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He say anything tradutor Francês

2,178 parallel translation
Wul... why didn't he say anything?
Pourquoi n'a-t-il rien dit?
He say anything about the plane they came in on?
Quoi? Il a dit quelque chose à propos de l'avion qui les a amenés ici?
Did he say anything?
Il a dit quelque chose?
He say anything different to you?
- T'a-t-il dit différemment?
When you found him, did he say anything?
Quand tu l'as trouvé, est-ce qu'il a dit quelque chose?
I mean, leo, he said that she's jealous, but if that's true, why didn't she say anything before?
Leo a dit qu'elle était jalouse, mais si c'est vrai, pourquoi n'a-t-elle rien dit avant?
- Did he say anything about me?
- Il parlé de moi?
- Il a parlé de moi?
Did he say anything about what happened?
T'a-t-il parlé de ce qui s'était passé?
Did he say anything about our victim Ashley Tann?
A-t-il dit quelque chose sur Ashley Tanner?
Hey Lulu that customer that you just served, did he say anything?
Hé, Lulu. Ce client que tu viens de servir. - Il a dit quelque chose?
No. Did he say anything?
Il a dit quelque chose?
Did he say anything to you?
Il vous a dit quelque chose?
Did he say anything about the Visitors?
Vous a-t-il parlé des Visiteurs?
- Did he say anything?
A-t-il dit quelque chose?
Did he say anything else?
Il a dit autre chose?
Did he say anything before he died? He was hit by a train.
Il a été renversé par un train.
Did he say anything to you?
Il t'a dit quelque chose?
He didn't say anything about my car, did he? - No.
Il n'a pas parlé de ma voiture, hein?
Mike, did haas say anything To suggest he may have something against the ambassador?
Mike, est-ce que Haas a dit quelque chose qui suggérerait qu'ils ont un truc contre l'ambassadrice?
Jim goes to every performance. He once called The Doors "erotic politicians", but he confesses to the group's director that though he has the ear of a generation, he feels he's never had anything to say.
Un jour, il qualifia les Doors de "politiciens érotiques", mais il confesse au directeur de la troupe, que, bien qu'il appartienne à cette génération, il a le sentiment qu'il n'a jamais rien eu à dire.
Did he say anything?
- Il a dit quelque chose?
You can have a chat about things and he won't say anything and then he comes out with these amazing words of wisdom.
Parfois, on discute de choses et il ne dit rien, et soudain, il parle, et a toujours des mots pleins de bon sens.
Make sure that he didn't say anything to hurt the project. Yeah.
M'assurer qu'il n'a rien dit qui peut nuire au projet.
He's not gonna say anything.
Il dira rien!
This guy will say or do anything he can to undermine you.
Ce mec dira ou fera tout ce qu'il peut pour t'ébranler.
- He's not obliged to'say anything.
Il peut taire quoi que ce soit l'incriminant.
Danny say anything to you before he left?
Danny t'a-t-il dit quelque chose avant de partir?
I don't think he's going to say anything for now.
Je crois qu'il ne dira rien pour le moment.
Did Metallo say anything before he died?
Metallo a dit quelque chose avant de mourir?
So he didn't say anything about Megan?
Donc, il n'a rien dit à propos de Megan?
He didn't say anything to me about it.
Il ne m'a jamais parlé de ça.
But he won't say anything.
Il veut pas répondre.
I knew that I would give him anything he wanted because he was my son and I couldn't say no.
Je savais que j'allais rien pouvoir lui refuser parce que c'est mon fils et que je peux pas dire non.
Did Mr. West say anything to indicate why he was showing up now after all these years?
M. West a-t-il dit pourquoi il ne venait que maintenant - après toutes ces années?
He didn't say anything about knifing anybody.
Il a rien dit sur poignarder quelqu'un.
- He didn't say anything?
– Il a rien dit?
he asked me not to say anything.
Il m'a demandé de ne rien dire.
He's really gonna believe you're a ghost, so he's gonna listen to anything you say.
Il croira vraiment que vous êtes un fantôme, alors il écoutera tout ce que vous direz.
Anything that Jim has to say to me, he can say in front of these types of people.
Si Jim a quelque chose à me dire, il peut le dire devant "ces gens".
- Rollie knows, and he didn't say anything?
Et il n'a rien dit?
And after that, Burns could say anything he wanted to about Arnett.
Après ça, Burns aurait pu dire tout ce qu'il voulait sur Arnett.
Don't say anything about that cause he's affraid haf the time. Boy cut his dealership...
Il craint que la moitié de la ville boycotte sa concession.
Because a man who was willing to say anything, do anything, spend anything to have me... woke up one day... and realized that he was tired of me.
Parce qu'un homme qui ne voulait rien dire, rien faire, a tout quitté pour m'avoir... Il s'est réveillé un jour... Et a réalisé qu'il en avait marre de moi.
Did he ever say anything about his work?
A-t-il jamais rien dit de son travail?
I didn't say he definitively had Anything to do with cassie's murder.
J'ai pas dit qu'il était forcément mêlé au meurtre.
I didn't say he was telling us anything. Yes, well I assume that's why he's...
Je présume que c'est pour ça qu'il...
Somehow, he knew, but he didn't say anything. He kept it a secret.
Il savait, mais il n'a rien dit.
Yeah. Did he ever say anything to you about offshore accounts?
A-t-il jamais parlé de comptes off-shore,
The thing is, he says he knows something about a murder we're investigating, but he won't say anything else until we, uh, guarantee that he'll walk on the possession charge.
Ce qu'il y a, c'est qu'il dit savoir quelque chose à propos d'un meurtre nous enquêtons, mais il ne dira rien d'autre avant que, nous ne lui garantissions qu'on lui enlèvera l'accusation de possession.
He'll say anything to get his hands on the ring!
- Il est prêt à tout pour la bague!

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