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Not to him traduction Espagnol

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I'm not gonna just wait for him to attack.
No me va a esperar por él para atacar.
Not if Wells can figure out a way to track him.
No si Wells puede encontrar una manera de seguirle la pista.
And it was him or you. And I was not going to lose you.
Y yo no iba a perderte.
He's not in the system at all, so I'm thinking it's got to be an alias. But Avery has met this guy at the hotel two Wednesdays in a row, and she was supposed to meet him there yesterday.
No está en el sistema, así que estoy pensando que puede ser un alias, pero Avery se estuvo encontrando en el hotel con este tipo dos miércoles seguidos y se suponía que se reuniría allí con él ayer.
Relax. I'm not going to say anything to him.
Relájate, no voy a decirle nada a él.
I try not to look at him.
Trato de no mirarlo.
I thought it might lead to some discipline, make a man of him, with Daddy not being there.
Pensé que podría darle lugar a cierta disciplina, hacer un hombre de él, sin papito estando allí.
I need you to tell me how he actually is, not how we want him to be.
Necesito que me digas cómo está de verdad, no cómo queremos que esté.
No, not until you tell me what you said to him.
No, no hasta que me cuentes qué le has dicho.
To him, she was perfect and he could not imagine himself with anyone else.
Para el, ella era perfecta... Y el no podia imaginarse con nadie mas
But even looking good, I have not found it correctly. To explain to him that his mother had abandoned him.
Pero aún esforzándome, no encontré una manera de decirle que su madre la había abandonado.
This is the first time I will not put him to sleep.
Es la primera vez que no la duermo.
You will wait four hours on a stretcher in the Emergency, interning they will not know what to do with him because he is disoriented, because at 92, sick, always she disoriented.
Va a esperar 4 horas en una camilla en la Urgencia, lo van a internar sin saber qué hacer con él porque está desorientado, porque a los 92 años, enfermo, siempre se está desorientado.
My goal is to run with the president, not against him.
Mi candidatura es con el presidente, no contra él.
The Great Kublai Khan does not come to us, or so much as invite us to him.
El Gran Kublai Kan no viene a visitarnos, ni siquiera nos invita a visitarlo.
Well, then we need to convince him that this is the only way, before he decides not to do it, right?
Bueno, entonces tenemos que convencerle de que es la única manera antes de que decida no hacerlo, ¿ no?
I just have to figure out a way to not tell Dante why this psychopath looks exactly like him.
Solo tengo que encontrar una forma de no contarle a Dante por qué ese psicópata es clavado a él.
Yeah, I can understand him not wanting you to do it.
Sí, puedo entender por qué no quiere que lo hagas.
This is not gonna help, but I was this close to making a $ 1,000 sale, and then I opened my big, fat mouth and talked him into spending $ 2,000.
Esto no ayudará, pero estaba así de cerca de hacer una venta de mil dólares, y luego abrí mi gran bocota y lo convencí de gastar dos mil.
It's not enough to win the nomination, but for him to win, President Underwood, he still needs these superdelegates.
No basta para la nominación, pero para ganarla, el presidente necesita estos superdelegados.
You know, people used to look at him and not look at the principal.
La gente Io miraba a él y no al bailarín principal.
I'm not sure how you found out about Zolotov's peace mission, but once you thought it would derail your ambitions, you arranged to have him murdered.
No estoy seguro de cómo se enteró acerca de la misión de paz de Zolotov, pero una vez que pensaste sería descarrilar sus ambiciones, le solicitamos que lo asesinó.
- Hmm. - I begged him not to do it.
Le supliqué que no lo hiciera.
You know, I-if I'd known he was gonna get murdered, I would've told him not to go.
Saben, si hubiera sabido que iba a ser asesinado, le hubiera dicho que no fuera.
Obviously, I was trying to shoot him in the chesticles, not in the family jewels.
Obviamente, intentaba darle en los pectorales, no en las joyas de la corona.
And can you ask Daniel not to be... weird with him?
Y se puede pedir Daniel no sea... raro con él?
- I don't want him not to be here, even if he is a pig.
- Yo no quiero que él no esté aquí, incluso si él es un cerdo.
What if Peter was lured to the church not to plan a wedding but to kill him there?
¿ Y si Pedro fue atraído a la iglesia no para planificar una boda, sino para matarlo allí?
As I recall, you warned him not to go down to the beach.
Por lo que recuerdo, se le advirtió que no bajar a la playa.
- I could see him moving out of that house and living in a motel, not seeing Matthew because who wants to visit their dad in a motel?
Stan, pude ver cómo se marchaba de esa casa para irse a vivir a un motel, sin ver a Matthew, ¿ porque quién quiere visitar a su padre en un motel?
But if he ditches that car, not only will it make it harder for us to track him down, it will force him to alter his M.O. even further.
Pero si se deshace del coche, no solo nos dificultará el localizarle, sino que le obligará a alterar aun más su modus operandi.
For being the wrong Shepherd... Just enough to remind you of what's missing, but not enough to bring him back.
Por ser el Shepherd equivocado, lo suficiente para recordarte lo que falta, pero no lo suficiente para que vuelva.
Why not invite him to join your book club?
¿ Por qué no le invitaste a unirse a tu club de lectura?
She's not sticking me someplace to rot where she stuck him.
No va a dejarme en algún sitio como lo dejó a él.
Martin was crying like a little bitch about Fillory not wanting him anymore, and Jane said hang tight and she'll find some way that Martin can go back to Fillory anytime he wanted.
Martin estaba llorando como una perra sobre Fillory no le querer más, y Jane dijo colgar apretado y que va a encontrar alguna manera Martin que puede volver a Fillory cuando quisiera.
Told him not to do that.
le dijo que no lo hiciera.
You would not wish him to think us parochial!
¡ No querrá que él piense que somos provincianos!
I ordered you to scare him, not assassinate him!
Te ordené que le asustaseis, ¡ no que lo mataseis!
My dad's not feeling very well, so she's gonna take him to the doctor.
Mi padre no se siente muy bien, así que ella va a llevarlo al médico.
You did not cause him to...
No fuiste tú quien causó...
Listen to me, I will back up any story you want, but not if you kill him.
Eres tú para siempre. Escúchame, respaldaré cualquier historia que quieras, pero no si lo matas.
Um, she is not afraid to tell him to go fuck himself.
Ella no tiene temor de mandarlo al diablo.
Why you giving it to me, not him?
¿ Por qué me lo das a mí y no a él?
If Black Claw brought him to Portland, it's not for a vacation.
Si Negro Garra lo llevó a Portland, que no es para unas vacaciones.
When people commit suicide unexpectedly it's natural to want to make sense of their actions but you're also trying to work out your place in that story so maybe what you're struggling with is is about you, not him.
Cuando la gente se suicida inesperadamente, Es natural querer tener sentido de sus acciones, Pero también está tratando de resolver su lugar en esa historia,
We are not leaving this apartment until we find a way to kill him once and for all.
No dejaremos este apartamento hasta que encontremos una forma de matarlo de una vez por todas.
I even lied to him about this dress but I don't think he's ever told a single lie to me, not once, about anything.
Incluso le mentí sobre este vestido pero no creo que él haya dicho nunca una sola mentira, ni una, sobre nada.
- Well, I did sabotage him, so that he could not get a job or a decent place to live.
- Bueno, yo le hice el sabotaje, Lo que no podía conseguir un trabajo o un lugar decente para vivir.
I had to cosign on an apartment for him, but at a nice place, uh, and it's far away from here, and it's-it's not our house.
Tuve que sirva de fiador en un apartamento para él, Pero a un lugar agradable, uh, y está muy lejos de aquí, Y está-no es nuestra casa.
I am going to meet him, and I'm not going to spare him.
Lo voy a encontrar y no voy a perdonarlo
You're not going to fight him alone.
No lucharás solo contra él.

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