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We were friends traduction Espagnol

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- I thought we were friends.
- Pensé que éramos amigos.
I thought we were friends!
¡ Pensé que éramos amigos!
I never said we were friends.
Nunca dije que fuéramos amigos.
We were friends for 20 years, guy.
Fuimos amigos durante 20 años, tipo.
We were friends until you banged my mother!
Fuimos amigos hasta que golpeó mi madre!
I thought we were friends.
Pensé que éramos amigos.
I thought we were friends.
Creí que éramos amigos.
Thought that we were friends.
Creí que éramos amigas.
We were friends.
En nuestra amistad.
We were friends.
Éramos amigos.
We were friends as well.
Éramos amigos también.
- ♪ we were friends ♪ - ♪ we were friends ♪
- # Éramos amigos # - # Éramos amigos #
We were friends then.
Nosotros éramos amigos entonces.
We said that we were friends, remember?
Digimos que éramos amigos, ¿ recuerdas?
We were lovers, we were friends we were performers all at once. And our love was always on top of it.
Eramos amantes, amigos, performers, todo junto, y nuestro amor estaba encima de todo.
We were friends!
¡ Éramos amigos!
And I thought we were friends.
Y creí que éramos amigos.
Look, Josh, we were friends a lot longer than we were engaged.
Mira, Josh, hemos sido amigos más tiempo del que estuvimos comprometidos.
We were told she was the orphaned child of friends.
Se nos dijo que era la niña huérfana de unos amigos.
We were told she was the orphaned child of friends but no friends anyone had ever heard of.
Nos dijeron que la niña era hija de unos amigos. Nadie conocía a esos amigos.
Best of friends as ever we were.
Siempre seremos grandes amigos.
I can't believe that he said that we were just friends.
No puedo creer que dijera que sólo éramos amigos.
If we were being honest like you're being, we wouldn't have any friends.
Si nosotros fuéramos honestos como lo estás siendo, no tendríamos amigos.
I thought we were best friends.
Creí que éramos mejores amigos.
We were best friends.
Éramos mejores amigos.
I knew that we were now not just fifth cousins, but very good friends.
Sabía que ahora no éramos solo primos quintos, sino muy buenos amigos.
And like that, we felt America and England were back on the road to being very good friends.
Y de esa forma, sentimos que Estados Unidos e Inglaterra podían volver a ser muy buenos amigos.
I thought we were all supposed to be friends now.
Creía que ahora éramos todos somos amigos.
We've been best friends since we were little kids, and now I'm lyin'to him and he knows it.
Desde el inicio, somos los mejores amigos. Si le miento, él lo sabe.
Marty, I was thinking we could make this campaign a little more civil if there were some way that you and I could become friends.
Marty, yo estaba pensando que podíamos que esta campaña sea un poco más civilizada Si hubiera alguna manera de que tú y yo podríamos llegar a ser amigos.
Some of you have known my best friends and I since we were delinquent altar boys in grade school.
Algunos de ustedes conocen a mis mejores amigos y a mí desde que éramos monaguillos delincuentes.
Y... we were best friends and... Lovers... but... else felt like my younger brother.
Y... éramos mejores amigos y amantes, pero... más lo sentía como mi hermano menor.
Just remember, we were childhood friends, me, him and Toti.
Recuerda que fuimos amigos de niños, él, Toti y yo.
Because we were in Napa at the best party ever, and now I'm really, really, really good friends with a French olympic ice dancer.
Porque estuvimos en Napa en la mejor fiesta de la historia, y ahora soy muy, muy amigo de una patinadora sobre hielo olímpica francesa.
Me and your mom, we were best friends.
Tu madre y yo éramos las mejores amigas.
We've been friends since we were little girls, Becky.
Somos amigas desde niñas, Becky.
We were just friends.
Solo amigos.
We were good friends.
Éramos buenos amigos.
We've been friends since we were three.
Somos amigas desde que teníamos tres años.
But we were best friends forever and we finally found each other. He's great.
Pero éramos los mejores amigos y finalmente nos encontramos el uno al otro.
We were real good friends.
Éramos muy buenos amigos.
And then he found out we were old friends, and he wanted a piece of Arctic Air, and he knew you wouldn't sell to him, so...
Y entonces descubrió que Somos viejos amigos, y él quería un pedazo de aire Ártico, y él sabía No vendes a él, así que...
We were best friends before she fell in with Valerie's crowd.
Eramos mejores amigas antes de que ella se relacionara con la gente de Valerie.
I wouldn't mind if we were still friends, Stephanie.
Me gustaría seguir siendo amigas, Stephanie.
So we really were meant to be friends.
Entonces realmente estamos destinados a ser amigos.
We were just friends.
Éramos solo amigos.
We were great friends, right? And that was...
Éramos grandes amigos, ¿ cierto?
I... I can't sit there with Sam and Cat's parents, pretending like we were just good friends, and no-one knowing what we actually meant to each other.
Yo... no puedo sentarme ahí con los padres de Cat y Sam, fingiendo que solo éramos buenas amigas, y sin que nadie sepa lo que realmente significábamos la una para la otra.
Okay? We were best friends and you testified against me.
Éramos mejores amigos, y declaraste en mi contra.
Siobhan and John Delario were friends, but when we met, he introduced himself to me.
Siobhan y John Delario eran amigos, pero cuando nos encontramos, se presentó.

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