Clear off traduction Espagnol
1,033 traduction parallèle
Don't knock his head clear off him because he's gotta talk, and quick
No le golpeen la cabeza, porque tiene que hablar y rápido.
I suddenly pretended I was going to kiss him and sank my teeth into his mustache and bit it clear off.
De pronto fingí que iba a besarlo y le arranqué el bigote de un mordisco.
Why not clear off a space and set up a temporary camp?
¿ Por qué no abrir un claro y establecer un campamento?
- Are you going to clear off?
- ¿ Va usted a irse?
You clear off.
- Go on. "Clear off," I said to that king of theirs.
"¡ Largo!" le dije a ese rey suyo.
Might as well clear off one of my tables.
Igual tengo que despejar una de mis mesas.
" You've got 24 hours to clear off this land.
Tienes 24 horas para largarte de estas tierras.
I'm giving Joe Ross and his friends 10 minutes to clear off this farm.
Le daré a Joe Ross y a tus amigos 10 minutos para salir de la granja.
go to your mummy, clear off... are you trying to fool me then?
- Vete con mamá... Quieren tomarme el pelo, ¿ eh?
Clear off, you!
¡ Vete de aquí!
Oh, clear off home
Oh, vete a casa.
Go on! Clear off!
¡ Basta, deja ya de fastidiar!
Clear off!
¡ Fuera!
Clear off, you little devils!
¡ Apartaos, pequeños diablos!
Clear off, the rest of you. You too, Jacquet.
Largaos todos, menos Guillaume y Raymond.
Clear off, here he comes.
Viene el poli.
Clear off the throne!
¡ Fuera de la sala del trono!
- And clear off this place.
- Y que sea rápido.
I'll clear off.
Me voy.
Now clear off
- Será mejor que te vayas.
Clear off that bed.
¡ Despeje esa cama!
You want to make him marry you on the chance that he'll become fond enough of the child to ensure it's future. Your conscience will be clear and later you can go off on your own.
¿ Quieres que se case contigo con la esperanza de que le coja el suficiente cariño para asegurarle su futuro, tu conciencia estaría tranquila y más tarde los abandonarías?
The man who was with her fell clear, got off easy.
El que iba con ella resultó ileso.
Off and clear.
Cambio y fuera.
Clear the dirty dishes off number three.
Levante la mesa tres.
If it's been layin'out all that time, it'll take a whole year to clear it off.
Tardaríamos un año entero en desbrozarlo.
As long as we've got 200 clear yards of turf, we'll get off somehow.
Mientras tengamos 200 yardas de césped, seguiremos adelante.
One's sure to get clear. Then he helps the other. Get ready to hop off.
Seguro que uno escapará y entonces ayudará al otro.
Wait for three shots, your coast'll be clear and then be off.
Al oír tres disparos tendrás vía libre, y entonces sal.
We trolled for sailfish in the clear green waters off Kingston.
Pescamos en las aguas verdes de Kingston.
King Duncan is my kinsman. He hath borne his faculties so meek, hath been so clear in his great office, that his virtues will plead like angels, trumpet-tongued, against the deep damnation of his taking-off ;
El rey Duncan es mi deudo, y ha sido tan humilde en el poder y tan justo en el gobierno... que sus virtudes clamarían cual ángeles con voces de trompetas contra la abominación de hacerlo desaparecer.
Clear off, all of you.
¿ Quién ha hecho entrar a esta gente?
After I have this cleaned off, I have to clear all those books off the dining room table, bring them here, put them back in the chest, which is where they were in the first place.
Tendré que recoger todo, quitar los libros de la mesa del comedor, traerlos aquí y volverlos a meter en el arcón, donde estaban antes.
Clear all this off the porch before I call the marshal.
Desaloje todo esto del porche antes de que llame al alguacil.
But, we'll have to clear some of the sand before we take off.
Pero, tendremos que apartar parte de la arena antes de despegar.
Clear channel. Please stay off this channel.
Salgan de este canal.
Sell cattle enough now to pay off Old Anaheim, every acre free and clear.
Vende el ganado suficiente para pagar a Anaheim, dejando limpio cada acre.
Now I'm in.. Now I'm in the clear. With heavy dough in my pocket I can pay off that jewelry store and have enough left over to show Vera the biggest time she ever had.
Ahora estoy bien, hay bastante dinero en mi bolsillo para pagar la deuda en... la joyería y para entretener a Vera, una noche estupenda.
Battersea area clear. Off. "
Área de Battersea despejada. "
Now clear off.
Anda, vete.
Ridgefield Tower from Glassjar 1 - 0, clear for take-off?
Torre Hidgefield, aquí Glassjar uno cero. Preparado para despegar.
1 - 0, clear for take-off. Have a good time.
Uno cero, todo listo Páselo bien.
Clear for take-off?
Preparado para despegar.
- We clear off!
¡ Eh!
Clear for take-off.
Pueden despegar.
- You told me to sort it out myself so I did. - Clear off immediately!
Me dijo que me apañara, y me las apaño.
It's the second door on your left off the lounge. Have you got that clear?
Es la segunda puerta a su izquierda pasando el vestíbulo. ¿ Entendió?
Fitz, you take Mr. Jorgy upstairs and try on a suit of clothes. And meanwhile, I'll clear everything off here.
AcompáñaIe arriba y búscale un traje,... mientras recojo todo esto.
As of five minutes ago, Every radio and television broadcasts has went off the air to ensure clear reception.
Hace 5 minutos, todos los programas de radio y televisión fueron interrumpidos para que la recepción sea clara.
- All clear. The boat's laying off stern for us.
- El bote nos está esperando a popa.
off we go 156
office 169
offer 51
officer 2766
offensive 29
official 47
offense 31
offspring 19
officers 467
offended 16
office 169
offer 51
officer 2766
offensive 29
official 47
offense 31
offspring 19
officers 467
offended 16
offred 44
officially 347
offices 24
offs 170
offside 18
off the top of my head 48
officer down 213
off the grid 28
off you go 630
off with his head 28
officially 347
offices 24
offs 170
offside 18
off the top of my head 48
officer down 213
off the grid 28
off you go 630
off with his head 28