Like i always do tradutor Espanhol
547 parallel translation
Just like I always do. By George! Ha ha! " Is that true?
Bueno, siempre ha sido así. ¡ Ja, ja! " ¿ Es cierto eso?
Of course I told them you was out on a long trip like I always do. But you could have knocked me down with a feather when I find out who wants you.
Claro que he dicho que estabas de viaje, como siempre, pero te vas a caer de espaldas cuando sepas quién era.
Yes, George. I'll come by for you like I always do.
Volveré dentro de una hora, como siempre.
I'm keeping your room for you, just as you left it, like I always do.
Te tengo reservada tu habitación, justo como la has dejado.
All right, I'll send this one in. Just as it is. But "disapproved," like I always do.
Está bien, la mandaré tal como está escrita... pero "desaprobándola", como siempre he hecho.
I'll stay here and go and come with who like, like I always do.
Estoy aquí y me voy con quien me da la gana. Y soy yo quien tiene la iniciativa.
Yes... at 4 : 30 this afternoon, i'll go into the vault like i always do.
Sí... A las 4 : 30 de esta tarde entraré en la caja como siempre.
Yeah, like I always do?
Como siempre, ¿ no?
And I went along, just like I always do.
Yo me dejé llevar como siempre.
I... I went in there, just like I always do when she forgets to put the trash out.
Entré en el piso, como siempre hago cuando se le olvida sacar la basura.
As soon as I stopped concentrating, I'd go back to 60 or 70 like I always do. It's a habit.
En cuanto dejara de concentrarme, volvería a conducir a 100, como siempre.
I just went for a walk like I always do.
Solo salí a dar un paseo como siempre.
- I am, but I'll control myself. Like I always do when I'm subjected to your whims.
Pero intentaré controlarme, como suelo hacer... cuando se trata de ti y de tus manías.
I left her at the gate, like I always do. Didn't I, Aliette?
La deje en la puerta, cómo hago siempre. ¿ Verdad Aliette?
I turned on the radio like I always do. I twiddled with the knobs as normal.
Hace un momento le dí al interruptor, como siempre.
I can make drawings for you, like I always do, but I can't make head nor tail of maths!
Puedo hacerte dibujos, como hago siempre, pero de matemáticas no entiendo nada.
I've always wanted to be in Battlestar Galactica, and, like, Star Wars, and all these amazing shows, and we get to do stuff like that.
Siempre he querido estar en Battlestar Galactica, y, como, Star Wars, y todos estos espectáculos increíbles, y tenemos que hacer cosas por el estilo.
Sometimes I get afraid it won't be always like this working only for you while you do the show just for me.
Que no siempre será así trabajar sólo para ti, mientras tú haces la función para mí.
Siempre me gusta saber lo que quieren hacer realmente mis escritores así puedo encontrar al adecuado, uh, encontrarles un huequito.
You're exactly like I dream about you. - Do you know you always smile with your eyes first?
¿ Sabes que siempre sonríes con los ojos primero?
I'll stay... Coz you're trapping'me like you always do!
Me quedaré porque me obligas, como siempre haces.
I behaved like an angel. I always do.
Me comporté como un angelito, como siempre.
Like I say, I always do as I'm told.
Hago siempre lo que me dicen.
I don't like this band. Do you? We can always sit down.
- No me gusta la orquesta, ¿ y a ti?
Cuando alguien me cae mal, hago algo al respecto.
I was always letting it go in one ear and out the other... like you got to do with Curt's swearing... knowing it don't mean a thing.
A mí siempre me entraban por un oído y me salían por el otro... al igual que haces tú con los juramentos de Curt... sabiendo que no importa nada.
I always tell a story to my dolly. - Do you like her?
Yo siempre le cuento uno a mi muñeca. ¿ Te gusta?
If I was like her, always ready to reproduce... I'd sit at home with a sign... on my belly : "Do Not Touch."
Si yo fuera como ella, siempre lista para reproducirse... estaría sentada en casa con un cartel... sobre mi vientre :
He could do that in a letter, like I always did.
Podría hacerlo por carta, yo siempre lo hice así.
Why do you always have to treat me like I'm dirt?
¿ Por qué siempre tienes que menospreciarme?
He was always bad, and in the end he intended to tell them I killed those girls and that man, as if I could do anything except just sit and stare, like one of his stuffed birds.
Siempre fue malvado, y al final intentó hacerles creer que yo había matado a esas muchachas y al hombre, como si yo pudiera hacer algo más que sentarme a mirar, como uno de sus pájaros disecados.
Now, Gridley, it's been said that there will always be an England, and I'd like to do my part to keep it that way.
Gridley, se dice que siempre existirá Inglaterra, y me gustaría colaborar para que así sea.
Tell me like you always do, I help you.
Cuéntamelo todo, como siempre, y te ayudaré.
But there was always Roberto watching me, so all I could do was dream Like about you and me maybe going off in a lifeboat together.
Pero allí estaba siempre ese Italiano, Roberto Vigilándome Así que lo único que pude hacer fué soñar que tu y yo... tal vez escondidos en un bote salvavidas
That's what I've always wanted to do - see places like you have... do what I want, no matter whatever.
Eso es lo que siempre he querido hacer - ver lugares como que tiene... Hago lo que quiero, no importa lo que sea.
You're wonderful, always doing what I'd like you to do.
- Bien. Siempre haces Io que quiero.
No matter what I do,... men like him will always hate me.
No será el último en ofenderme. A pesar de mi fidelidad, el hecho de que yo sea germano no me será perdonado nunca.
Since I graduated, I feel like I have to always be rude. Do you understand?
Desde que me he graduado siento la continua necesidad de ser grosero.
I always like to do a nice clean job.
Me gusta hacer un trabajo limpio.
I always put in a little chilli. Do you like it?
Yo siempre pongo un poco de guindilla. ¿ Le gusta?
But I always like the idea of just adding something to what we do and then adding a bit to it so it's a joint...
Pero siempre me ha gustado la idea de añadir algo a lo que hacemos y luego añadir algo más para que sea un conjunto...
It seems like all I ever do around here is baby-sit. I hope they don't do something that might annoy him, and they always do.
Se diría que aquí, sólo hago de niñera... esperando que no hagan nada que pueda contrariarlo..... siempre hacen algo.
I know Centura like the back of my hand... Always going somewhere, just to do something.
Les puedo decir que me lo conozco de memoria.
And when I do sleep, I dream of not being able to sleep. I dream of not being able to close my eyes, and so I stay like this, always.
Y si duermo, sueño que no puedo dormir, que no consigo cerrar los ojos, y me quedo así siempre,
- Why? Because I always do like my grandfather told me.
Porque hago siempre lo que decía mi abuelo.
While you weren't looking. That's my technique. I always do like that.
Mientras tú no mirabas, es mi truco, siempre lo hago.
I mean, it's like I always felt that he was taking care of me... and now I just don't know what to do.
O sea, es como si siempre sintiera que él se ocupaba de mí... y ahora no sé qué hacer.
I want to be with you between the mountains... and that you make love to me like you always do...
Yo quiero estar con vos entre los montes... y que me hagas el amor como siempre lo hacés...
It provides some hardships because I'm the one telling him what to do... and he doesn't always like that.
Esto acarrea algunas dificultades porque soy yo quien le dice qué debe hacer... y eso no siempre le agrada.
It's just like I always say... if I want anything done, then I got to do it myself.
¡ Qué destino el mío... siempre que hay un trabajo difícil lo tengo que hacer yo mismo!
I'm always here when I am alone. Do you like it?
Siempre me encierro aquí cuando estoy solo. ¿ Te gusta?
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like i care 29
like it or not 353
like it never happened 30
like it was yesterday 28
like it was nothing 23
like it 260
like it's 21
like in the movies 43
like i told you 172
like i care 29
like it or not 353
like it never happened 30
like it was yesterday 28
like it was nothing 23
like it 260
like it's 21
like in the movies 43
like i said before 77
like i told you before 31
like i was saying 79
like i promised 17
like i always say 30
like i do 62
like i say 94
like in 58
like i did 54
like i am 17
like i told you before 31
like i was saying 79
like i promised 17
like i always say 30
like i do 62
like i say 94
like in 58
like i did 54
like i am 17
like i 37
like i was 29
like i said on the phone 16
i always do 187
always does 17
always do 44
like my father 47
like a virgin 32
like you mean it 28
like a dream 34
like i was 29
like i said on the phone 16
i always do 187
always does 17
always do 44
like my father 47
like a virgin 32
like you mean it 28
like a dream 34
like a bird 44
like me 894
like a 442
like your brother 20
like a baby 70
like a princess 21
like you and me 45
like an angel 29
like your dad 19
like you told me 16
like me 894
like a 442
like your brother 20
like a baby 70
like a princess 21
like you and me 45
like an angel 29
like your dad 19
like you told me 16
like always 190
like a cat 27
like you 1448
like hell 158
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like us 230
like yours 81
like father 112
like your mother 32
like you used to 18
like a cat 27
like you 1448
like hell 158
like you said 759
like us 230
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like father 112
like your mother 32
like you used to 18