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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ I ] / I asked you

I asked you traduction Français

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I asked you a question.
Je vous ai posé une question.
I asked you not to ask questions.
- Je t'ai demandé de ne pas poser de questions.
If I asked you to build me a house, and you quit after building me half a house, you think I owe you half the money?
Si tu dois me construire une maison et que tu te barres à la moitié, je te dois la moitié du fric?
I asked you about the worst-case scenario and you said, "Well, the worst-case scenario, I'll have backup."
Tu m'as dit qu'au pire, tu appellerais des renforts.
Zaya, when I asked you to run away with me, I promised you a good life. Dresses worthy of a princess.
Zaya, quand je t'ai demandé de t'enfuir avec moi, je t'ai promis une belle vie, des robes dignes d'une princesse, une nouvelle chaque jour, de t'orner d'une rivière de bijoux.
Then, when I asked you to marry me, why did you say yes?
Alors, quand je t'ai demandé de m'épouser, pourquoi as-tu dit oui?
I begged you! I asked you brother-to-brother to help me.
Moi aussi, je t'ai supplié de m'aider.
I ain't asked you to give me nothing. I asked you to loan me $ 10.
Pas donner, prêter!
- Come on... - I asked you, "Do you understand?"
- T'as compris?
I asked you a question.
I asked you was you finna walk over the top of me in my own house? That was the question.
Je t'ai demandé si t'allais me piétiner chez moi.
I asked you a question.
I asked you a question, Escherich.
Je vous ai posé une question, Escherich.
Anyway, I asked you two years later.
En tout cas, je t'ai invitée deux ans plus tard.
I asked you.
Je te l'ai demandé.
You wouldn't mind if I asked her out, would you?
Je peux l'inviter?
If I would have asked you to get me the parm a week ago, you would have told me to go fuck myself.
Si je t'avais demandé il y a une semaine de me passer le parmesan, - tu m'aurais dit d'aller me faire foutre.
God, I know I haven't asked you for much in this life.
Seigneur, je n'ai jamais demandé grand-chose.
Well, I don't know if I'm going to be able to get you that human growth hormone you asked me about.
Alors je sais pas si je serai capable d'avoir l'hormone de croissance que tu m'as demandée.
And he asked if I wanted to go to Manzanita for the weekend, and I thought, You know what?
Le dentiste. Et il m'a offert de passer le weekend à Manzanita. Tu sais quoi?
Brittany asked him to be Jackie Burke, so I don't know why you're yelling at him.
Brittany lui a demandé d'être Jackie Burke. Où est le problème?
I'm not sure you're gonna like this, but since you asked. Rather than being on me, as you suggested, this cake is on you!
Ça va pas te plaire, mais puisque tu insistes, plutôt que pour ma pomme, il est... pour ta poire!
When he asked for your help, I don't think he imagined in his wildest dreams how far you'd go for him.
Quand il t'a demandé ton aide, il ne pouvait pas imaginer jusqu'où tu irais pour lui.
And, hey, did I hear right, that she asked you?
C'est vrai que c'est elle qui a fait la demande?
I've been asked if you wanna go back out there.
Ils demandent si vous voulez y retourner.
Well I might've if you asked.
Ça aurait sûrement été le cas si tu m'avais demandé.
If I'd asked you, would you have taken off on me, too?
Si c'est à toi que j'avais demandé, tu m'aurais aussi laissée en plan?
If I'd asked you, would you have betrayed me, too?
Si je t'avais demandé à toi, tu m'aurais aussi trahie?
I've done everything you've asked.
J'ai fait tout ce que tu voulais.
I asked her to wait and I said, "it's what you do best."
J'ai dit "Attends", et "c'est ce que tu fais le mieux".
I asked, "do you know whose fucking card game this is", you fucking dunce?
Tu sais qui tient ce tripot, abruti?
I did everything you asked.
J'ai fait tout ce que vous demandiez.
Jeff, I just specifically asked you not to turn around.
Je t'ai précisément demandé d'éviter.
I'll do as you've asked.
Je ferai selon ta volonté.
You asked me why I wanted to save a piece of rebel trash like you, and I told you the war was over.
Tu m'as demandé pourquoi je portais secours à un sale Sudiste comme toi, et je t'ai répondu que la guerre était finie.
Well, I stopped eating them Goo Goo Clusters like you asked.
J'ai arrêté de manger des biscuits au chocolat, comme tu me l'as demandé.
Bob, I'm glad you asked me that question, because it gives me the opportunity to clear up a few misconceptions.
Bob, je me réjouis de cette question. Elle me permet d'éclairer certains points.
It's because I turned you down, when you asked me to marry you.
C'est parce que j'ai refusé de vous épouser.
You asked why I'd turn against Umbrella. And I promised you an answer.
Tu as demandé pourquoi je me rebellerais et j'ai promis de répondre.
I did some digging around like you asked. Called in some favors.
J'ai cherché les informations que vous m'avez demandées.
I asked what you were accused of.
Je demande de quoi on t'a accusé.
You asked me why Lieutenant Uhura and I parted ways.
Vous m'avez demandé le motif de la rupture entre le lieutenant Uhura et moi.
Do they know you ain't got no driver's license? That's what I'm talkin'about. I ain't asked if driving was easy.
Je te demande s'ils savent, pas si c'est facile!
I asked if Mr. Rand know you ain't got no driver's license.
M. Rand sait que t'as pas le permis?
I just asked you a question, woman.
C'est juste une question!
I ain't asked you if you was scared of me.
C'est pas la question.
I just asked you to throw...
Je t'ai dit de...
I'm glad you asked me.
Content que tu le demandes.
Do you think the mayor asked me what I wanted when he assigned you to me?
Le maire m'a demandé mon avis quand il vous a fait intégrer mon équipe?
Rabbit, I did what you asked!
J'ai fait ce que tu as exigé.
All I asked for was one thing, and you denied me!
Je ne demandais qu'une chose, vous me l'avez refusée!

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