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I'll just wait traduction Français

746 traduction parallèle
Just you wait what I'll say after the second glass.
Voyons voir ce que je vais dire au bout du 2e!
Just wait'til I get back home and I'll show youwho the truthful one is.
Tu verras bien qui est le plus honnête des deux.
I'll just wait for chow time.
- T'as raison.
I know you'll think this is a little unconventional of me... but I just couldn't wait to see you alone.
Cela ne se fait pas, mais j'étais impatiente de vous voir.
I'll just wait until my uncle returns.
Gladdie, darling. Now, you tell the preacher to wait... and I'll phone you just the minute I'm free, and we'll get married today.
Gladdie chérie, dis au pasteur d'attendre, je t'appellerai dès que je serai libre.
Duty calls. I'll be just 15 minutes. Wait for me here. I'd suggest you keep your coat on, miss.
- Quelques personnes, pour un quart d'heure.
Well, uh, don't wait up for me because I really don't know when I'll be in, so I'll just say good night now.
Ne m'attends pas, je rentrerai tard. Alors, je te dis bonne nuit.
If you'll just wait till I announce - I'll announce myself.
Attendez, je vous annonce.
- I'll just wait for him.
- Je vais l'attendre.
I'll get even someday. You just wait.
Je te retrouverai un jour.
Is that so? Well, I'll just wait.
Je vais l'attendre.
Just wait here. I'll announce you at once.
Je vous annonce sur-le-champ.
I'll just wait.
I don't want to embarrass you boys, so I'll just wait out there for you.
Je ne veux pas vous embarrasser, je vais vous y attendre.
Well, I'll just wait outside. You can call me when you're finished, Mrs. Crosbie.
Appelez-moi quand vous aurez terminé.
Well, I'm in a party, so you'll just have to wait.
Je suis en train de dîner, il te faudra attendre.
We'll be all square. Just wait here and I'll be back before you can say...
Je serai là avant que vous puissiez dire...
I'll prepare more myself, if you'll just wait.
Je vais vous en faire, attendez!
- I'll just wait, Mr. Asa.
- J'attendrai.
I guess we'll just have to wait for a miracle or something.
Je suppose qu'il faudra qu'on attende un miracle.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
On va devoir prendre notre mal en patience.
You just wait. A couple of weeks on this cider, and I'll be a new man.
15 jours de cidre et je serai un autre homme.
If you'll wait just a minute, I'll put her on.
Attendez un instant, je vous la passe.
Wait just a minute. I'll call him.
Je l'appelle. George!
Just wait till we get to the barn and I'll show you my Speckled Sussex.
Attendez de voir mes Sussex masquées dans l'étable.
Just wait until you have yourn, you'll know what I mean.
Attendez d'en avoir, et vous verrez.
- What's all this noise about? - Just wait'll I get my hands on you
Attends que je t'attrape!
Just tell me that, and you can go see them and I'll wait for you.
Dis-le-moi et tu peux aller les voir et je t'attendrai.
Well, in that case I'll just have to wait'til you're ready then.
Bon, j'attendrai que vous soyez prêt.
I'll wait for my fee just as long as you want me to.
J'attendrai mes honoraires aussi longtemps que vous voudrez.
Tu attendras dans ma loge et après, tu chasseras les admirateurs qui attendront dehors.
If you go, just wait and see what I'll do.
Si tu fais ça...
otherwise he'll just have to wait until I get home.
Sinon, il attendra mon retour.
Well, I'll just have to wait for you.
Alors, je t'attendrai.
Just let it come. I'll wait for it.
Laissez venir les choses.
I'm not trying to guess, I'll just wait.
Cherche pas à deviner. J'attends.
I just live to wait for you and I know you'll come back ennobled by your sacrifice.
Je vis que pour t'attendre et je sais que tu reviendras plus honorable grâce à ton sacrifice.
I think... I'll just have to wait and see on the 17th.
Je pense qu'il va me falloir attendre le 17.
Just you wait, i'll show you.
Attends, tu vas voir.
I'll just wait for Mr. McCleary.
J'attendrai plutôt M. McCleary.
You can pay for the petrol, the work is free just for the pleasure seeing you go home. Fine. I'll wait for you at 10 by the woods.
Bien sûr Jésus, Vous êtes sur la terre et dans les cieux, j'adore pas de fétiche, mais sans Vous, je me sens perdu.
If you'll just wait, I'll get him.
Attendez. Je vais le chercher.
If you just wait here a moment and I'll do that again.
Attendez ici, je vais le refaire.
You just wait till we trade in these skins... and I'll show you how fast I can shed my share.
Attends qu'on ait vendu ces peaux et tu verras a quelle vitesse je peux dépenser ma part.
So I'll just lie and wait.
Je n'ai plus qu'à attendre tranquillement.
Well, now, I just guess we'll have to wait and see how he works out.
Je suppose qu'on n'a qu'à attendre de voir comment il se débrouille.
Then I'll wait for you just as long as I can.
Alors, je t'attendrai tant que je pourrai.
Well, I'll just wait'till...
Je vais attendre que...
I'll just wait in his bungalow if I may.
Je vais l'attendre chez lui.
Now, wait just a minute, I'll fetch him.
Une minute, je vais le chercher.

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