How's the head tradutor Francês
184 parallel translation
How's the head oh, beastly, thanks.
Alors, cette migraine? Terrible!
By the way, how's your head?
Ça va, la tête?
That's how you got that cut on the head.
C'est comme ça qu'on vous a blessé.
By the way, how's the head?
Et votre tête?
How's the head, Ben?
Comment va la tête?
Well, Pa, how's the head?
Papa, comment va ta tête?
Come midnight, how about blindfolding the orchestra... and smashing champagne glasses over Max's head?
A minuit, bandons-leur les yeux, et cassons des verres sur la tête de Max.
You ought to know that's how it is all the time, Buddha-head.
C'est toujours comme ça, le bonze.
That's how I was able to keep on smiling at him, To keep from smashing him over the head with a lamp.
C'est pourquoi je ne lui ai pas brisé le crâne, ce soir.
Oh, doctor Jesus, how come you ain'lay yo'han on dis po'sister head? Chase de devil out of her down the steep place into de sea like you used to do time an'time again. Oh, my father!
Oh, docteur Jésus, pourquoi tu ne poses pas ta main sur la tête de notre pauvre sœur?
If the thief has the loot, I order him to stop then I shoot in the air and then at the tires. How you carry on. Shoot him in the head right away or he'll shoot you first.
je lui ordonne de s'arrêter... et dans les pneus. sinon il tire en premier.
- How's the head?
- Votre tête?
How is it that the likes of you has escaped me notice when there's a light about you that shines forth like a beacon at sea and your hair all golden around your head and your eyes sending out an invitation to any man who has eyes for a girl with spirit and fire?
Comment une fille comme toi a-t-elle échappé à ma vigilance, alors qu'une lumière émane de toi comme un phare en mer, avec tes cheveux d'or tout autour de ta figure et ces yeux qui lancent une invitation à tout homme qui sait reconnaître une fille d'esprit et de feu?
How's your head? The one I opened the champagne bottle on.
Tu as mal à la tête depuis que j'ai ouvert la bouteille dessus?
( Peel ) How's the head? What head?
- Comment va la tête?
( Steed ) How's the head?
Comment va la tête?
How's the head?
Et la tête?
How was I supposed to know that Mr Bartenbach's wife was the head of the committee?
Comment aurais-je su que la femme de M. Bartenbach est la présidente du comité?
Jennifer called and told me about this then pulled the covers over her head, which is how she deals with problems.
Jennifer m'a prévenue, puis elle s'est mise au lit. C'est sa façon de gérer les problèmes.
I was merely wearing this for my head... to... to ward off the rays of the sun, you see... so that's how your highship made the mistake of...
Je le mets sur la tête... juste pour me protéger du soleil, ce qui aura induit votre Altesse en erreur.
And Rome shall sea how easy it is to straighten one's back and hold one's head high when the will is there.
Et tout Rome verra comme il est facile de se redresser et garder la tête haute quand on en a la volonté.
You know, it's funny how the same idea just hopped into your head.
C'est amusant que la même idée te soit venue.
How does the lizard know I'm doing that when there's no head?
Comment le lézard sait que je fais ça alors qu'il est décapité?
How's that little bump on the head I gave you in Detroit?
Comment va la petite bosse que je t'ai faite à Détroit?
How about if we get Lord Farrow's head and body and we take it to the Queen, except, exc-ept, just before we get in, we start shouting and screaming and then we say, "We were on our way when he said something traitorous."
Et si... si on rassemble la tête et le corps de Farrow et qu'on emmène le tout chez la Reine, sauf que... juste avant d'entrer, on pousse des hurlements... et puis on dit qu'en chemin,
You know how when you cut a chicken's head off, it runs round and round the farmyard?
Z'avez vu ça, si on coupe le cou d'un poulet il tourne en rond dans la cour, non?
How's the head?
Comment va la tête?
How did he get the--the bump on his head?
Comment s'est-il fait cette bosse?
Yeah. So maybe she took the sleeping pills with the intention of killing herself. But how did she end up lying on a marble floor in a freezing bathroom with her head under the toilet bowl?
D'accord, elle a pris les somnifères pour se tuer... mais comment s'est-elle retrouvée sur le marbre de la salle de bains, la tête sous la cuvette?
- How's the head feel?
- Comment va votre tête?
Hi, Dan, how's the head?
Salut, Dan, comment va ta tête?
Let's videotape your head for the before picture. So we can watch how it grows and stuff.
Filmons ta tête avant, histoire de voir l'évolution.
Which one of you had the theory... about how President Ford's old football head injuries... is affecting the economy?
Lequel d'entre vous avait avancé la théorie que la vieille blessure à la tête du Président Ford affecte l'économie?
How's everyone else? Mr. Kilroy, downstairs, got hit in the head with a brick.
M. Kilroy a été blessé à la tête.
Show me how you rip the guy's head off and set him on fire.
Comment tu arraches sa tête et tu lui mets le feu?
- How's the head? - Hey!
Ca va, ta tête?
How's the head, Ike?
Comment va la tête, Ike?
Try and see what I see, how my mind works. The flash when I look into someone's head like a fucking X-ray.
Lis ce que je lis dans la pensée des autres.
How is the head's heart holding out?
Comment va son coeur?
I didn't realize how late it was... till I saw the five o'clock shadow on her head.
Quand le jour s'est levé... son crâne a fait cadran solaire.
Patient's name is Ronald Poklewaldt. - lt's severe head trauma. - How are the vital signs?
Ronald Pokelwaldt souffre d'un traumatisme crânien.
You know how kids are, you know. They like to pick on the egg head.
On s'en prenait à l'intello de service.
I could also tell them how your mum and dad had to go to France to extricate you from that sanatorium where you lay, sick in the head as ever, pumped full of medicine, to your mother's despair.
Ou leur raconter quand papa-maman ont dû aller en France pour t'aider à sortir de ce sanatorium où tu croupissais bourré de médicaments au grand désespoir de ta mère.
How about Girl About to Pour Hot Tea On Sister's Head?
Plutôt Fille sur le point de renverser du thé sur sa soeur.
So the Scorpius in my head can tell you exactly how he's going to kill you.
Le Scorpius dans mon crâne te donnerait des indications sur la façon dont il a l'intention de te supprimer.
How this reporter, Nick Ganzner, seemed to get into the rapist's head.
Ce journaliste, Ganzner, on dirait qu'il peut se mettre dans la tête du violeur.
I gotta know. How did you really get the bucket off my dad's head?
Comment vous avez fait pour enlever le seau?
How did he end up with his head stuck between the doors?
Comment s'est-il retrouvé coincé?
Imagining what he was doing, was he thinking about me... making up little scenarios in my head... about how we'd run into each other accidentally at the club... and he would be playing golf, and I would walk by... and he would be so distracted that he'd completely miss the ball.
Je me demandais ce qu'il faisait, s'il pensait à moi, je mettais au point des scénarios dans ma tête pour arranger entre nous une rencontre accidentelle au club. Il serait venu faire un golf et je serais passée par là et je l'aurais tellement déconcentré qu'il aurait perdu la balle.
How's about I trot over and smack you across the head?
Et si je te filais une bonne claque?
I'll contact the head of psychiatry at Cedar Junction and find out how Keller's doing.
Je contacterai le directeur de psychiatrie à Cedar Junction et je verrai comment va Keller.
how's the ankle 16
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how's the patient 43
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how's the weather 17
how's the knee 18
how's the wife 28
how's the family 56
how's the patient 43
how's the hand 21
how's the arm 43
how's the job 19
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how's the baby 73
how's the water 28
how's the food 29
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how's the girl 21
how's the pain 22
how's the kid 25
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how's the investigation going 17
how's the case going 23
how's the water 28
how's the food 29
how's the shoulder 23
how's the girl 21
how's the pain 22
how's the kid 25
how's the leg 53
how's the investigation going 17
how's the case going 23
the headmaster 20
the headmistress 18
the head 74
head 675
heads 381
headquarters 78
headline 24
heading 58
headed 299
headache 92
the headmistress 18
the head 74
head 675
heads 381
headquarters 78
headline 24
heading 58
headed 299
headache 92
headphones 22
headstrong 17
headmaster 111
heads up 574
head of security 36
head out 16
heading home 29
headed your way 16
headlines 18
head up 61
headstrong 17
headmaster 111
heads up 574
head of security 36
head out 16
heading home 29
headed your way 16
headlines 18
head up 61
head to toe 22
heads or tails 61
head shot 21
head down 98
head back 19
heading south 26
heading north 21
headmistress 58
heading out 31
headaches 102
heads or tails 61
head shot 21
head down 98
head back 19
heading south 26
heading north 21
headmistress 58
heading out 31
headaches 102