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Because Father is not with us?
Porque papá no está con nosotras.
It won't be, Dollie. Not with you helping me.
No lo será, Dollie, no contigo ayudándome.
Just not with you.
Pero no contigo.
I was not with Donovan when he was up in the office, though.
Pero yo no estaba con Donovan cuando subió a la oficina.
If you've found a woman who will abide with your peculiarities, well, miracles should not be sniffed at.
Si encuentras a una mujer que respete tus peculiaridades, pues, los milagros no deben ignorarse.
In this class we will deal only with what has been proven. The existence of molecules has not.
En esta clase veremos solamente lo que ha sido probado, la existencia de moléculas no lo ha sido.
Not all of it to do with science.
No toda tenía que ver con la ciencia.
With respect, Doctor, I'd rather not be analyzed.
Con respeto, doctor, pero no quiero ser analizado.
You're not satisfied with it?
¿ Y no te satisface?
Um, then I guess we're not gonna help you with your drug charges after all.
Entonces supongo que no vamos a ayudarte con los cargos por droga después de todo.
Scott's not here yet, but he did send a list of people he wants to talk to, starting with Officer Reyes.
Scott todavía no llegó, pero envió una lista de personas con las que quiere conversar, comenzando con el oficial Reyes.
No, I'm just saying it's not the honeymoon. With which a girlfriend dreams.
No, simplemente digo que no es la luna de miel con la que sueña una novia.
The price we pay for being married to men With bright minds, do not you think?
El precio que pagamos por estar casadas con hombres con mentes brillantes, ¿ no lo crees?
You are sullen and sharp with me for reasons Which I can not understand.
Eres hosca y cortante conmigo por razones que yo no logro entender.
I had a date with Professor Einstein In college, but unfortunately, he did not arrive.
Tenía una cita con el profesor Einstein en la universidad, pero desafortunadamente, él no llegó.
- I moved here with you, did not I?
- Me mudé aquí contigo, ¿ o no?
I'm afraid he will not be able to meet with you.
Me temo que no podrá reunirse con usted.
Would not you mind coming with me?
¿ No le importaría acompañarme?
B : You will give up personal relations with me to the extent In which they are not necessary for social reasons.
Renunciarás a las relaciones personales conmigo en la medida en que no sean necesarias por razones sociales.
Would it be worse than growing up with two people who can not stand Be in the same room as the other?
¿ Sería peor que crecer con dos personas que no pueden soportar estar en la misma habitación que la otra?
I'm not an A student of physics or anything, but I'm familiar with the theory,
No soy un experto en Física, pero conozca la teoría que dice :
Fairly unbearable, just not knowing what to do with yourself.
Es insoportable no saber qué hacer contigo misma.
We're not really sure what to do with this.
No estamos muy seguras de qué hacer con esto.
No. It's just that with my case still pending, of course, I want to make sure he's not involved in something that could touch us, that's all.
No, pero con mi caso aún pendiente, no quiero que esté metido en algo que nos perjudique.
I'm not okay with this, Alex. We just need to be quiet, or they'll...
No me parece bien, Alex, pero o nos callamos o...
It's not like I'm busy with any important riot duties.
No es que esté liada con temas importantes de motines.
Not to mention his work with collage.
Sin mencionar su obra en collage.
Look, I'm not gonna disrespect Poussey with some 2,000 Leagues Under the Vajayjay shit.
No voy a faltarle el respeto a Poussey con esta parodia de Dos mil leguas de viaje vaginal.
The governor is not comfortable with me continuing under these circumstances.
El gobernador no está cómodo con que continúe aquí.
I'm not good with metaphors, but I do know one thing.
No soy buena con las metáforas, pero hay algo que sí sé.
No, I'm... I'm not okay with this.
- No, no me parece bien.
I guess not all lesbians are good with their tongue, huh?
Supongo que no todas las lesbianas son buenas con la lengua.
I mean, it's not like I've been lied to, led on, or happen to be sleeping with the enemy.
Es decir, no es que me hayan mentido, engañado, o que haya dormido con el enemigo.
You know, I... I think not sleeping or eating while also being, you know, kidnapped and tortured might have just something to do with it.
Creo que no dormir ni comer, además de ser secuestradas y torturadas, tuvo algo que ver.
If we're not gonna torture Piscatella, what the hell are we gonna do with him?
Si no vamos a torturar a Piscatella, ¿ qué haremos?
Take those cute photos of him with a big bowl of spaghetti, with a meatball on top of his head and... and... Now his father's not gonna be there to do those things, either.
Tomarle esas fotos adorables con un gran bol de espagueti con una albóndiga en la cabeza y ahora su padre tampoco estará para hacer esas cosas.
We have to make a plan for the day we close the doors, drill for it, make sure only the survivors have guns, agree on protocols for dealing with the people who are pissed off they're not chosen.
Tenemos que hacer un plan para el día que cerremos las puertas, entrenar para ello, asegurarnos de que solo los supervivientes tienen armas, acordar protocolos para tratar con la gente que esté enfadada por no ser elegida.
James... Um, now I don't wish to be rude, but you strike me as someone not entirely very successful with the ladies.
James, no deseo ser grosera, pero me da la impresión de que eres alguien no muy exitoso con las damas.
I persuaded Mildred not to go through with it... in case we ended up back inside.
Persuadí a Mildred de no hacerlo por si terminábamos de nuevo presas.
What we are left with is too many mouths to feed and not enough food.
Lo que nos queda son demasiadas bocas que alimentar y no suficiente comida.
It's not that I don't sympathize with your mission, sir.
No es que yo no simpatice con su misión, señor.
I will not stand for it! Why would he assume that you had anything to do with that lecture series?
¿ Por qué iba él a suponer que tenías algo que ver con esa serie de conferencias?
He will not be able to do so with this model.
No podrá hacerlo con este modelo.
But I do not believe God plays dice with the universe.
Pero yo no creo que Dios juegue a los dados con el universo.
And I also understand how painful it can be when the myth does not quite fit with the reality.
Y también entiendo lo doloroso que puede ser cuando el mito no encaja con la realidad.
About how there are... shiny people who have everything, and then there are people like us who have to go to parties with those people and watch them get their pictures taken, and it's not fair.
De cómo hay gente que lo tiene todo y gente como nosotros que van a fiestas con esas personas y ven cómo les toman fotografías, y no es justo.
I warned Albert not to get involved with the Zionists, and now it's the only place on God's earth I seem to be welcome.
Advertí a Albert que no se involucrara con los sionistas, y ahora es el único lugar sobre la tierra en el que parece que soy bien recibido.
Which reminds me, you promised you'd help me prepare for my citizenship test, not to distract me with baseball.
Lo que me recuerda, que prometiste ayudarme con el test de ciudadanía, no a distraerme con el béisbol.
It was steep, too, with the pandering and endangering a minor, not once, but five times.
Que era alta, por poner en peligro y prostituir a una menor, no una, sino cinco veces.
So if you think... that you can talk us out of getting what we want with your pretty little words... then you have not yet understood the purpose of this tour.
Así que si cree que puede disuadirnos de obtener lo que deseamos con sus palabritas elegantes, entonces no comprendió aún el propósito de esta visita.
You don't have your finger on the pulse, you're not gonna connect with the 18 to 29s who are gonna swing the election.
Si no, no podrá conectarse con la gente de 18 a 29 años, quienes decidirán la votación.
not without you 77
not without a fight 24
not without a warrant 22
not with me 172
not with you 126
not with that attitude 26
not without me 32
not with us 23
not with this 33
not without help 16
not without a fight 24
not without a warrant 22
not with me 172
not with you 126
not with that attitude 26
not without me 32
not with us 23
not with this 33
not without help 16
not with him 33
not with her 35
with 1352
without 110
within 177
withdraw 82
with you 1138
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
not with her 35
with 1352
without 110
within 177
withdraw 82
with you 1138
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
with all my heart 134
with your family 23
with men 23
with your permission 239
with your mother 23
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with this ring 42
with your 48
with your dad 25
with your family 23
with men 23
with your permission 239
with your mother 23
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with this ring 42
with your 48
with your dad 25
with pleasure 453
with her 211
with your father 34
with whom 203
with that in mind 45
with good reason 53
without me 305
with us 243
with your life 24
with your hands 23
with her 211
with your father 34
with whom 203
with that in mind 45
with good reason 53
without me 305
with us 243
with your life 24
with your hands 23