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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ P ] / Put it behind you

Put it behind you tradutor Espanhol

262 parallel translation
And while the doctor was pulling the sheet over her face, I saw you quickly take the bottle of medicine and put it behind your back.
Y mientras el doctor se ocupaba en cubrirle la cara... le vi esconder el frasco de la medicina.
Now, the important thing is to put it behind you.
Lo importante es que dejes eso atrás.
So go on back to your life and... put it behind you.
Así que, continúa con tu vida y... deja todo esto atrás.
Put it behind you.
Para que te olvides de todo eso.
I think it's time to put it behind you.
Opino lo mismo. Va siendo hora de olvidarlo.
But you gotta snap out of it, just put it behind you.
Pero tienes que superarlo y dejarlo en el pasado.
You should have a wake for your past and put it behind you, and think about here and now.
Debe elaborar el luto de su vida pasada y pensar en su vida presente.
Put it behind you.
Olvídalo. Saliste.
If you want my advice, just put it behind you, concentrate on Dawson, pretend it didn't happen.
Si quieres mi consejo ; olvídalo y concéntrate en Dawson. - Finge que nada sucedió.
put it behind you.
ponla atrás.
Pero lo he superado. Y espero que tú también puedas superarlo.
But I want you all to put it behind you.
Quiero que olviden de todo esto.
My advice now is to put it behind you.
Te aconsejo que lo olvides.
So why not try and put it all behind you like a bad dream?
¿ Entonces por qué no tratar de dejarlo atrás como a una pesadilla?
It's time for you to put the world behind you for a while.
Es hora de que te apartes del mundo durante un tiempo... debes aislarte por completo...
You've had a bad time, but you must put it all behind you.
Lo has pasado mal, pero ya ha pasado todo.
If it would help her I would get out from behind that desk, and put YOU there. Even if it broke me.
Si sirviera para ayudarla lo pondría detrás de esa mesa, por mucho que me doliera.
You don't deny it. You want to put all this behind you.
Callas porque tienes ganas de dejar todo esto.
Arch, you know that... sleep as you call it, that could put me behind a desk for the rest of the war.
Arch, sabes que... dormir, como tú lo llamas, puede ponerme detrás de una mesa el resto de la guerra.
I'm nickels and dimes. You put me in an alley, i do a mug job, but i got to do it from behind.
Si me pones en un callejón oscuro te haré un atraco por la espalda.
You take your pocketbook, put it behind the bar.
Tomas tu billetera y la pones detrás del bar.
Why don't you put it up on bulletin board behind you with note?
¿ Por qué no la pones en la pizarra de allí atrás con una nota?
get your hand off my girlfriend and put it behind her where I tell you.
Y tú, imbécil, quita la mano de encima de mi novia y métetela donde yo te diga.
The price you put on it when you got behind this wheel.
Ese es el precio que le pusiste cuando te pusiste en ese volante.
You have to get it off your chest, strike out, put it all behind you, and then it'll be over, the fear and everything,
Déjalo salir de tu pecho... arremete contra ello, déjalo todo atrás... y luego, todo habrá acabado : el miedo, todo.
- Oh, yes. If you'll put it behind this desk.
Ponlo detrás de la mesa.
To see what appearance they'd put on after this week of changing weather. But I admit that it was out of curiosity to see you was behind the reason for my wishing to be invited to Mr. Seymour's house.
Ver su aspecto tras esta semana de tiempo variable, pero confieso que ha sido la curiosidad de volver a veros la que me ha hecho aceptar la invitación de Mr Seymour.
How do you think they'd take it if I tried to put them behind bars?
¿ Cómo crees que lo tomarían si tratara de ponerlos entre rejas?
If you don't put blood on the screen, it will run more freely behind.
Si no pones sangre en el rostro, correrá más libremente.
It certainly won't if you put this turkey behind bars.
Claro que no, siempre que lo pongan tras las rejas. Mientras tenga la oportunidad.
And while you're at it, grab that garbage bag next to my tent and put it in the dump behind the dining hall.
Y cuando vayas... Llévate esa bolsa de basura que esta junto a mi tienda y... Ponla en el contenedor que esta detrás del comedor.
I put the whole damn chain of papers behind your lot, and you cock it up.
Escucha, puse toda la maldita cadena de periódicos al servicio de vuestro grupo, y aún así os lo cargáis.
I suggest you put that behind the lavatory system but of course, it's up to you.
Te sugiero que lo pongas detrás del inodoro, pero, por supuesto, es tu decisión.
I think if I can put it behind me, you should too.
Si yo lo he olvidado, tú también puedes.
Will, you can read that book... you can wear the T-shirts, put up the posters, and shout the slogans... but unless you know all the history behind it... you're trivializing the entire struggle.
Will, puedes leer ese libro... puedes usar su imagen, colgar sus carteles y aprenderte sus frases célebres... pero si no conoces la historia que hay atrás de eso... estás trivializando todo lo que él hizo.
- Si ustedes creen que ayudará... poner sus manos detrás de la nuca cuando la bomba caiga, ¡ Están equivocados!
Luckily, we were able to put it behind us, but I'll tell you at times it tore me up.
Por suerte pudimos dejarlo atrás, pero te digo... por momentos me desgarro.
It's, "You got to put your past behind you."
Lo que digo es que tienes que dejar el pasado atrás.
Maybe you can put it all behind you now as if it never happened.
Tal vez puedas dejarlo atrás como si nunca hubiera pasado.
If you destroy it, Starfleet will come after you and they'll put you behind bars.
Si acabas con él la Flota Estelar te perseguirá y te encarcelarán.
How do you know until you put the weight of the White House behind it?
No lo sabrá, hasta no poner a la Casa Blanca a apoyarla.
Hey, you guys remember that Halloween when Bobby filled that paper bag with dog shit, lit it on fire and put it outside Father Dunne's door, and we all hid behind the dumpster?
Recuerdas aquel Halloween cuando Bobby llenó una bolsa con mierda de perro y la quemó ante la puerta del Padre Dunne? ¿ Y nosotros tras los contenedores?
- Just put it all behind you.
- Sólo olvidalo.
This melodrama with your family Put it all behind you.
Este melodrama con tu familia déjalo atrás.
Put it all behind you.
Libérate de todo esto.
Perhaps it's time to put this behind you.
Tal vez es hora de que lo dejes atrás.
That guilt you're depending on... I put it all behind me.
Esa culpa con la que estás contando ya la dejé atrás.
It's time to get over it and put it all behind you before we all get old, gray, and die.
Es hora de superarlo y dejarlo tras de ti... antes que nos pongamos viejas, grises y muramos.
Ruby's going through this huge thing. But part of me wishes that I could be that person... who could just put it all behind me, you know... and... and move on.
Ruby está pasando por algo difícil pero parte de mí desea poder ser una persona capaz de superarlo, ¿ sabes?
What I'm saying is. I am perfectly willing to put it all behind us if you will just give me a simple. "I'm sorry."
Lo que digo es que estoy perfectamente dispuesta a dejarlo todo atrás si tan sólo me dice "Lo siento."
Don't leave on my behalf. It's about time you and I put this past behind us, don't you?
Vamos, es hora de olvidarse del pasado, ¿ no, Darcy?

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