missing tech on your father, to destroy his credibility.
Tiene sentido que Grant vendiera las partes en el mercado negro y que tratara de endosarle a tu padre la tecnología robada para destruir su reputación.
It seems he never indulged his sexual perversities with her and he was only ever a kind and apparently loving father.
Parece que nunca se entregó a sus perversiones sexuales con ella y que solo era un amable y, por lo visto, amoroso padre.
And the father is 3 times older than his kid.
Y el padre es 3 veces mayor que su hijo.
The father is 20 years old and is 3 times older than his kid.
El padre tiene 20 años... y es 3 veces mayor que su hijo.
I did not come to bring peace but a sword, for I came to set a man against his father and a daughter against her mother. "
No vine a traer la paz, sino una espada, porque he venido a enfrentar al hombre contra su padre y a una hija contra su madre. "
No kid lets down his father and grandfather and is that okay with it.
Ningún niño decepciona a su padre y a su abuelo y está bien con eso.
And then, upon asking him again, he later admitted that he did know Kevin Neyers was his biological father and that he had given him money.
Y entonces, al preguntarle de nuevo, finalmente admitió que sabía que Kevin Neyers era su padre biológico y que le había dado dinero.
You first interviewed Erich Blunt in the murder of his biological father, and then again in the death of Cindy Strauss, correct?
Usted primero entrevistó a Erich Blunt por el asesinato de su padre biológico, y luego otra vez por la muerte de Cindy Strauss, ¿ es correcto?
You suspected Erich Blunt in the murder of his biological father, and because someone else confessed to the murder, you were predisposed to the biased belief that he murdered Cindy Strauss.
Sospechó de Erich Blunt en la muerte de su padre biológico, y como alguien confesó el asesinato, estaba sesgadamente predispuesto a creer que había matado a Cindy Strauss.
His parents worked for my mother and father.
Sus padres trabajaban para mi madre y mi padre.
Well, it's been exactly one year since Larry Bird disobeyed his father and decided that the community would stay on Earth to continue our research.
Bueno, hace exactamente un año desde que Larry Bird desobedeció a su padre y decidió que la comunidad se quedara en la tierra para continuar nuestra investigación.
He's been so worried about what we've accomplished since his stand against his father, and it's beginning to come between us.
Ha estado tan preocupado sobre lo que hemos logrado desde que se levantó contra su padre, y está emppezando a interponerse entre nosotros.
And a young son who'd just been betrayed when his father had slept with his girlfriend.
Y un hijo joven que acababa de ser traicionado al acostarse su padre con su novia.
Please, go back and tell your father his old friend John Russell begs for his understanding.
Por favor, vuelve y di que el viejo amigo de tu padre John Rusell ruega por su comprensión.
Charles Stuart is a man of blood like his father, his court filled with pimps and whores.
Carlos Estuardo es un sanguinario como su padre, su corte está repleta de chulos y putas.
I want Preston to show us that his father's words are a web of lies, that his father's abuse of power and his rampant profiteering is far from godly, but death... death is necessary.
Quiero que Preston nos muestre que las palabras de su padre son una red de mentiras, que el abuso de poder de su padre y sus ganancias desenfrenadas están lejos de ser divinas, pero la muerte... la muerte es necesaria.
That's my father, and that's his fiancée.
Es mi padre, y su prometida.
Off to my father and his fiancée.
Aléjate de mi padre y de su prometida.
Look, say what you want to say about it, but my father knew how to get his guys into city hall, and I'm gonna do the same for you.
Mira, di lo que quieres decir al respecto, pero mi padre supo conseguir sus muchachos en el ayuntamiento, y yo voy a hacer lo mismo para usted.
He's 37 years old, and he's the vice-president of his father's property company.
Tiene 37 años, y es el vice-presidente en la empresa de su padre.
And then his father was found dead.
Y entonces su padre fue encontrado muerto.
And her father lost his business due to Alexander Jackson.
Y su padre perdió su negocio debido a Alexander Jackson.
Joseph was never meant to be in the gym. Rosie was never meant to see him, and this puzzle... that's been bothering me for so long - how can a man with a solid alibi kill his father?
Joseph no estaría en el gimnasio Rosie nunca le vería, y este rompecabezas... que me ha estado molestando durante tanto tiempo - ¿ cómo puede un hombre con una coartada sólida matar a su padre?
Mark, we think your father was researching the effects of global overpopulation and that his experimen might be tied to the fertility crisis.
Mark, creemos que tu padre estaba investigando los efectos de la sobrepoblación y que su experimentos podrían estar conectados con la crisis de la fertilidad.
One of my patients, not fully in control of their faculties, lashed out and... stabbed Father Leduc with his own crucifix.
Una de mis pacientes, que no tiene bien sus facultades mentales, arremetió y... acuchilló al padre Leduc con su propio crucifijo.
His father called me a dick, and Dad made us leave.
Su padre me llamó cabrón, y papá hizo que nos fuéramos.
"I came to set a man against his father and a daughter against her mother."
"Vine a enfrentar a un hombre contra su padre a una hija contra su madre."
The father laid down on his whole family and ended up saving their lives.
El padre se tumbó encima de toda su familia y acabó salvando sus vidas.
Marcus so badly wants to connect with his father and, you know, with Hugh is all about penguin.
Marcus desea tanto conectar con su padre y ya sabes, con Hugh todo es sobre los pingüinos.
When his father saw this, he immediately was appalled and he turned to his mother accusing her of being intimate with one of the sons of God. According to the story, the father Lamech received advice from his grandfather Enoch that Noah is to be the future of the human race. NARRATOR :
Cuando su padre vio esto, inmediatamente se espantó y acusó a su mujer de haber intimado con uno de los hijos de Dios.
My father raised his voice and they cut off his head.
Mi padre alzó la voz y le cortaron la cabeza.
Instead, Cesare controlled his father, deciding against whom and when to wield the papal army.
Más bien, Cesare controlaba a su padre, decidiendo contra quién y cuando utilizar el ejército pontificio.
and his brother 20
and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his family 18
and his daughter 27
and his friend 20
and his girlfriend 18
and his name 26
and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his family 18
and his daughter 27
and his friend 20
and his girlfriend 18
and his name 26
and his son 20
his father 174
father 10424
fathers 85
father of the year 25
father and son 35
father brown 114
father christmas 18
father jack 19
father beocca 17
his father 174
father 10424
fathers 85
father of the year 25
father and son 35
father brown 114
father christmas 18
father jack 19
father beocca 17
father abbot 27
father quinn 28
father crilly 18
and happy birthday 27
and here 683
and how old are you 36
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and hopefully 74
and here you are 183
father quinn 28
father crilly 18
and happy birthday 27
and here 683
and how old are you 36
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and hopefully 74
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here they are 24
and here it comes 20
and here's the thing 41
and how are you 102
and here they come 18
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here they are 24
and here it comes 20
and here's the thing 41
and how are you 102
and here they come 18
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and him 200
and honey 21
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and here's why 34
and he didn't 42
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and him 200
and honey 21
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and here's why 34
and he didn't 42