We were married traduction Espagnol
2,137 traduction parallèle
We were married a year later.
Nos casamos al año siguiente.
No. We were married 19 years before his accident.
No estuvimos casados 19 años antes de su accidente.
We were married, wayne.
Estábamos casados, Wayne.
I'm talking about all those men I was with while we were married.
Hablo de todos los hombres con quienes estuve mientras estuvimos casados.
Back when we were married and Joy rode on top of me while I was passed out... the only thing at risk was an unwanted pregnancy.
De casados, cuando Joy se me subía mientras yo estaba inconsciente... lo único en riesgo era un embarazo no deseado.
Chair model lady * * i dreamt that we were married * * and you treated me nice * * we had lots of kids * * drinkin'whiskey and rye * * but why'd you have to * * go off and die?
* Miss Modelo de Silla * * Nos hubiéramos casado * * si me hubieras tratado bien * * tendríamos un montón de hijos * * bebiendo whisky y centeno * * Por que tuviste que irte * * y morir... *
We were married seven years, but I ran to the other women.
Aunque no parecía ser hombre de familia y con el tiempo éramos como extraños
When we were married, I was horrible.
Cuando nos casamos, yo era horrible.
Did you know that I can count on one hand the number of days we've spent apart since we were married?
¿ Sabes que puedo contar con lo dedos de una mano el número de días que hemos estado separados desde que nos casamos?
She didn't know me when we were married, and she sure as hell doesn't know me 40 years later.
No me conocía cuando estábamos casados, y con toda seguridad no me conoce 40 años después.
We were married for six years and suddenly I didn't know him anymore.
Llevábamos 6 años de casados y de pronto era irreconocible.
Come on, we were married when they got your dad.
Vamos, cuando estabamos casados, cuando cogieron a tu padre.
It wasn't long after we were married that Victor went back to Czechoslovakia.
No fue mucho después de que nos casamos que Victor regresó a Checoslovaquia.
I hardly saw you that much when we were married.
Difícilmente te veía tanto cuando estábamos casados.
We were married.
Nosotros estábamos casados.
We were married for ten years, he's a son of a bitch. Run those numbers.
Estuvimos casados por diez años, es un hijo de perra cuenta los números.
You weren't FSB when we were married.
Tú no eras del FSB cuando estábamos casados.
I wasn't shy before we were married.
No era tímida antes de casarnos.
If we were married, how would we be?
- Si estuvieramos casados, como sería?
It happened five years ago, before we were married.
Sucedió hace cinco años, antes de que nos casáramos.
I moved here after we were married.
Me mudé aquí después de casarnos.
We were never actually married, you know.
En realidad nunca estuvimos casados.
Remember that casino night about a month before we were supposed to get married?
Te acuerdas de la noche de casino? Como un mes antes de cuando se supone que nos casaríamos?
We--We Got Married There 15 Years Ago, And We Were Gonna Renew Our Vows. Hey.
Nos... nos casamos allí hace 15 años, e íbamos a renovar nuestros votos.
Oh, no.Look, baby, I overreacted.It was just... you know, we were getting married, and my mother, the woman who bore me, took a day of from the bottling factory and took the bus downtown
Ah, no. Mira, cariño, exagere. Solo fue... tú sabes, recién nos casamos, y mi madre, la mujer que me dio vida, se tomo un día de la fabrica de embotellamiento y tomo un ómnibus al centro y cavó profundo en su corazón y en su cuenta bancaria y nos compro esto.
If we were living back there, she'd probably be married to that idiot and pregnant.
Si viviéramos donde antes... probablemente se habría casado con aquel idiota, y embarazada.
So the other night Big and I were talking about you know, moving in together and our future and, you know, what makes sense as we move forward and well we decided to get married.
Así que la otra noche Big y yo estábamos hablando de ya saben, mudarnos y vivir juntos, y nuestro futuro y los siguientes pasos lógicos a dar y pues decidimos casarnos.
I thought that, in true Walker style, that I would share with all of you a secret. This isn't the first time that Kevin's been married. See, when we were kids, we used to play "wedding,"
He pensado que compartiría un secreto con ustedes al estilo "Sinceridad Walker", no es la primera vez que Kevin se casa, verán, cuando éramos niños, jugábamos a casarnos, la oficiaba el Sr. Oso,
My mother found out we were already married, but i said "no, we're getting married."
Mi madre se ha enterado que ya me había casado, pero le he dicho "No, nos vamos a casar"
Hey, Joy, when we were first married... was there stuff about each other that we, uh, had trouble gettin'used to?
Oye, Joy, cuando estábamos recién casados... ¿ tuvimos problemas para acostumbrarnos el uno al otro?
We were much together, then we went to get married.
Tenía una hija pequeña, Reyna y luego tuvimos a Amir
I thought we were gonna get married.
Pensé que íbamos a casarnos.
We were engaged. we were gonna get married, and then- - and then I got a promotion, and--and you gave me a bottle of booze and then walked off into the night.
Estuvimos ocmprometido, íbamos a casarnos, y luego... y luego tuve un ascenso y... y me diste una botella de alcohol y luego caminamos en la noche.
My moms are getting married this Sunday, and we were hoping that you would conduct the ceremony.
Mi madre se casa este domingo. Y deseábamos que hicieras la ceremonia.
After Ruchita's death, my dad married my mom.. .. and we two gems were born. I and Danny.
mi padre se casó con mi madre y tuvo dos gemas.
We were supposed to be married four months ago.
Se supone que debíamos casarnos hace cuatro meses.
Catherine and I were in love when we got married, but today we're two very different people, all right?
Catherine y yo estábamos enamorados cuando nos casamos. Pero hoy somos personas diferentes, ¿ no?
Rogelio, why didn't you tell me before we slept together you were once married to my mother!
Rogelio, ¿ por qué no me dijiste antes de que nos acostáramos que estuviste casado con mi madre?
When we were preparing for our wedding, the Trablus War began and we said let the war finish and then we will get married and Suleyman went off to war.
Cuando nos preparábamos para la boda, la Guerra de Trablus comenzó... y dijimos que una vez que la guerra terminara, nos casaríamos... y Suleyman se fue a la guerra.
We were planning to get married in the autumn.
Planeamos casarnos en el otoño.
In fact, we decided we couldn't live without each other and we were to be married.
De hecho, decidimos que no podíamos vivir el uno sin el otro e íbamos a casarnos.
We decided we couldn't live without each other and we were to be married.
Decidimos que no podríamos vivir el uno sin el otro e íbamos a casarnos.
Well, we've been married for 17 years, Lea, and there were times when I doubted our love and I took her for granted, till three years ago when I had the accident on the farm.
Estamos casados hace 17 años, Lea. Hubo momentos en que dudé de nuestro amor y la di por sentada hasta que tres años atrás tuve un accidente en la granja.
And you don't worry, nothing has changed between us we were friends and we will remain friends the only difference is that you are married and I will get married somehow someday.
Y no te preocupes, nada ha cambiado entre nosotros dos... éramos amigos y seguiremos siéndolo. La única diferencia es que tú estás casada... y yo me casaré algún día.
I thought we were just getting married.
! pensé que solo nos íbamos a casar.
We were getting married.
Íbamos a casarnos.
We were getting married.
Nos estábamos por casar.
She and I, we were engaged to be married, and, well, that went south, too.
Ella y yo estabamos prometidos para casarnos, y, bueno, se fastidió tambien.
Gets me realise... before we were still married you simply weren't around.
que me hace pensar que antes de casarnos, tú nunca estabas.
We were engaged to be married.
Estabamos comprometidos, íbamos a casarnos.
Look, when your dad and I were married, you know, we were together and we saw all those first things, you know, together, the walking and then, like, the talking.
Miren, cuando su padre y yo estábamos casados, estábamos juntos, y vimos todas esas primeras cosas, ya saben, juntos. Los paseos y las charlas.
we were married for 17
we were here 38
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
we weren't 120
we were together 65
we were talking 74
we were just friends 20
we were young 47
we were here 38
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
we weren't 120
we were together 65
we were talking 74
we were just friends 20
we were young 47