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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ J ] / Just stay back

Just stay back tradutor Francês

299 parallel translation
- Just stay back!
- Reculez!
Just stay back.
N'approchez pas!
Sarge, just stay back.
Sarge, reste en arrière.
Just stay back. - Don't worry.
- Ça ne risque pas.
- Just stay back!
OK, ma'am, to the side. Just stay back there, please.
Madame, restez sur le côté.
Just stay back!
Restez en arrière.
I'll go. Come on. You two stay here, if the driver comes back, just all stay with the car, all right?
j'y vais allez vous deux restez si le chauffeur revient... restez à la voiture
Now, just stay put till I get back.
Reste là jusqu'à mon retour.
- Just stay there. I'll be right back.
- Un instant, monsieur, je reviens.
If Victor insists on being difficult, I'll just go back to London, cancel all my plans, and arrange to stay in England all Summer long.
Si Victor veut créer des difficultés, je retournerais à Londres, je changerais mes plans pour rester en Angleterre tout l'été.
Well, you're no help for me. That's for sure! Here we stand in this crummy little shop, with the whole world out in front of us, with anything to wish for that we want, and you just stay on my back...!
Nous voici, dans cette boutique minable, avec le monde à nos pieds, l'occasion de faire n'importe quel vœu, et toi qui me tracasses.
No, the workshop would stay back there, and this would just be their residence.
Mais non, il veut y vivre.
G - get behind me, will you just get behind me? Stay back of me.
Restez derrière moi.
I wonder if he'll come back this time or just stay away.
Je me demande s'il reviendra, cette fois, ou s'il s'abstiendra.
The idea is to just step on that log, stay on it. Put your left hand behind your back like that, and that's all your have to do.
L'idée, c'est de monter sur ce rondin... d'y rester... en mettant la main gauche derrière le dos comme ça.
Just stay to the back the first time around.
Sois discret, la première fois.
Okay, you just stay right here and I'll be right back.
Ne bougez pas, je reviens.
If you were willing to stay on for just a while, work, fit in... I have crops to get back to, people to feed!
Si vous décidiez de rester quelques temps, de travailler, de vous intégrer... Je dois repartir, j'ai des gens à nourrir!
please, Would you just stay off My back?
Arrête un peu de me harceler.
You just stay on back.
Tu restes où tu es.
Just stay straight till I get back.
Tiens-toi bien le temps que je revienne.
I gotta go back there, okay Just stay here and tty to rest.
Je vais jeter un œil. Reste là et repose-toi.
I'll nurse you back to health. Just please stay until after tea.
Mais je t'en prie, reste encore un peu, pour le thé
Just get back to your stations, and I'll stay here... with Andie.
Chacun retourne à son poste, je vais rester avec Andie.
Just stay in your seat and I'll have your friend back.
Restez à votre place et je vous ramène votre amie.
- Stay back! - Just let me talk...
Je veux te parler!
Yes? So I was wondering if it would be all right with you if I moved back into our house, just as a place to stay for a while.
Je me demandais si tu serais d'accord... que je me réinstalle chez nous.
I'll never find my way back. - Hey, why don't you just stay here tonight?
Si tu restais pour la nuit ce soir.
Well, just stay in bed. We'll be back before dawn.
Reste au lit, on sera de retour avant l'aube.
Stay back. Just stand back.
N'approchez pas.
Now, you just stay the course there and give your old shipmate time to get away... and I'll forget all about how you done me back there at the island.
Alors, tu vas garder le cap et donner à ton vieux camarade le temps de fuir et j'oublierai le petit tour que tu m'as joué sur l'île.
It's too kind of Igor to take care of it to bother to paint a bit of metal just to make you happy. Since you're here, we don't need to stay. We're going back to Paris.
En fait, vous ne recevez personne.
Just get away. Stay back.
Restez là.
Just one last question if all the autograph hounds can stay back for a second.
Dernière question, si les chasseurs d'autographes peuvent attendre.
Just stay here for a while and then go back to the bunkhouse.
Tu peux rester un peu et après, tu retournes au dortoir.
Just stay as pure as you are right now and I'll be back soon.
Restez bien pure, je reviens dans un instant.
Everybody stay back. Just relax.
Tout le monde recule!
I wish you'd never come back. Why didn't you just stay away?
- Tu n'aurais pas dû revenir!
Peter, can I just stay here and help you guys back up?
Gauche, 4ème- - Peter, est-ce que je peux rester ici et vous aider à remonter?
Just stay back!
Now, you stay back here, just to be safe.
Reste ici, c'est plus sûr.
Listen, just stay with mummy a couple of more days, And then you can come back, okay? Good.
Reste chez maman quelques jours et puis, tu reviendras.
You don't tell people to stay back just because they stink.
On ne dit pas aux gens de se casser juste parce qu'ils puent.
You stay with Pilot, if that creature comes back, just... shoot it.
Tu restes avec Pilote, si cette créature se pointe... tire dessus.
Just stay back.
Well, the why don't you just go back to Spain and I'll stay here, and we'll both get what we want!
Alors, retourne en Espagne. Je reste ici. Chacun aura ce qu'il veut.
But ifyou stay back in the shadows, he just might move in for the kill, letting us snag Harry, the file -
Si vous me collez au train, à distance il passera peut-être à l'attaque, nous laissant récupérer Harry, le dossier -
Just stay here, and I'll be right back.
Reste là, je reviens.
Everybody back, everybody back, just relax, stay calm.
En arrière, détendez-vous, restez calmes.
So lust stay here and I'll be back for you just as soon as I can, okay? Bye.
Restez ici jusqu'à ce que je revienne, ok?

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