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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ C ] / Come and sit

Come and sit tradutor Francês

1,634 parallel translation
Come and sit here.
Viens t'asseoir ici un petit peu.
- Come and sit with us, honey.
Anne, come and sit by the fire.
Anne, viens t'asseoir près de l'âtre.
Oh sweetie, come and sit by me.
Mon chéri, viens t'asseoir à côté de moi.
Come and sit down.
Viens t'asseoir.
Okay, so come and sit here next to me...
D'accord, viens t'asseoir à côté de moi...
Cesare, come and sit.
César, viens t'asseoir.
You could not come and sit with us if you were married.
Nous serions alors privées de vos visites.
You come and sit down a minute.
Viens t'asseoir une minute.
Come and sit down, you.
Viens t'asseoir, toi.
Mr. Bagheri come and sit with me
Monsieur Bagheri, viens t'asseoir une minute!
Come and sit here.
Venez ici.
Goddamn it! Are you gonna sit here and marinade in it? Come on.
Vous voulez rester dedans à mariner?
Don't sit in a corner. Come and catch one of these.
Ne reste pas assise dans un coin, viens attraper un de ces poissons.
Come over here and sit down.
Venir ici et s'asseoir.
Won't you come in and sit with us a little?
Entrez un moment.
Come in and have a sit
Viens t'asseoir.
So while I'm there, I want you to sit here... and think about your little scenario...'cause I want to come back and get it right.
Ça a été, le petit déjeuner? Ton ami va bien?
You're going to sit there and study the problem, and then come up with a clear, simple solution.
Tu vas rester assis là à étudier le problème jusqu'à ce que tu trouves une solution claire et simple.
Agranon...,... will you promise me that when we're old we'll still come back here and sit under these trees?
Agranon, promets-moi qu'on reviendra ici, quand on sera vieux.
Why don't you guys come over here and sit on the couch?
Pourquoi n'allez-vous pas vous asseoir sur le sofa?
As a matter of fact, come out from behind that bar and sit on that stool where I can see you.
D'ailleurs, sors de là et mets-toi là, que je te voie!
I come into the Riverside to get a cup of coffee, right? I sit down at the table, Grace and Ruthie. I'm gonna order just a cup of coffee.
J'me pointe au café pour prendre un jus, je m'assieds à la table de Grace et Ruthie.
Come on and sit.
- Viens t'asseoir.
Come, sit and talk a bit.
Allez, assieds-toi et parlons un peu.
All we do is sit back and wait for Mr. Kruger to come to us.
Nous n'avons plus qu'à attendre que M. Kruger vienne à nous.
For God's sake, Milton, would you come inside and sit down?
Pour l'amour de Dieu, Milton, entrez vous asseoir.
Come, come, and sit you down. You shall not budge. You go not till I set you up a glass where you may see the inmost part of you.
Asseyez-vous et ne bougez pas avant que je vous aie tendu un miroir où vous verrez au fond de vous-même.
( Man ) The only way he'll come up there and sit down in that witness chair and testify, is if they cut him a sweet deal, you take all the things that are wrong with his statement
COMTE DE CRAIGHEAD CENTRE DE DETENTION Il ne viendra témoigner lors du procès...
Why don't you come over here and sit down beside me.
Viens t'asseoir à côté de moi.
Come in and sit down.
Entrez et asseyez-vous.
" Winter has come again to Great Britain and we sit by our fires, warming our feet
" L'hiver est revenu en Grande-Bretagne et nous nous tenons prés du feu
Both of you, come here and sit down.
Toutes les deux, asseyez-vous.
Come, sit and... grab those grapes while you're at it.
Assieds-toi, prends ces raisins.
Come here, darling. I want you to go over there... and sit on the couch with Eddie.
Je veux que tu ailles t'asseoir à côté d'Eddie.
And when he did bother to come home... he'd sit in that fucking chair, doss off with his tray on his lap.
Et quand il prenais la peine de venir à la maison... Il pionçait dans ce putain de fauteuil avec son plateau sur les genoux.
Come and sit near me.
Viens, assieds-toi près de moi.
So in his place, you come with your guitar... and sit in a corner and strum it...
A la place, viens avec ta guitare et assieds-toi dans un coin pour jouer
You just come right over here and sit down.
Venez vous asseoir là. Reposez-vous.
Come in and sit down.
Entrez, prenez place. Merci.
We can't just sit here and wait for him to come to us.
On ne peut pas attendre qu'il vienne à nous. Il faut savoir qui c'est.
Come on, let's go have some crummy leftovers... and then after dinner, we'll just sit like lumps and watch a stupid video.
Viens, allons manger des restes sans intérêt, ensuite on passera la soirée avachis devant une vidéo débile.
Come on, Ray. You'll just sit here and wait for the cable to come back on?
Alors tu vas rester là à attendre que ça marche?
Would you like to come in and sit down?
Vous voulez venir vous asseoir?
It also seems strange that you come to this court every day and sit behind him in support.
C'est également étrange de vous voir chaque jour venir le soutenir.
I could sit down now and you'd have to come back not guilty.
Je pourrais me rasseoir et vous devriez l'acquitter.
So you can either sit there crying and eating can after can of dog food until your tears smell enough like dog food to make your dog come back or you can go out there and find your dog.
Alors, soit tu restes là à pleurer et à manger des boulettes, jusqu'à ce que tes larmes sentent les boulettes et qu'il revienne, soit tu vas le chercher, ton chien.
Sit and tell me why you have come.
Asseyez-vous et dites-moi pourquoi vous êtes venue.
Come in, Buster, and sit down.
Entre, Buster, et assieds-toi.
Since you guys were in school together, you wanna come over and sit down here for a little bit maybe?
Puisque vous étiez à l'école ensemble... viens t'asseoir avec nous.
- Why? Can I come and sit in there with you?
Je peux venir près de toi?

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