Wouldn't you traduction Français
46,919 traduction parallèle
I thought your mum wouldn't let you come.
Je pensais que ta mère ne te laisserait pas venir.
Wouldn't want anything weird to find you.
Je ne voudrais rien trouver d'étrange.
- You wouldn't answer.
- Tu ne répondais pas.
It's a pretty big piece of the puzzle, wouldn't you say?
C'est une grosse pièce du puzzle, vous ne pensez pas?
We made a deal that if it happened, I wouldn't have to go to the hospital with you today.
On s'était mis d'accord que si ça arrivait, je n'étais pas obligée d'aller à l'hôpital avec toi aujourd'hui.
Okay, one, this equipment is currently state of the art, and two, wouldn't you rather I just hack into their main computer system?
Premièrement, cet équipement est à la pointe de la technologie et deuxièmement, est-ce qu'il ne vaut mieux pas plutôt s'introduire dans leur système?
Why wouldn't you go through with it?
Pourquoi? Vous mourrez dans d'atroces souffrances.
Sir if you wouldn't mind, you can bring it here.
- Commandant, pas de thé pour nous? - Viens ici et prends-en Oğuz. Commandant, si ça ne vous dérange pas, vous pouvez en amener ici.
You wouldn't have to take care of me anymore.
Tu n'auras plus à prendre soin de moi maintenant.
Making that booty clap just wouldn't mean as much without you there to share it.
Me trémousser n'aurait pas autant de sens sans vous pour le partager.
Wouldn't you agree, Hans?
Tu n'es pas d'accord, Hans?
But if you hadn't betrayed me, your king and best friend, we wouldn't be going hard at the most exclusive club ever!
Mais si tu ne m'avais pas trahi, ton roi et meilleur ami, on ne s'éclaterait pas dans la boîte la plus VIP qui soit.
There are aliens out there, killers who wouldn't understand the concept of the very rights you're offering them.
Il y a des aliens dehors, des tueurs qui ne comprendront pas le concept des droits que vous leurs offrez.
You would know all about my race, wouldn't you, Kryptonian?
Et tu sais tout de ma race, n'est-ce pas Kryptonienne?
We simply cannot let you make big loans in Ecoin that you wouldn't make in dollars.
Nous ne pouvons simplement pas vous laisser faire de gros emprunts Ecoin que vous n'auriez pas fait en dollars.
Oh, no, you wouldn't.
Oh, non, tu ne voudrais pas.
You wouldn't be sitting in front of me right here.
Tu ne serais pas assise ici, en face de moi.
There are people close to you that wouldn't be happy if they knew what I know.
Certains de tes proches ne seraient pas contents s'ils savaient ce que je sais.
You wouldn't know it, but this used to be a great city... before.
Tu ne pourrais pas le savoir, mais c'était une superbe ville, avant.
If you ask me, this wouldn't be happening if Eisenhower had let him go to Disneyland back in'59, like he wanted.
Ça n'arriverait pas si Eisenhower l'avait laissé aller à Disneyland en 59.
Actually, you know what? My manager is right over there, so if you... if you wouldn't mind, just don't squish the bread.
Mon chef est juste là, alors si ça vous dérange pas, n'écrasez pas le pain.
Those guys back there, how ´ d you know they wouldn ´ t be armed?
Ces hommes là-bas, comment pouviez-vous savoir qu'ils n'étaient pas armés?
How ´ d you know they wouldn ´ t have guns?
Qu'ils n'avaient pas de flingue?
Morning, I wouldn ´ t have stayed late at the office last night if I ´ d known you were gonna be here,
Je ne serais pas resté si tard au cabinet hier, si j'avais su que tu serais ici.
[stapler clicking] When I said you wouldn't have any privacy, I didn't mean stapling a sheet to the ceiling.
Quand je parlais d'intimité, je parlais pas d'agrafer un drap au plafond.
You wouldn't request it if you didn't like it, so... [scoffs]
Vous le demanderiez pas, sinon.
Why wouldn't it be appropriate for her to ride on you?
Pourquoi ça?
He said you wouldn't remember the events of the last few months, but I... didn't expect that.
Il a dit que tu te souviendrais pas des derniers mois, mais je m'attendais pas à ça.
I think you already know I didn't do anything wrong, or we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Vous savez que j'ai rien fait de mal. Sinon, on en parlerait pas.
She's my daughter. You wouldn't understand!
C'est ma fille, tu ne comprendrais pas!
You wouldn't jeopardize them.
Vous ne pouvez pas les compromettre.
It wouldn't feel right to do it without you... buddy.
Ca ne serait pas bien si je le faisais sans toi... Mon gars.
And after all, I wouldn't blame you'cause you did say that I was better than you.
Après tout, je ne t'en voudrais pas car tu as dit que j'étais meilleure que toi.
You knew, and you wouldn't let Amelie examine you.
Tu le savais, et tu n'a pas laissé Amélie t'examiner.
Ordinarily, you wouldn't have access to these, but since you're with me...
Normalement, vous ne pourriez la voir. mais puisque vous êtes avec moi...
I was there with you when you put him away, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't remind you what you said about him at the time.
J'étais là à sa condamnation, et je m'en voudrais si je ne te rappelais pas ce que tu as dit.
- Well, maybe if you worked as hard on our relationship as you do for your patients, what's happening wouldn't be happening.
Si tu t'investissais autant dans ta famille que dans tes patients, tout ça n'arriverait pas.
- Did you really think you wouldn't have to testify that Bailey had an alibi?
Vous pensiez ne pas avoir à témoigner que Bailey avait un alibi?
- You wouldn't even have those obligations, Stu, if it weren't for us.
Il n'y aurait même pas de dette, sans nous.
I tried to sleep on it, and all I could do was picture a life without you and your beautiful unborn baby and it just made me crazy to think I wouldn't be part a of it.
J'ai essayé d'y réfléchir, et je ne voyais qu'une vie sans toi et ton magnifique bébé à naître et ça m'a rendu fou de penser que je n'en ferais pas partie.
Did you think I wouldn't notice you?
Vous pensiez que je vous remarquerais pas?
And I know what you're going to say, but Mike went to prison so we wouldn't have to, and now he's in danger from a guy I put away.
Je sais ce que tu vas dire, mais Mike est en prison à notre place, et il est menacé par un type que j'ai enfermé.
And I'm sorry I left you hanging, but you wouldn't even have this job without me.
Navré de t'avoir laissé en plan, mais tu n'aurais pas eu ce boulot sans moi.
I wouldn't even need this job if it weren't for you.
J'en aurais pas eu besoin sans toi.
And you told me he wouldn't go for it, so Harvey... tell me the truth.
Et tu m'as dit qu'il refuserait, alors... dis-moi la vérité.
What I know is, you wouldn't have pulled anything if this case wasn't huge for you.
Tu n'aurais surtout rien tiré si cette affairante ne te rapportait pas gros.
Harvey, the reason he called me and not you is because he knew you wouldn't take no for an answer.
Il m'a appelée moi, et pas toi car il savait que tu n'accepterais pas.
I'd wish you luck with your SEC troubles, William, but I wouldn't mean it.
Je vous souhaiterais bien bonne chance, mais je ne le penserais pas.
Yes, I thought you might need a little relief, but I wouldn't be offering you this if I didn't think you'd earned it.
Je pense que tu as besoin de te détendre un peu, mais je ne te proposerai pas ça Si je ne pensais pas que vous le méritiez
I thought you were in real trouble, but they wouldn't let me see you, so I asked a friend of mine who works in the infirmary to check on you, and ten minutes ago he told me that he's pretty damn sure you were gone for at least three hours.
Je pensais que tu allais mal, mais je pouvais pas te voir, donc j'ai demandé à un ami bossant à l'infirmerie de voir ton état, et il m'a dit être sûr que tu as disparu au moins trois heures.
Because I wouldn't be doing my job, if I didn't inform you that actions have consequences, and you seem to think that the only consequence of what you're doing is getting out of here early, but it's not.
Car je ne ferais pas mon travail si je ne vous informais pas que les actions ont des conséquences, et vous avez l'air de penser que l'unique conséquence de votre acte est de pouvoir sortir rapidement mais c'est faux.
wouldn't you like to know 93
wouldn't you know it 35
wouldn't you say 361
wouldn't you agree 153
wouldn't you say so 24
wouldn't you like that 23
wouldn't you think 16
wouldn't you be 37
you know 156049
you know what 23733
wouldn't you know it 35
wouldn't you say 361
wouldn't you agree 153
wouldn't you say so 24
wouldn't you like that 23
wouldn't you think 16
wouldn't you be 37
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
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you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
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yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
you tell 24
you okay 9168
youn 21
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younger 104
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you know that 5741
you are 6060
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youth 73
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you all right 5423
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16
you all right 5423