As you said tradutor Francês
29,765 parallel translation
He said, " Well, Dominique, today you have five dishes.
Il a dit : " Bien, Dominique, aujourd'hui tu as cinq plats.
He said, "I thought of you when I painted this painting, and it's how I feel that you evolved as a woman, and..."
Il a dit : "Je pensais à toi quand j'ai peint ce tableau, et c'est comme ça que je ressens que tu as évolué en tant que femme, et..."
And I talked to my mom today and I said, "Why you didn't tell me?"
Et j'ai parlé à ma mère aujourd'hui et j'ai dit : "Pourquoi tu ne m'as rien dit?"
He said, "These guys, who you train as educated chefs, they don't know how to respect."
Il a dit : "Ces mecs, que vous entrainez en tant que chefs instruits, ils ne connaissent pas le respect."
I did what you said.
J'ai fait tout ce que tu m'as dit.
So, when you said I'd get my sister back... you didn't mean Regina, did you?
Quand tu as dit que je retrouverais ma sœur... tu ne voulais pas dire Regina, pas vrai?
You said "Milena", who is that?
Tu as dit "Milena". Qui c'est?
Didn't you hear what the boss said?
Tu n'as pas écouté la patronne?
That's not what you said you were gonna wear.
Ce n'est pas ce que tu as dit que tu allais porter.
MacGYVER : When you said yes to Rome.
Quand tu as dit oui à Rome.
No, seriously, you... you said if I did the right thing, I'd be thanking you later.
Non, sérieusement, tu.... tu as dit que si j'avais bien fait, je te remercierais plus tard.
You said that you could hear his thoughts.
Tu as dit que tu pouvais entendre ses pensées.
You meant what you said?
Tu voulais vraiment dire ce que tu as dit?
What's happening? You said it was your first time, right?
Tu as dit que c etait ta premiere fois.
That was not what you said!
T'as pas dit ca!
I was thinking about what you said, and tomorrow, I'm going to go to the hospital.
J'ai réfléchi à ce que tu as dit et demain, je vais aller à l'hôpital.
Fighting... in a war. Did you hear what she said, Maurice?
Tu as entendu ce qu'elle a dit?
What about all that stuff you said earlier, about being my friend and thinking I'm the coolest, sweetest, handsomest lemur ever?
Mais tout ce que tu as dit tout à l'heure sur notre amitié, le fait que je sois le lémur le plus cool et mignon?
You just said yourself, it's sad.
Tu l'as dit toi-même, c'est has-been.
So, if Daxamites are as bad as you just apparently said they were, then it's no wonder this guy is trying to kill the President, right?
Si les Daxamites sont aussi mauvais que tu nous le dit, c'est plutôt normal qu'il tente de tuer la Présidente, non?
- You said it!
- Tu as dit oui.
You said "no"!
Tu as dit non!
Derek, you said you were serious about punishing him.
Derek, tu m'as dit tenir à le punir.
You said to Darlene before we started this thing that we had to go all the way.
Tu as dit à Darlene avant que nous ne commencions tout ça que nous devions aller jusqu'au bout.
You know, when you gave me this, you said to stop anyone who gets in the way of our plan.
Tu sais, quand tu m'as donné ça, tu m'as dit d'arrêter quiconque interfèrerait dans notre plan.
Have you given any more thought to what I said?
Est-ce que tu as réfléchi à ce que je t'ai dit?
Well, last time I stayed over, you said the next time there would be a futon couch or something for me to sleep on,
La dernière fois que j'ai dormi ici, t'as dit que tu mettrais un clic-clac ou autre chose pour que j'y dorme.
Okay, so you said you had two things,
D'accord, sinon tu as dit avoir deux choses à dire.
Yeah. Did you hear the stuff she said to me?
Tu l'as entendue?
- You said it, not me.
- C'est toi qui l'as dit.
[echoing] Did you hear what I said?
Tu as entendu?
Yeah, that's what you said. Right after.
C'est ce que tu as dit, juste après.
I thought you said "furious four."
Je crois que tu as dit "les 4 furieux."
You said,
Tu as dis,
You said that yesterday when you found out I went for a swim.
Tu as dit ça hier quand tu m'as découvert que j'avais été me baigner.
You said that already.
Tu l'as déjà dit.
So... you said we'd talk about it tonight.
Donc... tu as dit qu'on en parlerait ce soir.
I was there with you when you put him away, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't remind you what you said about him at the time.
J'étais là à sa condamnation, et je m'en voudrais si je ne te rappelais pas ce que tu as dit.
You said that when you got arrested, you turned down a deal to turn on Sutter.
À ton arrestation, tu as refusé un accord pour dénoncer Sutter.
Well, I do, because like you just said, he is a murdering piece of shit.
Pas moi, car comme tu l'as dit, c'est un sale meurtrier.
I said you ratted on your own roommate.
Tu as informé sur ton propre codétenu.
You said you'd reinstate the deal if Mike dropped his suit.
Tu as dit que tu rétablirais l'accord si Mike laissait tomber son procès.
And I said, "If you're ever in trouble, you call me."
"Si tu as des soucis, appelle."
Your mom said you haven't eaten.
Selon ta maman, tu n'as pas mangé.
Hey. You said you saw a map, right?
Tu as dit avoir vu une carte?
We said we were gonna do this together, and I am a part of this firm as much as you are, and when you go ahead and you do something like this without me, it really pisses me off.
On devait choisir ensemble, et je fais partie du cabinet, autant que toi, et quand tu fais une chose pareille sans moi, ça me met en rogne.
The only person who has the power to put pressure on an asshole like Nathan Burns is a bigger asshole, and you said it yourself, William Sutter will do anything to get what he wants.
Celui qui peut faire pression sur un connard comme lui est un plus gros connard, et tu l'as dit toi même, William Sutter ferait n'importe quoi pour obtenir ce qu'il veut.
Well, you heard what I said about the sanctity of movie night, right?
Très bien, tu as entendu ce que j'ai dit à propos du caractère sacré de la soirée film?
'Cause Harvey said I shouldn't trust anyone in here, and as far as I'm concerned, that includes you.
Selon Harvey, je ne dois me fier à personne, ce qui t'inclut également.
Damn it, you said you were gonna defend him to the best of your ability.
Tu as dis vouloir le défendre du mieux que tu pouvais.
- What are you talking about? - You've been giving me this song and dance about not colluding, and it didn't matter what I said back to you, as long as it was something to let you believe we wouldn't.
- Tu m'as bassiné avec ta chanson de ne pas être complice, et peu importe ce que je te répondais, tant qu'il s'agissait de te faire croire que nous ne le ferions pas.
as you wish 846
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you may know 70
as you were 223
as you are aware 22
as you say 390
as your attorney 28
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you may know 70
as you were 223
as you are aware 22
as you say 390
as your attorney 28