He says to me traduction Français
903 traduction parallèle
His name's Arvis, and he says to me, says he :
Il s'appelle Arvis, et il m'a dit :
And then? Well, sir, he says to me,
Et alors?
He says to me once, "Vashti, you're empty-headed."
Une fois il m'a dit : "Vashti, t'as rien dans la tête..."
He says to me, "Don't you ever..." - Vashti.
Il m'a dit, "Ne sers jamais..."
"Come on in" he says to me. "The water's fine".
Il m'a dit "Viens, l'eau est bonne".
He says to me, "When you insult me, look me in the eye."
Il me dit : "Quand tu m'insultes, regarde-moi droit dans les yeux."
He says to me : " Son,
Il me dit : " Mon gars,
A guy came backstage and says to me. He says to me,
Un type est venu me dire :
Anyway, he says to me, " Exaggeration, pure exaggeration.
Et Warneker me dit : " Exagérations.
He says to me... He says, " Lonesome...
A un moment, il m'a dit...
If ever I get back to Texas on that range again... the first man who says "inspection" to me... he's going to be S.O.L., because he'll hear from my six-shooter.
Si jamais je retourne un jour au Texas, le premier qui me parle "d'inspection", il passera un sale quart d'heure, parce que je le flinguerai.
He also says we're chisellers and gold diggers, and wants to know my price.
Il dit qu'on est des aventurières et veut me payer.
Well, the man wants to give me a job and he says call before 9 : 00.
Un homme veut m'employer, mais je dois y être avant 9 h.
The young man upstairs asked me to give you this in order to repay you for the lovely dinner, he says.
Le jeune homme à l'étage m'a demandé de vous remettre ceci en guise de remerciement pour le délicieux repas, a-t-il dit.
He says how you used to like it.
il me dit combien vous aimiez ça.
They are all very good, but the highest one is that of Mr. Billings. He says he will give me 50,000 francs besides my salary, which is very big just to sign the contract.
Voyons, la plus alléchante... est celle de M.Billings. 50000 francs en plus de mes cachets.
Why, it was only yesterday Mr. Scrooge came to me... shook my hand and, "Cratchit," he says, "Cratchit, my lad"... he calls me "my lad"...
C'est juste qu'hier, M. Scrooge est venu me voir et m'a serré la main en disant : Non. "Cratchit, mon garçon", il m'appelle "mon garçon",
He says to the waiter, "Waiter, bring me a cup of coffee."
Il dit : "Garçon, du café."
I'll do anything he says, but he's got to help me out.
Je ferai ce qu'il voudra, mais il doit m'aider.
And he says, "Aren't you ever going to trust me again?"
"Ne me croiras-tu plus jamais, Mary?"
He says, "You never want to see me again and then I can't even go out for air."
Et il a dit : "Tu ne veux plus me voir et je ne peux même pas sortir..."
So he looks me over, and when he gets to my feet, he says :
Il me regarde, et arrivé à mes pieds, dit :
The boss says to me today, he says :
Le patron m'a dit aujourd'hui :
And if you wish to travel in formal attire, "he says," it's okay by me. "
Et si vous voulez voyager en habits civils, ça me va. "
And after a while he comes out and says he wants to telephone somebody... but I said : "I wouldn't even have a phone if I could afford one... because it is more trouble than it's worth."
Je l'entendais faire les cent pas dans la chambre. Puis il a demandé à utiliser le téléphone. Je lui ai dit que je n'en avais pas, car cela me causait des ennuis.
And Anatole says he has great faith in my voice, and he's going to help me.
Anatole croit beaucoup en ma voix et il va m'aider.
He's says, "Aren't you going to kill me?"
Demandez-lui si on va chez lui pour tuer.
If only he could have been with me the day I went all by myself to the Statue of Liberty and read what it says there for the whole world to see.
J'aurais aimé qu'il soit avec moi quand je suis allée voir la Statue de la Liberté et que j'ai lu les mots écrits dessus.
He says I'm to bring her back with me... pronto.
Que je dois la ramener avec moi... pronto.
Something that happened to me when I was a baby, he says.
Quelque chose me serait arrivé quand j'étais bébé.
Made me an offer for the papers. Willing to keep my name on the masthead, he says.
Il voulait racheter mes journaux tout en gardant mon nom sur la manchette.
So he says, "Don't you be looking at me so cockeyed... "'cause I don't want to have to shake your head up to straighten'em out. "
Et ne me regarde pas comme ça qu'il dit... sinon je vais te faire voir!
And the King comes up to me and he says,
Et le roi vient me voir en me disant :
He says they'll all write to me.
Il a dit qu'ils m'écriront tous.
And then this fella comes along who says he's a - a baron... whatever that is... and every time I try talking plain horse sense to him... he told me to settle with one of his clerks.
Et voila ce type qui débarque en disant qu'il est - baron... quoi que ce soit... Chaque fois que je veux lui parler le langage du bon sens... il me répond de m'adresser à ses avocats.
Is that all you need? Is that all you need? That he holds your chair for you and that he says "sir" to me?
Cela suffit-il vraiment, qu'il soit poli?
The trouble with that little old boy is he just don't realize the honeymoon is over. So I says to him, " Man, if you wanna sell me a car,
Ce type ne comprend pas qu'il y a problème.
I was walking around camp, the general comes up to me, and he says, " "Hey, you know, we can use a fighter like you to teach our fellas how to box." "
Mort aux marines! On dirait qu'il en veut aux marines.
- Up to now one round, but now the commander will give me a machine gun because he says that my aim is good.
Au mousqueton, mais le chef va me donner une mitraillette parce que ma visée est bonne.
To these he says : "Oh, that I were made a judge in the land that all may come to me and receive justice."
Il leur dit : "Plût à l'Eternel que je devienne juge en ce pays afin que tous puissent se faire rendre justice."
Lots of things. He says little things. And when I tried to make an excuse to get away for a few days, he accused me.
De simples remarques, mais quand j'ai inventé un prétexte, à mon absence, il m'a accusée.
He says for me to get off the line, he wants to talk to you.
II me demande de vous passer le téléphone, il veut vous parler.
She didn't leave me a penny... and since the funeral was expensive, and my mother was only a concubine, he says I must sleep with him to repay it.
Comme elle n'a pas laissé un sou... et comme les funérailles ont coûté cher, il me dit de me vendre... pour le rembourser, puisque ma mère n'était qu'une concubine.
He says it to me and to Kinuko
À moi et à Kinuko.
Look what Papà's brought me! He says a woman from Viterbo gave it to him!
Regarde ce que papa m'a apporté de la part d'une dame de Viterbe...
He says to me
Il me disait :
Major Koehler said to me the other day, Marty, he says...
Alors quoi?
He says "mama" to me.
Il dit "maman".
He says that seeing as how you had all them other boyfriends before me seeing as I never even had one single gal friend before you he figures that between the two of us it kind of averages out to things being proper and right.
vous avez connu beaucoup d'hommes... je n'ai jamais connu de filles. Il dit que ça fait une moyenne. Que tout est en ordre, bien équilibré.
He says he likes to talk to me. And he talks and talks. Boy, does he talk!
Il aime me parler, et il parle bien.
He's got nothing against me, he says... only he can't afford to antagonize columnists.
Il n'a rien à me reprocher, mais je passe après un chroniqueur.
he says 1126
he says no 33
he says hi 20
he says it's important 32
he says that 22
he says it's urgent 59
to meet you 22
to me 1767
to mexico 17
to meet 21
he says no 33
he says hi 20
he says it's important 32
he says that 22
he says it's urgent 59
to meet you 22
to me 1767
to mexico 17
to meet 21
he said 3206
he said nothing 22
he said to me 71
he said he would 25
he said he was sorry 19
he saw 28
he said yes 66
he saw us 28
he said no 115
he said it 77
he said nothing 22
he said to me 71
he said he would 25
he said he was sorry 19
he saw 28
he said yes 66
he saw us 28
he said no 115
he said it 77