Not with her traduction Espagnol
4,971 traduction parallèle
I mean, even if it's not with her...
Oye, aunque no sea con ella...
He's not with her.
Él no está con ella
See her, love her, but you'll never get her, not even with all that black money you've got tucked away in your bank vaults.
Mírala, ámala, pero nunca la tendrás ni siquiera con todo el dinero negro que escondes en tu banco.
I'm not feelin'it with her.
Yo no soy feelin'con ella.
Do you not want her with us?
No la quieres con nosotros?
I'm not in love with her.
No estoy enamorado de ella.
Love her all you want but apos ; not fuck with that.
Amo a Carrie, pero no la jodas con eso.
I just want to assure you that I do not wish to do anything physical with or to her.
sólo quiero le aseguro que yo no no quiero hacer nada física con o para ella.
I'm not asking you to have sex with her.
No estoy pidiendo que tengas relaciones sexuales con ella.
Now, listen, I'm going to tell her what's wrong with her, but I'm not going to tell it out loud because it's confidential.
Escuchen. Ahora voy a decirle a ella qué es lo que tiene mal, pero no voy a decirlo en voz alta porque es confidencial.
There is no evidence to indicate whether this visit had been pre-arranged with her or not.
No hay evidencia que indique si esta visita fue acordada con ella o no.
Of course, I could not share with her what I did.
Por supuesto, no podía contarle lo que había hecho.
I am outside, side by side with her, helping her with the responsibilities, and eoerything, sharing with her, and now here I am, for the first time, in a place that I hoped that she does not eoen think that I was there.
Y ahora estoy aquí, por vez primera, en un lugar en el que esperaba que mi madre no pensase que yo pudiera estar.
No porque sea fácil, es que coger con ella es diferente a coger contigo.
No. No es por lo que quiere ir con ella.
Everything affects our thinking and liking whether you are going to put up with the person or not, if your, if her food habits are different.
No cabe ninguna duda. Todo afecta nuestra forma de pensar y nuestros gustos si te vas a llevar bien con la persona o no si sus hábitos alimenticios son diferentes.
I don't know how I could handle, like, not being friends with her, that's the toughest part for me.
No sé cómo lidiar con no ser su amigo. Es la parte más difícil para mí.
I really think I could, I could, I could, not be with her and be okay.
Realmente creo que podría no estar con ella y estar bien.
Are you cool with her just not being Indian?
¿ Estás bien con que no sea hindú?
But going back, there's no way you can tell me that Molly is not going away with another man, especially when her grandmother specifically said she was not going out of town.
Pero volviendo, No hay manera USTED PUEDE DECIR QUE ME Molly no va a desaparecer Con otro hombre, ESPECIALMENTE
Taking her for dead, not wanting to deal with the cops,
Tomándola por muerta, sin querer hacer frente a la policía,
I've definitely been with her, but not exclusive, you know.
Definitivamente he estado con ella, pero no es exclusivo, sabes.
I did not know what was going on with her.
No sabía lo que estaba pasando con ella.
I do not know why you are concerned with her.
No sé por qué usted se refiere a ella.
I'm not hanging out with her.
No estoy saliendo con ella.
I'm not familiar with her work.
No estoy familiarizado con su trabajo.
And I was wondering if you could get me a meeting with Professor Weldon, cos I'd rather not just show up at her door.
Y me preguntaba si podrías conseguirme una reunión con el profesor Weldon, porque yo prefiero no sólo presento en su puerta.
And she started telling me that her security post was the perfect setting for a movie, but she couldn't write because, as she put it, "Either you're born with it or you're not".
Y ella me empezó a decirle que su puesto de seguridad fue el escenario perfecto para una película, pero no podía escribir porque, según sus propias palabras : "O lo que se nace con ella o si no está".
I do not want to sleep with that girl, whatever her name is.
Yo no quiero acostarme con esa chica, se llame como se llame.
'Cause it's not like you've been honest with her, is it?
Porque no suena que hayas sido honesto con ella ¿ o sí?
By the time her lawyer's done with me, I might not even have the one ball left.
Cuando su abogado acabe conmigo, podría ser que no me dejara ni el huevo que me queda.
He didn't want Brenner to lie with her... not only on the wedding night, but until she fell pregnant... as he had done with every woman in the valley.
No quería que Brenner se acostara con ella. No sólo en la noche de bodas. Sino hasta que pareciera embarazada...
Ann collects too, only with her it's not books, it's people.
Ann también colecciona. solo que no libros sino gente.
He might not have known her, but... this idea goes way back with him.
Puede que él no la conociera, pero... esta idea la llevaba tramando desde hace tiempo.
- I'm not still in love with her.
- No estoy todavía enamorado de ella.
- I'm not still in love with her, Sarah.
- No estoy todavía enamorado de ella, Sarah.
But the most troubling part of the Crown's case is that Dianne Vasilich is a woman with absolutely no history of criminality or violence, whose only argument with her supposed victim was that he may not have investigated her daughter's murder
Pero la parte más inquietante del caso de la fiscalía es que Dianne Vasilich es una mujer sin ningún historial de violencia ni criminalidad en absoluto, cuyo único motivo contra su supuesta víctima era que podría no haber investigado el asesinato de su hija
He's not supposed to fall in love with her.
No debía enamorarse de ella.
I can't have her nasty, Kev-mama baby staring up at me, not with my own Kev baby on my hip.
No puedo tenerla desagradable, bebé Kev-mama mirándome, no con mi propio bebé Kev en mi cadera.
- We can't take her with us, not down there.
No podemos llevarla con nosotros, no para alla abajo.
Shut your mouth and pour us more ale and we may not take her with us when we're done with her.
Callaos y servidnos más cerveza. y a lo mejor no nos la llevamos cuando hayamos acabado con ella.
Yet she does not seem in touch with her actual emotions.
Y aun así no parece estar en contacto con sus verdaderas emociones.
- Was she with her nanny? - No, she was not with the nanny she was... she was dragged away by kids, she was dragged away by little kids.
- No, ella no estaba con la niñera que estaba... se la llevaban por los niños, se la llevaban por niños pequeños.
Well, Your Honor, we feel that the child's environment is not conducive to her growing up with a strong sense of self-esteem.
Su Señoría, pensamos que el entorno de la niña no es propicio para que crezca con un fuerte sentido del autoestima.
As long as it's not weird for you... I don't want you to feel like because you were with Inez and you guys were sleeping together and I was with her and we had this...
No quiero que te sientas como porque estabas con Inez y ustedes estaban juntos y yo estaba con ella y tuvimos este...
Dalia's gonna spend a little quality time with her mommy whether she likes it or not.
Dalia pasará un poco de tiempo de calidad con su mami... sea que le guste o no.
She... she was not well and it took her a long time to even get onto the stage and she walked up to the front of the stage and held her sort of fists by the sides and stared at the audience with this expression of loathing on her face,
Ella... no estaba bien y le llevó bastante tiempo llegar hasta el escenario Y caminó hasta el frente del escenario... y puso los brazos en jarra... y miró al público con una expresión de desprecio en su rostro...
You could be on that plane with her or not.
Puedes ir con ella o no.
If I had the chance, I would not have sex with her again.
Si tuviera la oportunidad, no me acostaría con ella otra vez.
- To attack her with acid... To obliterate her beauty, to disfigure her... This is not the act of one man seeking vengeance for his son's death, but a pack of vandals I know all too well.
- Atacarla con ácido... para destruir su belleza, para desfigurarla... ese no es el acto de un hombre buscando venganza por la muerte de su hijo, sino un grupo de vándalos que conozco demasiado bien.
'Cause the trick is if you just keep talking about how he makes her feel, how his presence makes her feel and his touch makes her feel, then you can get away with them not really doing much for a really long time.
El truco es si sólo hablas sobre cómo le haces sentir, cómo le hace sentir su presencia y... entonces tú podrás alejarte con ellos sin hacer mucho, por mucho tiempo.
not without you 77
not without a fight 24
not without a warrant 22
not with me 172
not with 22
not with you 126
not with that attitude 26
not without me 32
not with us 23
not with this 33
not without a fight 24
not without a warrant 22
not with me 172
not with 22
not with you 126
not with that attitude 26
not without me 32
not with us 23
not with this 33
not without help 16
not with him 33
with her 211
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hermes 98
here we go 9033
hernandez 57
hermano 85
heroes 83
here you go 5858
not with him 33
with her 211
here 35434
hermes 98
here we go 9033
hernandez 57
hermano 85
heroes 83
here you go 5858
hercules 220
herbert 132
hertz 45
herring 17
here we go again 374
heroic 33
here comes the sun 21
here goes nothing 99
here comes the bride 39
hermann 78
herbert 132
hertz 45
herring 17
here we go again 374
heroic 33
here comes the sun 21
here goes nothing 99
here comes the bride 39
hermann 78