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And his mother traduction Espagnol

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Clark lived with Leonard and his mother from 1980 to 1983.
Clark vivió con Leonard y su madre desde 1980 hasta 1983.
I meant he and his mother have a very nice life.
Quiero decir que él y su madre llevan una buena vida.
And his mother.
Y su madre.
The blue paint. And for me, one important protect him and his mother.
Pero ¿ quién es esta cosita tan pequeña?
My mother loved him, and his mother was dead.
Mi madre lo adoró, y su madre estaba muerta.
T-Bo lives across the hall with Freddie and his mother.
T-Bo vive al otro lado del pasillo con Freddie y su madre.
He would have been about this age now if he and his mother hadn't been killed in a car crash.
Tendría mas o menos su edad ahora si él y su madre no se hubieran matado en un accidente de coche.
And his mother?
¿ Y su madre?
And his mother wouldn't let him near her because she's screaming from morning to night!
¡ Gritabas hasta que llegaba la noche!
He's asking me why I left him and his mother when he was a kid!
¡ Solo quiere saber por qué lo abandoné a él y a su madre!
When he reveals this different side of him and his mother, she starts to question, maybe I was sick.
Cuando el revela este lado diferente de el y de su madre, ella comienza a la pregunta, tal vez yo estaba enfermo.
We were supposed to... protect him, but he knew that I... couldn't stand up to his mother, and he knew she was incapable of putting him first.
Se supone que... deberíamos protegerle pero él supo que yo... no pude hacer frente a su madre, y que ella fue incapaz de ponerle en primer lugar.
Brooks killed his own mother and foster brother.
Brooks mató a su propia madre y a su hermano de acogida.
So, we have Leonard, his mother and his foster brother.
Así que tenemos a Leonard, a su madre y a su hermano de acogida.
Leonard brutally murders his mother, Jennifer Brooks, and yet, in 14 years of therapy, he never mentions her once?
Los asesinatos brutales de Leonard, su madre, Jennifer Brooks, y aún así, en 4 años de terapia, ¿ no los mencionó ni una vez?
He married your mother and he spent most of his life with you.
Se casó con tu madre y pasó la mayor parte de su vida contigo.
A kid that was just unlucky enough to have his mother pass away and his father run out on him.
Un chico que tuvo la suficiente mala suerte para que su madre muriera y su padre huyera de él.
I want you to promise me right now that you will find my baby, wherever he is. and you bring him to his mother, and you let me bury my baby boy.
Quiero que me prometas ahora mismo que encontrarás a mi bebé, esté donde esté, y que lo traerás con su madre, y que me dejarás enterrar a mi bebé.
Well, as you know, Pickles has gotten rather adept at being a realtor, and I worry that if he continues to try to get his mother's approval, it could interfere with the future of Dethklok.
Bueno, como sabes, Pickles le está cogiendo el gusto a lo de vender casas, y me preocupa que si sigue intentando obtener la aprobación de su madre, ello se interponga en el futuro de Dethlok.
Reckless-driving citation for his mother from 10 years ago and a dropped drunk-and-disorderly for the father.
Una citación por conducción temeraria de su madre de hace diez años y otra desestimada por alcoholismo y desorden público para el padre.
On his sixth birthday, his mother gave him a postage stamp and a piece of yarn and hugged him for five minutes.
Al cumplir 6 años su madre le regaló un sello y un trocito de hilo y le abrazó durante 5 minutos.
His uncle, whom Bill had not even noticed in the room, looks out the window and talks about Bill's mother.
Su tío, cuya presencia Bill no había notado, mira por la ventana y habla de la madre de Bill.
He's not sure how he found him, maybe he's been followed, but they're talking now and Bill is given an address, an address his mother never wanted him to have, he says.
No sabe cómo lo ha encontrado, puede que le siguiera. Ahora hablan y le da una dirección a Bill. Una dirección que su madre "nunca quiso que tuviera."
The family, needless to say, were a little put out, so, in order to avoid a nasty, ugly confrontation, Sean's mother, for it was she, yanked him out of his private Swiss school and absconded with him to America in one of my father's private jets.
La familia, no es necesario decirlo, somos un poco raros, así que, para evitar una horrible y fea confrontación, la mamá de Sean, porque fue ella, lo arrancó de su escuela privada Suiza y se fugó con él a América
You could, but there's a chance he'll leave to go find his birth mother, and that would leave just you and I.
Podrías, pero él podría irse a buscar a su madre y entonces quedaríamos solo tú y yo.
If his mother were dying of cancer and I saved her, I still wouldn't get his vote.
Aunque su madre estuviera muriendo de cáncer y yo la salvara, seguiría sin conseguir su voto.
In addition to mentioning that I'm gay in his introduction, maybe George should have mentioned that I am Ricky's mom and I'm going to be Amy's mother-in-law, because Amy is not gay.
Además de mencionar que soy gay en su introducción, quizás George debería haber mencionado que soy la madre de Ricky y voy a ser la suegra de Amy, porque Amy no es gay.
Amanda Clarke is embedded in that family, and Daniel Grayson is out to ruin his mother. Better still, he trusts you again.
Amanda Clarke está ahora dentro de la familia, y Daniel Grayson quiere destruir a su mamá y confía en ti.
My mother loves her vacation home, and my father loves his French whores.
Mi madre quiere a su casa de vacaciones y mi padre a sus putas francesas.
And then you went and brought Daniel's ex-fiancee to his mother's wedding.
Y entonces vas y traes a la ex prometida de Daniel a la boda de su madre.
He found escape in a book about a world of fairy tale characters and the one person who could save them... his birth mother, Emma.
Encontró a escapar en un libro sobre un mundo de personajes de cuento de hadas y la única persona que podía salvarlos... su madre biológica, Emma.
Snow had robbed James of his mother's wedding ring, and he was determined to get it back. Oh! Aah!
Snow había robado a James el anillo de boda de su madre, y estaba decidido a recuperarlo. ¿ Es esta la única manera con la que puedes atrapar a una mujer?
He is still not familiar with the palace and he must miss his mother.
El palacio es un lugar extraño para él... y debe extrañar a su madre.
What kind of mother lets her son sit in his own filth for an extra nine minutes and 42 seconds?
¿ Qué clase de madre deja a su hijo sentado sobre sus propios desperdicios por nueve minutos y 42 segundos restantes?
After his Mother passed away... and if he has to hate his Father too... it would be too heartbreaking for Tae Joon.
Luego de fallecer su madre... y además teniendo que odiar a su padre... sería demasiado desgarrador para Tae Joon.
A man doesn't pay a mother to abandon her child and then tell that child his mother is dead.
Un hombre no paga a una madre para que abandone a su hijoi y luego le cuenta a ese niño que su madre está muerta.
We're going for a day, Mom. Alfredo Vergara visit his mother, and come back as soon as possible.
- Estará fuera solo un día, madre.
When his mother and I first got together, it was tough on Kyle.
Cuando su madre y yo estuvimos juntos al principio, fue duro para Kyle.
Now, approximately five hours ago, he shot and killed his mother-in-law, his wife, and two of her co-workers.
Hoy, hace aproximadamente cinco horas, disparó y mató a su suegra, su esposa y dos de sus compañeros de trabajo.
The absolute official version is that his mother intervened in research, preventing Dr. Schneider examination of the death of Don Carlos, back and buried without that we could have the new data.
- Desde que estoy casado ya no trato con doncellas. - ¿ Y si tu mujer se enterase de que tuviste un hijo conmigo? - El único niño que ha nacido en este hotel es el de Alfredo y Sofía, el tuyo está muerto.
Cast out with his mother and brothers, the young Mongol stayed alive by foraging and hunting.
Echa fuera con su madre y hermanos, el joven mongol se mantuvo con vida por forrajeo y la caza.
Mother : And in exchange, you crushed his heart into a million pieces and leapt into bed with the first buffoon to come along.
Y a cambio de eso, tú rompiste su corazón en millones de pedazos y te arrojaste en la cama con el primer bufón que se te cruzó.
Now, Kono checked all the visitor's logs, and other than his mother, the only person who came to see him was Kong Liang.
Ahora, Kono revisó todos los registros de las visitas, y además de su madre, la única persona que fue a verle fue Kong Liang.
Yeah, and when he takes the gun off his back, and he's like, "yippie-ki-yay, mother..."
Sí, y cuando se saca la pistola de la espalda, y dice "yippie-ki-yai, hijo de puta".
But his mother does, and her review is scathing.
- No. Pero su madre sí, y su crítica es mordaz.
His mother and my mother were both mothers.
Su madre y mi madre eran madres las dos.
And I'm his mother.
Y yo soy su madre.
The morning after the cook cut his leg and I didn't understand what he'd done at first, but Mother did, and I had never seen Mother so angry.
La mañana después el cocinero atrapó su primer Dorado, y yo no entendí que había hecho, pero mamá sí, y nunca había visto a mamá tan enojada.
I thought if your very beautiful mother were alive, and if she could somehow see this scene, her son at work and his father a resident at Harbor Street shelter for the homeless.
Pensé si tu hermosa madre estuviera viva, y si de algún modo pudiera ver esta escena, su hijo trabajando y su padre alojándose en el refugio para desamparados.
Unless he was framing his mother for multiple murder and using your range to do it.
A no ser que quisiera endilgarle a su madre un crimen múltiple y usara su campo para hacerlo.
He has large, liquid brown eyes, very beautiful, and he hates anybody who comes near his mother and keeps asking her questions constantly.
Tiene grandes, ojos marrones líquidos, muy bonitos, y odia a todo aquel que se acerque a su madre y sigue haciendo sus preguntas constantemente.

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