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You smell good traduction Français

448 traduction parallèle
- You smell good.
- Tu sens bon!
- Mmm, you smell good.
- Tu sens bon. - Tu aimes?
You smell good.
Vous sentez bon.
Hey, man, you smell good.
Tu sens bon.
- You smell good, Julie.
- Vous sentez bon, Julie.
Oh, golly, you smell good!
Ce que tu sens bon!
- You smell good.
- Tu sens bons.
You're not my kind of cop, but you're smart and you smell good.
Pas mon genre de flic, mais vous êtes génial et sentez bon.
You smell good, Mama.
Tu sens bon, maman.
- You smell good.
- Tu sens bon.
You smell good, Boss
Vous sentez bon, patron.
Damn, you smell good.
Tu sens bon.
Mmm. You smell good.
Tu sens bon.
You even smell good.
Tu sens même bon.
You smell good, like my grandfather's cows.
Hein! Tu sens comme les vaches à mon grand-père.
You smell so good
Ah! ce que tu sens bon.
All the time people say you're no good. Big smell from up north.
On parle mal de toi.
Fanny. All this noise and smell seems to be good for you. You ought to come here every time you get the blues.
Mais elle n'a jamais le cafard, George
Wish I'd told you how cute your nose is and how it turns up at the end all of a sudden, and how good the smell of your hair is, how your eyes light up when you laugh,
Pour te dire combien ton nez se retrousse, parfois, combien tes cheveux sentent si bon,
You don't smell so good either.
Et vous ne sentez pas la rose.
I never liked the smell of hemp... so I'll bid you good night, Dr. MacFarlane.
Je n'ai jamais aimé l'odeur du chanvre, alors je vous salue bien bas, Dr MacFarlane.
- I remember what you said about the charm of an attractive woman performing her task of flipping flapjacks with the smell of good coffee and sizzling bacon in a sunny kitchen.
le charme d'une jolie femme faisant sauter des crêpes, l'arôme du café et du bacon... "
The smell of it got all mixed up with the flowers. And the powder the ladies wore. And it made a wonderful new perfume that oh, made you feel good just to smell it.
Le parfum des fleurs mêlé au parfum des femmes... c'était enivrant.
Well, you certainly have a very forceful personality, and you sort of smell good, too.
Vous êtes très convaincant. Et vous sentez bon.
You smell as good as fresh-cut hay.
Tu sens aussi bon que du foin fraîchement coupé.
You smell good.
Tu sens bon.
You sure smell good.
Qu'est-ce que vous sentez bon!
For crying out loud, I mean, if you give a dame a bottle of perfume, she's gonna take it as a hint she don't smell good or something.
Si vous offrez du parfum à une dame, elle va croire qu'elle sent mauvais.
- Do you smell how good it is here?
Sens-tu cette bonne odeur?
You smell good.
Vous sentez bon!
You smell so good.
Tu sens si bon.
Good thing, too, the way you smell.
Pas mal aussi, ton odeur.
- You smell so good.
- Quel parfum!
- You smell so good.
- Tu sens bon.
You don't smell good, either.
Vous ne sentez pas bien, que ce soit.
Well, you don't smell like a goat. You smell real good.
Mais toi, tu sens vraiment bon.
You smell so good.
Ce que tu peux sentir bon!
You don't smell very good.
Quelle odeur pestilentielle.
You'd smell good if it weren't for that lousy shaving lotion.
Tu sentirais bon sans cette saloperie d'après rasage.
- You sure smell good, Frank.
Tu sens drôlement bon, Frank.
You sure smell good.
Tu sens sacrément bon.
Smell how good it is. Look, I'll drink it if you don't!
Bois du bon café... sinon je le bois.
You're a good man, but I can smell you're a swindler a mile away.
T'es un bon gars, mais tu sens la friponnerie.
See how good you smell?
Tu vois comme tu sens bon?
But the smell and stuff was so terrific... we'd even sit down in the evening time to our meal... and the only thing that hit your nostrils... wasn't that good piece of meat you were about to eat... or the vegetable... or the nice dessert that's put on your table.
Mais en plus, l'odeur était atroce. Lorsqu'on s'apprêtait à dîner, ce qui atteignait nos narines, ce n'était pas ce bon morceau de viande ou ces légumes, ou ce bon dessert qui était sur la table.
How good you smell in the morning after waking up!
Comme tu sens bon après le réveil.
But a good family. You can smell it.
Mais de bonne famille.
You smell real good.
Tu sens bon.
Have you "licious" ever tasted smell such Oh my god what more, that's pies good!
"licieux" déjà goûté, un fumet si
Even the smell you get when you first smell trains in a yard, it's like... it's a good smell to, like, a dedicated graffiti writer, I guess.
Même l'odeur que tu sens quand tu sens des trains pour la première fois dans un dépot, c'est comme... c'est une bonne odeur pour, genre, un vrai graffeur, je suppose.
You smell very good.
J'aime ton odeur.

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