Come and see me tradutor Francês
1,518 parallel translation
I guess it's a good thing I fainted when I did. Why didn't you come and see me sooner?
Alors j'ai eu de la chance de m'évanouir.
Your father was meant to come and see me a week ago.
Ton père devait me consulter il y a une semaine.
Your father was meant to come and see me a week ago.
- Ton père est en consultation.
If he gives you any grief, come and see me
Merci. S'il vous embête, venez me voir!
It was odd that you didn't come and see me when you heard I was hurt.
J'ai trouvé ça bizarre que vous ne veniez pas me voir.
But you were so kind to come and see me. I have to tell you the truth, as unpleasant as it may be :
Mais vous avez eu la bonté de venir me voir, je vous dois donc la vérité, si déplaisante soit-elle :
Federico Sanchez was a very handsome boy, but when I was abusing my absences were and father forbade him to come and see me
Federico Sanchez était un beau garçon, Mais comme j'abusais de mes absences papa lui a interdit de venir me voir.
You should come and see me.
Vous devriez venir me voir.
Will you come and see me, Helen?
Tu viendras me voir?
Will you come and see me?
Tu viendras me voir?
Come and see me on your way out.
Et passez me voir en partant.
If you have any problems, don't hesitate to come and see me.
Si vous avez le moindre problème, n'hésitez pas à revenir me voir.
Meanwhile, you ever wanna come and see me, here's a key to my place. "
voilà la clé de chez moi.
If it starts bleeding, come and see me straight away.
Si ça commence à saigner, viens me voir immédiatement.
That was so sweet of y'all to come and see me.
Comme c'est gentil d'être venus!
Come and see me in jail.
Venez me voir en prison.
Tell you mother to come and see me.
Dites à votre mère de venir me voir.
If you ever Come back to erie, Please stop by And see me.
Si jamais tu retournes à Erie, passe me voir.
Eiji, can you hear me? Come out and let Daddy see your face.
Sors pour que ton Papa te voie.
But they come and they listen to me and for a moment, you can see the hope in their eyes again.
Mais ils viennent dans mon bar, ils m'écoutent chanter... et pendant un instant, l'espoir brille à nouveau dans leurs yeux.
They're gonna let him come up and see me?
Ils vont le laisser venir me voir?
Come back and see me. - Yeah.
Fais attention à toi.
You don't normally come up and see me in the morning.
Habituellement tu ne montes pas me voir les matins.
People will throw stones at me, I know, but I shall come and see Anna.
On me jettera la pierre, mais j'irai voir Anna.
My pimp, he had an idea. He made dates with tourists who would come to me, and then when they see me, they were horrified and they run off.
Il arrangeait des rendez-vous pour des touristes et quand j'avais des clients, ils s'approchaient et me voyaient et ils étaient horrifiés et ils se tiraient.
Come to the picnic and I'll wait here and let you leave first so your mother doesn't see me.
Si tu viens au pique-nique... je te laisse partir en premier, comme ça ta mère ne me verra pas.
Come on and help me! You see what I have to do!
You have come to see me and my home. I'm sorry.
Tu es venu pour me voir et voir ma maison.
The messenger Barnabas, who brought this letter, will come to see what you need, and will pass it to me.
Le messager Barnabé, porteur de cette lettre, viendra parfois s'enquérir de vos désirs, qu'il me transmettra.
You see, it was like a light globe to come from the beyond and fill me with its light a sense of peace and joy flooded my heart the globe opened, and a golden light filled it with everything, everything
Ça ressemblait à un globe lumineux venu de l'au delà qui m'a rempli de sa lumière, une sensation de paix, de joie inonda mon coeur le globe s'ouvrit, et une lumière d'or remplit tout, tout.
Son, promise me you'll come back and see me some day when you've got the Heisman trophy and a chain of auto dealerships, and I'm saving up for a second pair of pants!
Fiston, promets-moi de revenir me voir lorsque tu auras le trophée Heisman et ta concession automobile et que je serai rentré dans les ordres!
Well go to the park and sleep it off. Come to see me tonight, okay?
Alors vas cuver ton vin au jardin publique et puis reviens me voir ce soir, d'accord?
And he - I want you to come with me to see him.
Annie, il faut que vous veniez avec moi pour le voir.
I will go to see Gowron and you will come with me.
J'irai voir Gowron et vous m'accompagnerez.
And I have come to accept it. You call yourself my father but you haven't tried to see me or talk to me in five years.
Dans la résistance, je n'éprouvais que mépris pour les gens comme moi.
Get yourself $ 500 and come back to see me.
Trouvez-vous 500 $ et revenez me voir.
The natural curiosity of me, the most lasting and significant element in existence, has come to see you.
Je suis naturellement curieux. L'élément le plus grand et durable de la vie est venu te voir.
the neighbours must've thought there was a fire a policeman started laughing loud when I came back again cos at my side was Doctor Maclntrye you can come and see the baby if you care to call he's lying by his mammy in the wee white shawl
Un policier s'est mis à rire en me voyant revenir, car j'étais accompagné du docteur MacIntyre. Venez voir le bébé, si le coeur vous en dit. Il est contre sa maman, dans un petit châle blanc.
I'll see when you come home, begging for food and shelter.
On verra quand vous me supplierez pour avoir à manger et un toit! Idiots!
Well, you see, my friend wrote this book, and I thought I'd come by and get him to sign it for me.
Un ami a écrit ce bouquin, et j'aimerais qu'il le dédicace.
You do want me to come and see you in Oxford, don't you?
Mais tu veux que je vienne te voir?
Will you come and see it?
Vous viendrez me voir? Essaie de nous en empêcher.
All you have to do is come with me to Chinatown and see for yourself.
Venez à Chinatown et je vous le prouverai.
And while we're at it why don't you come with me? We've got script-writing-career-advancement on one side and useless-drinking-oblivion on the other. - Well, let's see.
Bon, d'un côté, on a l'écriture de scénario et la carrière... de l'autre, on a la beuverie sans but.
Meanwhile, I get Rachel shoving your underwear in my face and asking when she can come see me star in Ugly Woman.
Et pendant ce temps, Rachel me met ton slip sous le nez... et me demande quand elle me verra jouer dans L'Affreuse bonne femme.
Meanwhile, I get Rachel shoving your underwear in my face and asking when she can come see me star in Ugly Woman.
Et pendant ce temps, Rachel me met ton slip sous le nez... et me demande quand elle me verra jouer dans L'Affreuse bonne femme.
Salieri is the lead. People come to see me. Again and again.
Salieri est le premier rôle, c'est moi que les gens viennent voir.
I'd like to see you come up here and say that to my face.
Monte me le dire en face si tu oses!
I've come a Iong way and I know he wants to see me, so what do you say?
Je viens de loin et je sais qu'il veut me voir. Alors?
Holt and me will come by again just as soon as we can and see to it.
- Holt et moi, on reviendra dès que possible....
Tell Daddy to come by and see me a little later tonight.
Dites-lui de passer me voir ce soir.
come and find me 23
come and get it 268
come and join us 55
come and get me 180
come and look 40
come and see 180
come and play 16
come and dance with me 16
come and sit here 19
come and say hello 16
come and get it 268
come and join us 55
come and get me 180
come and look 40
come and see 180
come and play 16
come and dance with me 16
come and sit here 19
come and say hello 16
come and have a look 57
come and help me 44
come and take a look 24
come and see this 26
come and sit down 160
come and have a drink 24
come and eat 47
come and have a look at this 21
come and help 21
come and dance 23
come and help me 44
come and take a look 24
come and see this 26
come and sit down 160
come and have a drink 24
come and eat 47
come and have a look at this 21
come and help 21
come and dance 23
come and look at this 28
come and sit 29
come and 20
see me 63
come on 167938
come here 17944
come in 9605
come on baby 22
come on everybody 23
come downstairs 38
come and sit 29
come and 20
see me 63
come on 167938
come here 17944
come in 9605
come on baby 22
come on everybody 23
come downstairs 38
come to me 469
come on let's go 25
come with me 3958
come back 2373
come with me if you want to live 21
come on man 75
come on guys 95
come on in 3933
come on over 148
come back soon 95
come on let's go 25
come with me 3958
come back 2373
come with me if you want to live 21
come on man 75
come on guys 95
come on in 3933
come on over 148
come back soon 95
come one 123
come over here 869
come to daddy 102
come on now 949
come on boy 27
come to my room 21
come on down 295
come on home 31
come inside 424
come again 567
come over here 869
come to daddy 102
come on now 949
come on boy 27
come to my room 21
come on down 295
come on home 31
come inside 424
come again 567