We were talking traduction Espagnol
4,232 traduction parallèle
- We were talking. - What she doing?
- ¿ Qué hace?
Can we just get back to what we were talking about?
¿ Podemos simplemente volver al tema del que estábamos hablando?
We were talking about we want to be all on the same page, but like direct a vote towards somebody, not so divided.
Hemos estado hablando de que todos queremos estar en lo mismo. Votar juntos por alguien, no estar divididos.
And once we vote him out, we still have- - that's what we were talking about from the very beginning.
Y una vez lo expulsemos, seguimos teniendo... - Seríamos... - Seguimos siendo mayoría.
We were talking.
Estábamos hablando.
We were talking about a case.
Estuvimos hablando de un caso.
We were talking about a case.
- Estábamos hablando de un caso.
We were talking of Pamela.
Estábamos hablando de Pamela.
No, remember we were talking about how Danielle and I should have some, like, sister time alone?
No. ¿ Recuerdas que hemos estado hablando de que Danielle y yo deberíamos pasar algún rato a solas?
So that's what we were talking about when you interrupted us- -
Así que eso es de lo que estábamos hablando cuando nos interrumpiste.
Hey, why don't we, uh, go get that lunch we were talking about?
¿ Por qué no... nos vamos a comer como dijimos?
We were talking about the new pension levels.
Estábamos hablando de la nueva pensión niveles.
Come here. I'm sorry I lost he head with you the last time we were talking.
Perdona que perdiera la cabeza la última vez que hablamos.
We were talking, me and Kassi, about having another kid.
Hablamos, Kassi y yo, sobre tener otro hijo.
We were talking about getting married, picking out different places for the ceremony.
Hablábamos de casarnos, escogíamos - distintos sitios para la ceremonia.
Remember that thing that we were talking about?
¿ Recuerdas lo que estuvimos hablando?
Well, we were talking about Brooke's wedding and then we got locked in our bedroom.
Bueno, estábamos hablando de la boda de Brooke y nos quedamos encerrados en nuestra habitación.
We were talking about you, we were talking about relationships, and then he kissed me.
Estuvimos hablando sobre ti, estuvimos hablando sobre relaciones, y entonces me besó.
You know, we were talking about the future, and a family we might have someday, and daughters we might have, and heirlooms we might pass on to them.
Wyatt, sacas bombillas de la gente toda la semana. Haz esto por mí.
Um, we were talking, Gene, and we've decided that the Cutie Patooties are breaking up.
Um, estabamos hablando, Gene, y hemos decidido que las Cutie Patooties nos vamos a separar.
Mike and I, we were talking at work and... he feels that perhaps, we've gone a little too easy on Brandon, and that he may indeed need some sort of punishment.
Mike y yo, estábamos hablando en el trabajo y... cree que quizás hemos sido un poco blandas con Brandon, y que puede necesitar algún tipo de castigo.
We were talking on the phone when I realized that something was wrong.
Estábamos hablando por teléfono cuando me di cuenta que algo andaba mal.
Listen, we were talking to Jen about this whole "best man" thing, and it's not fair that you have to choose between us, so what do you think about having co-best men?
Escucha, hablábamos con Jen del asunto del padrino, y no es justo que tengas que elegir entre los dos, así que, ¿ qué piensas en tener dos padrinos?
You met him last Sunday or Monday, we were talking and a guy came to get me. You don't remember?
El pasado sábado o domingo estábamos hablando y un tipo vino a buscarme. ¿ No te acuerdas?
We were talking about nature, which can be a metaphor for anything.
Hablábamos de la naturaleza, que puede ser una metáfora de muchas cosas.
We were just talking about how excited we are for our trip to Spain, the birthplace of Mexican napping.
Estábamos hablando acerca de lo emocionados que estamos para nuestro viaje a España, el lugar de nacimiento mexicana siesta.
- We were just talking.
- Estábamos hablando.
We were just talking...
- Solo estábamos hablando...
What were we talking about?
¿ De qué estábamos hablando?
What were we talking about?
¿ De qué estamos hablando?
Aww. Aww. We were just talking about this the other day.
Estuvimos hablando
Hey, we were just talking to the fella upstairs.
Hola, solo vamos a hablarle al sujeto de arriba.
We were just talking about you.
Estábamos hablando de ti.
And then we kept talking and at the end of our talk, we decided that we were gonna get married right away.
Y luego seguimos hablando y al final de eso, decidimos casarnos en seguida.
We were even talking about having a child.
Incluso hablamos de tener un hijo.
We were just talking about the party tonight and how much fun it's going to be and how I maybe invited your mother.
Hablábamos de la fiesta de esta noche y de lo divertida que será y de cómo tal vez había invitado a tu madre.
In France we were always talking, the women would tell their stories, we'd say so much.
En Francia estábamos siempre hablando, las mujeres podían contar sus historias, podíamos decir muchas cosas.
Last time we were in here talking, my dad put a book over it.
La última vez estuvimos hablando aquí, mi padre puso un libro ahí encima.
We were just talking.
Estábamos hablando.
We were just talking about the next step for our land.
Estábamos hablando del próximo paso para nuestro terreno.
I ended up talking about it with Teddy, and we... we decided that we were gonna get married and we would do a paternity test after we were married.
Acabé hablando de ello con Teddy, y decidimos que íbamos a casarnos y que haríamos una prueba de paternidad después de la boda.
Yeah. Well, we were hanging out, you know, and talking and stuff, and I thought maybe it did sound a little... blah.
Bueno, estábamos paseando, y ya saben, hablando y eso, y pensé que tal vez sonaba un poco... bla.
Oh, we were just going over the investigation, talking out the next few s- -
Tan solo estábamos hablando sobre la investigación, callad unos pocos seg- -
I thought we were finished talking.
Pensé que habíamos terminado de hablar.
When we were at the store talking to Bertha,
Cuando estábamos en la tienda hablando con Bertha,
We were just talking.
Solo estuvimos hablando.
So, Lexi and I were talking... can we get a bubble machine for the party?
Lexi y yo hemos estado hablando... ¿ Podemos tener una máquina de chicles en la fiesta?
We've seen the boat you were talking about, at the submarine base in Frangost.
Llegamos al puerto y vimos barco um como hablamos. Está anclado en la base de submarinos Frangost.
We were just talking.
Sólo estábamos hablando.
We're talking to their friends, their schools, anyone who knew them, so far no-one even knew they were planning to run away...
Estamos hablando con sus amigos, sus colegios, cualquiera que los conozca, de momento nadie sabía siquiera que estaban planeando escaparse...
Look at us, standing here talking as if we were friends.
Míranos, paradas y hablando como si fuéramos amigas.
we were talking about you 22
we were here 38
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
we weren't 120
we were together 65
we were just friends 20
we were young 47
we were here first 26
we were here 38
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
we weren't 120
we were together 65
we were just friends 20
we were young 47
we were here first 26