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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ J ] / Just stay there

Just stay there tradutor Francês

741 parallel translation
You just stay there and keep me covered.
Restez ici et couvrez-moi.
Just stay there... If a customer comes
Reste là, si des clients arrivent.
- Just stay there. I'll be right back.
- Un instant, monsieur, je reviens.
All right, all right. Just stay there.
Bon, restez uù vous êtes.
Just stay there until the bell rings.
Restez là jusqu'à ce que ça sonne.
Well, wherever you are, just stay there, huh?
Où que tu sois, tu ne bouges pas, hein?
No, you just stay there and listen to Georgie's side of things.
Non, laissez Georges vous raconter son point de vue.
Now just stay there.
Vous ne bougez plus.
You just stay there for a while.
T'as qu'à rester là quelque temps.
Just stay there.
Il suffit de rester là-bas.
Just stay there. Just stay there.
Reste là, surtout.
Just stay there.
Bougez pas.
Just stay there, now.
Restez comme ça.
Just stay there.
Ne bougez pas.
Just stay there.
Reste là.
I just as well go on up there and stay there, you understand, for the rest of my life.
Si le spectacle échoue, j'irai et j'y resterai jusqu'à la fin de mes jours.
I couldn't stay there all alone so I I just drove away.
Je ne pouvais pas rester seule, alors je suis repartie en voiture.
Yes, you just thought that if I'd stay up there... you'd show me exactly how innocent a night in the country can be, didn't you?
Tu voulais me prouver que l'on peut passer une nuit innocente à la campagne.
If it was me, I'd stay on just to show him that there's other fish in the sea.
Moi, je lui ferais voir que pour un de perdu, il y en a dix de trouvés.
If there's any I can do to make your stay pleasant, just call.
Si je peux rendre votre séjour plus agréable, appelez-moi.
And then when she took hold of my finger and held on to it, she... she just sort of walked into my heart, Judge, and she was there to stay.
Quand elle a agrippé mon doigt elle est entrée dans mon cœur pour le restant de mes jours.
I just want to stay there
Je veuxjuste y rester
- I just wanna stay there - Do-do, do-do-do-do, do-do
Je veuxjuste y rester
Look, you just stay right there, will you, and be real quiet?
Reste là, d'accord, et ne dis plus rien?
Just get down on the deck, flat, and stay there.
Allongez-vous sur le pont.
I'll just let it stay there.
Ça restera dans ma tête.
No, I just asked them to let me stay there and they did.
Non, j'ai juste demandé à rester et ils ont accepté.
It'll just have to stay there.
Nous devons en rester là.
After my mother passed away, I just didn't want to stay there anymore.
Quand ma mère est morte, je ne voulais plus rester là-bas.
It will stay there always, just for you.
Ça restera ici, rien que pour toi.
You stay up there where I can see you and we'II get along just fine.
Reste Ia ou je peux te voir, et on pourra s'entendre.
Why don't we just go along until we find a nice place and just stop there and stay as Long as we Like?
On devrait se trouver un charmant endroit et y rester autant qu'on veut.
Just stay in there.
I'll just go and stay there.
Je vais aller séjourner là-bas.
Wait a minute. Don't move. Now, just stay right there.
Attendez, ne bougez pas, restez là.
Il me faut de l'essence, je ne peux pas rester seule!
No, the workshop would stay back there, and this would just be their residence.
Mais non, il veut y vivre.
Well, there are some men you just can't trust to stay where you put them.
Que voulez-vous! Il y a des hommes qui ne peuvent rester nulle part.
You can try if you want to. If you can't land, just stay with him until we can get there. Okay?
Si ce n'est pas possible... survolez-le jusqu'à ce qu'on arrive.
Hey, Polly, we were just wondering... how do you get that thing to stay in there?
Hé, Polly, on se demandait... comment tu fais tenir ce truc là-dedans?
I'm just not going to stay out there and get wet.
Je ne vais pas rester dehors à me mouiller.
Just get in there and stay there!
- Chut, chut, chut. Maintenant tu entres là et tu y restes.
Just you stay there and keep an eye on it - right?
SERGENT : Contentez-vous de la surveiller, d'accord?
Stay there, I'll just get my medical pen.
Restez assis. Je vais chercher ma plume.
If you want me to go, I'll go, but I can find a spot right here in the ranch, stay there real quiet, and just not go no place.
J'irai si vous voulez, mais je peux trouver un endroit calme ici et me planquer.
Stay there, Steve. Just relax.
Reste là, détends-toi.
When we get there, you just stay out of the way. I'm the one who got the big money here.
C'est à moi de faire le travail.
I can't just let him stay there.
Je ne peux quand même pas le laisser.
That the Cheyenne Social Club could stay just the way it was as long as the girls were there.
que le Cheyenne Social Club resterait ce qu'il est tant que les filles y resteraient.
- Stay there, please. Just lie still.
Ne bouge pas, je t'en prie...
Now, just stay there.
Bouge pas!

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