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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ J ] / Just wait right here

Just wait right here traduction Français

135 traduction parallèle
You just wait right here.
Attendez ici.
Just wait right here.
Bouge pas d'ici.
Just wait right here for a minute because my wife is a little upset.
Attendez une minute, ma femme est un peu bouleversée.
You just wait right here.
Ne bougez surtout pas.
You just wait right here and you keep your eyes open.
Reste ici et ouvre grand les yeux!
Now, you can just wait right here.
Attendez ici.
Oh, I won't bother her. I'll just wait right here in the living room.
Je ne vais pas la déranger.
Just wait right here.
We've got 10 minutes! I'll get the tickets. Just wait right here!
On a dix minutes, je vais prendre les billets.
I'll just wait right here.
J'attends ici.
Just wait right here, OK?
Attends-moi ici.
So you just wait right here and...
Donc vous... m'attendez ici et...
Just wait right here.
Attends ici.
- You just wait right here.
- Je voudrais pas...
What do you say we just wait right here?
- C'était quoi? - Du latin. Ca veut dire quoi?
If you'll just wait right here, we'll fetch you a little something.
Attendez ici, on va vous trouver un petit quelque chose.
Could you just wait right here?
Tu peux attendre ici?
I'll just wait right here.
Je vais attendre un peu ici.
Just wait right here!
Je reviens de suite.
- Just wait right here.
- Attendez-moi.
Well, then, I'll just wait right here till you get back.
Je vais attendre ici que tu me le ramènes.
Just wait right here and I will go get him.
Attendez ici, je vais le chercher.
No, can you just wait right here, please?
Non, pouvez vous juste attendre ici, s'il vous plait?
You guys just wait right here.
Vous les gars restez ici.
Now, you just sit right down here and wait.
Tu t'assieds là et tu attends.
You just wait for me right here in this automobile.
T'approche pas. - Attends-moi dans la voiture.
Wait here. Just a moment. I'll be right back.
Attends ici un moment, je reviens de suite.
No, I'll just wait right out here.
Je vais vous attendre.
Just wait right over here now.
Attendez ici.
We're all just gonna sit here and wait for the police. Right, Karl?
On va attendre la police sans nous énerver, n'est-ce pas, Karl?
I'II just have to wait until you say come here, right?
Je dois attendre que tu dises "Viens ici,"
I found out where she lives, so I'm just going to wait right here until she shows her face.
J'ai découvert son adresse.
- I'm just gonna wait right here in the car.
je vais t'attendre dans la voiture.
- Just wait here. I'll be right out.
- Attends-moi là, j'arrive.
Could you wait right here just for a moment?
Attends-moi un instant, tu veux?
I have the right to make you wait here with Ray while I go get a warrant. If I don't want to go to all that trouble, I'd just take you in on suspicion now.
Et moi d'aller chercher un mandat et de vous faire arrêter sur simple soupçon.
Okay, all right. I'll just wait out here.
Très bien, j'attendrai.
All right, just wait here.
Bon, attends ici.
All right. But I can't just sit here and wait. I need to walk.
D'accord, mais je ne peux pas rester assise là.
But wait, he just recently moved here, right?
Il vient juste d'emménager, non?
Okay, sir, you're just gonna have to wait here. All right?
Vous allez devoir attendre ici, d'accord?
Phoebe, you can't just wait here, all right?
Phoebe, tu ne peux pas rester ici.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Don't leave, ok? All right, look, look, look Just give me another chance and I promise you will leave here inspired
C'est toi qui as besoin d'être retouchée.
Just wait in here with Hercules and I'll be a few minutes, all right?
Attendez ici. Je reviens dans quelques minutes.
You're right. I don't really wanna just sit here and wait to die.
J'en ai marre d'attendre de me faire tuer.
So Lola, baby, just wait here, and I will be right back, I'm gonna go ahead take care of the sharks.
Lola ma grande, attends-moi ici. Je vais m'occuper des squales.
Okay, I'm just going to wait right here.
- J'attends là. Hé!
Now just wait here. I'll be right back.
Attends-moi là.
But wait, you're just talking about the sick ones here, right?
Mais attendez, on ne parle que des malades, n'est-ce pas?
And then you wait till your opponent lands here on the old cheese wheel, and then if you've set it up just right, you spring the trap.
Ensuite tu attends que ton adversaire arrive sur la case fromage, et si tu as bien tout construit, tu déclenches le piège.
Wait right here just a minute.
Attendez une minute.

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