Come and look tradutor Francês
2,306 parallel translation
Come and look at me!
Viens me voir! Sors!
Come and look at these.
Viens voir ces dessins.
Come and look at it.
Viens voir.
For G0d's sake, Donna, don'tjust stand there, come and look!
Bon Dieu, Donna, ne reste pas là, viens voir!
- I could come and look after him.
- Je peux venir et m'en occuper.
I know it's a long way to come to have your rights read to you and to look through your own closet, especially after what happened to your father.
Je sais que vous avez fait un long trajet juste pour qu'on vous lise vos droits et qu'on vous fasse examiner vos habits, surtout après la mort de votre père.
I can talk him down. Look, I've got a team of snipers and a negotiator on their way. Come on!
Je peux le raisonner.
And we promised mary-rose that she could go to the movies tonight with danielle, so someone's gonna have to come over and look after the kids until you get home!
Et on a promis à Mary-Rose qu'elle irait au cinema avec Danielle ce soir donc il doit y avoir quelqu'un pour garder les enfants ce soir.
And then I look at Saul, who has missed his life entirely. And I realize how lucky I am because I get to come home to someone who is kind and caring, and who changes the light bulbs, and...
Mais quand je vois Saul qui est passé à côté de sa vie, je me rends compte de la chance que j'ai de rentrer chez moi pour retrouver quelqu'un de gentil et d'attentionné qui change les ampoules, et...
Hey, can i get somebody to come over here and look at this reverser?
Hé, puis-je avoir quelqu'un pour venir vérifier cet inverseur?
When things start to look really bad, the city's first gay supervisor will come out and play peacemaker.
Quand les choses commenceront à dégénérer, le premier superviseur gai de la ville arrivera en tant que pacificateur.
It's totally normal they wanna look around and see where your death come from, no?
Ce serait normal qu'elle veuille se retourner et voir d'où vient la mort, vous ne croyez pas?
We Chihuahuas come in many shapes and colors... but when you look not with your eyes, but with your soul, there we're all the same.
Nous, chihuahuas, avons | diverses tailles et couleurs, mais quand tu regardes avec ton âme, | au lieu de tes yeux, nous sommes tous pareils.
We've worked out a solution, me and the other dads, so... just come along and look presentable.
On a trouvé une solution, les autres pères et moi, donc... tu viens et tu présentes bien.
Look, I don't know what you're up to, but I didn't say you could come back here and I'd like you to both leave.
Je n'ai pas dit que vous pouviez entrer. J'aimerais que vous partiez.
Well, look, there's a cigar box full of them under the sink, so you can come by and get'em when you want'em.
Il y en a plein dans une boîte à cigares sous l'évier. Passez les prendre quand vous voulez.
Come here and take a look at these little sausages.
Viens là et regarde-moi ces petites saucisses.
Look at that. You had to come all the way to Vegas and marry a complete stranger just to prove that you're not a robot. Congratulations, Joy!
Cool, t'es venu ici pour te marier avec le premier venu, juste pour prouver que t'es pas un mouton?
- You come and sit here. Have a look.
Venez vous mettre là.
Look who decided to get off their butts and come fight for the job.
Regardez qui a décidé de bouger ses fesses et de se battre pour le job.
Um... ( STAMMERlNG ) Look, there's something that you need to know, and it may come as a bit of a shock.
Il faut que je te dise quelque chose, et ça va te faire un choc.
If you've finished, come and take a look... at Souleymane's masterpiece
- Ceux qui ont fini peuvent venir contempler le chef-d'œuvre de Souleymane, allez! - Mais non!
Look, I just came from the emergency room and they told me to come here and get my arm X-rayed.
Écoutez, je sors des Urgences où ils m'ont dit de venir ici pour que je passe une radio.
So why d'you come back and look after them?
Alors pourquoi tu reviens pour prendre soin d'eux?
Look, that jackass I call a bodyguard is worthless, so I figured you come along as backup, and I know for sure you're not a cop.
Écoute, ce bourricot que j'appelle garde du corps est un bon à rien... alors, je t'ai fait venir en renfort, et je sais que tu n'es pas un policier. Tu vois?
Look, this is between me and my wife... Hey, come on, man, be cool.
- C'est entre ma femme et moi...
Hey, Calleigh, come here and take a look at this.
Calleigh, viens voir et regarde.
No, I just meant how did you... look, I know this is going to sound crazy, but I need you to leave here and come with me right now.
Non, je voulais dire comment est-ce que tu- - Écoute, je sais que ça va te paraitre dingue, mais il faut que tu partes d'ici et que tu viennes avec moi tout de suite.
Look, I know I said I'd come in and help today, but you had a message to your front desk that my son's had an asthma attack, so I've got to go.
Je sais que j'ai dit que je viendrais vous aider, mais votre secrétaire a eu un appel, mon fils a eu une crise d'asthme. Je dois y aller.
# Come on and take a look and know that I'm amazing'#
# Y a juste à me regarder pour le savoir #
And then I get to do something that matters... that I always can come back and look at and say, " Man, I did that.'"
Et je fais quelque chose qui compte... que je peux revenir regarder et dire, "Man, j'ai fait ça."
Look, Mr. Powers, I'm standing right here, and I'm telling you that Smash is ready to come to Tuscaloosa.
Écoutez, M. Powers, je suis venu ici pour vous dire que le Smash est prêt à venir à Tuscaloosa.
Look. I know I'm tiptoeing up to a bunch of laws, but what if you change your mind and decide not to come back?
Je sais que j'extrapole, mais si vous changiez d'avis et ne reveniez pas?
Can you come and have a look at this?
Tu peux jeter un œil à ça?
And when I come over, I'll put my hand on your shoulder, you simply look at the camera and smile.
Quand j'arrive, et que je pose ma main sur votre épaule, regardez la caméra et souriez.
Look, I walked away from $ 30,000 in business for you, and you gave me your word that if such a time should come, you're gonna be there for me, right?
Tu ne viens pas chez moi. Tu ne t'approches pas de ma famille. Je croyais qu'on ne se menaçait plus.
Yeah, but we want Julia to come and it'll look odd if we invite one
Mais on veut que Julia vienne, et on ne peut pas inviter l'une sans l'autre.
I think you should come to the station with me and let me take a better look at that.
Vous devriez venir au cabinet médical avec moi et me laisser vous examiner.
"Wanna come back to my place and help me look for my balls?"
"Tu viens chez moi pour m'aider à retrouver mes boules?"
Look, Taylor's teacher just called and she wants us to come in for a meeting.
La maîtresse de Taylor vient d'appeler, elle veut nous voir.
Look, kirby, i don't want to come Between you and your mother, But i also don't want her to come between me and you.
Kirby, je ne veux pa se mettre entre ta mère et toi, mais je ne veux pas qu'elle soit entre nous.
I don't think that our place is really haunted, but I do believe in the power of suggestion, and I honestly thought that you would come over, look around, and say either we were poltergeist-free or chant some mumbo jumbo
Je ne crois pas que notre maison soit vraiment hantée, mais je crois au pouvoir de la suggestion. Et je pensais vraiment que vous alliez venir, regarder autour de vous, et dire que nous étions libérés du Poltergeist ou psalmodier un charabia et elle y aurait cru.
Come on, just give us a name and we'll look after you.
Donnez-nous un nom et on vous protégera.
Look, ma'am, I understand why you would like to come, but it is more important that you and your husband go home and wait for Sergei to call.
Je comprends bien, madame, mais il vaut mieux que votre mari et vous soyez chez vous quand Sergei appellera.
So how am I supposed to look these kids in the eye that come into the center and convince them that this is where they need to go?
Comment je peux regarder ces jeunes dans les yeux et les convaincre qu'ils doivent aller là-bas?
Look, all we need to do is get Carrie to come with me, And I'll be fine...
Bon et bien, on a juste besoin de prendre Carrie avec moi et tout se passera bien.
Look, people continue to come back to us time and time again because they feel cared for here.
Nos clients nous restent fidèles depuis si longtemps parce qu'on prend soin d'eux.
Look, we're on our first date and I've come to a physics talk, okay?
Écoute, pour notre premier rendez-vous, je suis à une conférence de physiciens.
- Let's just take a look at the data you've come up with and talk about this, because turning the device on with all these people here could be very dangerous.
- Laisse-moi juste jeter un coup d'oeil à tes travaux pour qu'on en parle, parce qu'allumer l'appareil avec tout ce monde, peut être très dangereux.
I guess it's just a little harder for her to come to school than you because soon people are gonna be able to look at her and just tell that she's pregnant.
Je pense que c'est un peu plus dur d'aller à l'école pour elle que pour toi parce que bientôt les gens seront capables de la regarder et de remarquer qu'elle est enceinte.
Look, you think I can come over tonight and talk to ya?
Ecoute, tu penses que je peux passer ce soir pour te parler?
come and look at this 28
come and find me 23
come and get it 268
come and join us 55
come and get me 180
come and see 180
come and play 16
come and see me 45
come and dance with me 16
come and sit here 19
come and find me 23
come and get it 268
come and join us 55
come and get me 180
come and see 180
come and play 16
come and see me 45
come and dance with me 16
come and sit here 19
come and say hello 16
come and have a look 57
come and help me 44
come and take a look 24
come and see this 26
come and sit down 160
come and eat 47
come and have a drink 24
come and help 21
come and have a look at this 21
come and have a look 57
come and help me 44
come and take a look 24
come and see this 26
come and sit down 160
come and eat 47
come and have a drink 24
come and help 21
come and have a look at this 21