Is that your tradutor Francês
32,535 parallel translation
Is that your best American accent? - Yes.
- C'est ton meilleur accent américain?
It's a little early to tell, but my initial assessment is that your father is doing well post-op.
Il est trop tôt pour le dire, mais d'après mon estimation votre père se remet bien de l'opération.
Is that your father?
C'est ton père?
- Is that your daughter? - Yeah. Yes.
C'est votre fille?
Is that your new man scarf?
C'est ton nouveau foulard?
Is that your key?
C'est votre clé? Je ne pense pas.
[Julien] Aha-ha! First thing you gotta know is that your big brother, King Julien, - is all about the booty.
D'abord, ton grand frère, le roi Julian, adore le popotin.
Is that your only selection criteria?
Et ça, c'est le seul critère de recrutement?
- Is that your last word?
- C'est ton dernier mot?
The cure that runs through your veins is the very same as the one that runs through mine, except for some reason, it's not working on you.
Le vaccin qui coule dans vos veines est le même que celui qui coule dans les miennes, excepté que pour certaines raisons, ça ne marche pas sur vous.
Paper Boy is my cousin. That's your cousin, man, you gonna want to get in there before he gets signed, man.
Si c'est ton cousin, va le voir avant qu'il ait un contrat.
Hey, tell him I said "what up." Is that really your cousin in the video with the big tits?
C'est vraiment ton cousin avec cette bonasse?
What is your problem? Didn't I tell you that we do not play with guns in this house?
Je t'ai pas interdit de jouer avec des armes?
This mud is from Kort's footprint that was found at your house.
Cette boue vient de l'empreinte de pas de Kort trouvée chez toi.
- Okay. - But... but Harrison, don't you think that the rap community and its treatment of transpeople and homosexuals is indicative of a larger problem in the black community, one that makes your lifestyle unacceptable?
Mais Harrison, ne penses-tu pas que la communauté rap et sa façon de traiter les transgenres et les homosexuels est révélateur d'un plus grand souci au sein de la communauté noire, un souci qui rend ton choix de vie inacceptable?
We believe that your safety is not in jeopardy.
Nous assurons que votre sécurité n'est pas compromise.
Is that what your parents tell you?
C'est ce que tes parents te disent?
Close your eyes and picture anything, and there is porn of that on the internet.
Ferme les yeux et imagine n'importe quoi. Ça existe en porno sur Internet.
Jeff, do you know what that's like to watch your friend, someone you love, someone who is like a goddess with the power to fly to the moon and shine a light on the world, and she ends up using all of that power
Tu sais ce que c'est, de voir ton amie, quelqu'un que tu aimes, qui est comme une déesse, capable d'aller sur la Lune, et d'illuminer le monde, gâcher tous ses talents
- I'm hearing you, and I know you feel certain of this, but I think that this is your thing.
J'entends ce que tu dis, et c'est ton avis. Mais tu te fais des idées.
This is about transparency, truth, law. And I sense from your reluctance to speak that the truth will not be kind to you or our esteemed president.
Je vous parle de transparence, de vérité, de loi, et je pressens, à vous voir si peu enclin à m'écouter, que cette vérité vous dérange, vous et notre cher président.
However, I should explain that it's possible nobody will be looking at your banner because this is a corner that was designed so a car can do this.
Cependant, je dois vous prévenir il est possible que personne ne voit votre banderole car c'est un virage dessiné pour qu'une voiture puisse le passer comme ça.
Frankie's knowledge of the world is accelerating because of your class, good and bad, and that's great, but it's going really fast.
La vision du monde de Frankie a changé, grâce à vos cours. En bien et en mal. C'est formidable.
I used to have really good Mommy toolbox for you, and now you're a real person, and your heart is broken, and I wish I had an easy thing for that, but nobody does, baby.
Mais là, c'est pour de vrai, et tu as le cœur brisé. J'aimerais avoir un truc pour ça. Mais ça n'existe pas.
But everyone knows this is your event and I assured them that you have everything covered. You're like a toupee.
Mais on sait tous que c'est ton projet et je leur ai dit que tout roule, comme sur des roulettes...
That nigga showing up to your job is kind of stalker-ish, though.
C'est un peu flippant qu'il soit venu à ton taf.
And she takes a 30-minute break after her lunch break. It's like, "That's what your lunch is for."
Elle prend 30 minutes de pause après la pause-déjeuner!
I'm also aware that I'm a complete stranger to you, and this is the biggest moment - of your life.
Je sais aussi que je suis un étranger pour vous et que c'est le plus grand moment de votre vie.
Kara, we just got word that your mom is fine.
Kara, votre maman va bien.
Is that what your father would have wanted?
C'est ce que votre père aurait voulu?
Okay, your tone right now is really hostile, and I feel like you're attacking me for something that is equally your fault.
La façon dont tu me parles est vraiment agressive, et j'ai l'impression que tu m'attaques pour quelque chose qui est autant de ta faute que la mienne.
Oh, also, when are we gonna talk about the fact that your boyfriend back there is related to the... later, got it.
Et donc, quand est-ce qu'on va parler du fait que ton petit ami là-dedans est lié à... plus tard, d'accord.
I just wanted to tell you that what your stepbrother is doing isn't gonna work.
Je voulais juste te dire que ce que fait ton demi-frère ne va pas marcher.
Far from being an angel, Guillaume is what we call a scoundrel, a little rascal, as people used to say in the 60's, Your Honor. At that time, Carné's Children of Paradise were becoming Young Sinners.
Loin d'etre un ange, Guillaume est ce qu'on appelle une petite frappe, un blouson dore, comme on disait dans les annees 60, M. le president, a l'epoque ou Marcel Carne laissait tomber Les Enfants du paradis
It is thus in the name of that justice, Your Honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury,
C'est donc au nom de cette justice, M. le president, messieurs de la cour, messieurs les jures,
- Yep. If you google your name, the only thing that comes up is your Facebook page and a singer named Issa Sekibo.
Quand on tape ton prénom, on tombe sur ta page Facebook et sur un chanteur appelé Issa Sakibo.
Having to make a decision that will hurt your family is one of the hardest things you can do.
Devoir prendre une décision qui va blesser votre famille est une des choses les plus durs que vous pouvez faire.
Did they finally convince you that finding your happiness is the best revenge?
Vous ont-ils convaincue que trouver le bonheur est votre meilleure vengeance?
Τhis is where your grandpa puts that crook in his place.
- Pis c'est là que ton pépère l'a remis à sa place, cet osti de gros pourri.
It is therefore imperative that your wife accompanies you.
Il serait donc impératif que vous soyez accompagné de la vôtre.
Though your brothers will never do that to you, because the record is too long and too bloody.
Meme si vos frères ne vous feront jamais ça, parce que le dossier est trop long et trop sanglant.
The school is being inspected, Miss Quill, and your class is part of the school, although your continuous surprise at that fact is troubling.
L'école est inspectée, et votre classe fait partie de l'école, et pourtant votre surprise à propos de ce fait est troublante.
Is that why your form's dropped?
C'est pour ça que tes capacités ont baissé?
This is the part of your brain that makes you... you.
Cettepartie du cerveau nous individualise.
Your actions indicate that you trust him as a caregiver, so I have acted accordingly and filed a recommendation for his father to take custody until the hearing is settled.
Votre comportement indique que vous lui faites confiance en tant que père. J'ai donc agi en conséquence et rempli un dossier pour qu'il ait sa garde jusqu'à la prochaine audience.
If one day when you let out your last breath the only thing you see is your blood and the only thing you hear is silence know that you are not alone.
Si un jour quand vous laissez sortir votre dernier souffle la seule chose que vous voyez est votre sang et la seule chose que vous entendez, c'est le silence sachez que vous n'êtes pas seuls.
Is that how you justify your hate of the military?
Ils le font encore.
Mountain, your signal is weak, but copy that.
Montagne en attente. Montagne, c'est Loup.
Ahh! That is- - [romantic song playing] Your Majesty!
Votre Majesté!
- That is your name.
- C'est ton nom.
I'm surprised, now that your true identity is known to the world, you don't live openly as your Martian self.
Maintenant que votre vraie identité est connue, je suis surprise que vous ne viviez pas sous votre forme Martienne.
is that your sister 22
is that your dog 17
is that your daughter 28
is that your car 43
is that your name 39
is that your girlfriend 35
is that your real name 25
is that your phone 20
is that your dad 36
is that your plan 23
is that your dog 17
is that your daughter 28
is that your car 43
is that your name 39
is that your girlfriend 35
is that your real name 25
is that your phone 20
is that your dad 36
is that your plan 23
is that your mother 20
is that your son 46
is that your brother 24
is that yours 88
is that your boyfriend 28
is that your mom 36
is that your husband 17
is that your father 23
is that your wife 48
is that your mom again 81
is that your son 46
is that your brother 24
is that yours 88
is that your boyfriend 28
is that your mom 36
is that your husband 17
is that your father 23
is that your wife 48
is that your mom again 81
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that what you want 740
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that what you want 740
is that what this is 151
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that a 177
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that better 164
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that a 177
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that better 164
is that all 744
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that him 366
is that true 1272
is that her 187
is that all of it 17
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that him 366
is that true 1272
is that her 187
is that all of it 17