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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ J ] / Just stay cool

Just stay cool tradutor Francês

127 parallel translation
just stay cool and sensible.
Restez calmes et raisonnables.
Just stay cool and sensible.
Restez calmes et raisonnables.
Just stay cool, big fella, huh?
Restez tranquille, mon grand.
Just stay cool.
Restez cools.
- Just stay cool, okay?
- Faut que tu reste calme, d'accord?
Hey, everybody. Hey, man, just stay cool.
Restez calme.
Just stay cool.
On reste calme.
Now honey, all we have to do to win is just stay cool, calm and collected.
Si on veut gagner, on n'a qu'à rester calmes et sereines.
Look, just stay cool.
Gardez votre calme.
All right, just stay cool.
D'accord, ne bouge pas.
All right, all right, just stay cool and calm about this.
Bon, restez calme.
Carlos, just stay cool.
Je te sortirai de là.
Just stay cool.
Surtout, ne paniquez pas.
Just stay cool.
Reste cool.
You just stay cool, all right.
Et tu te calmes.
All we have to do is just stay cool until Ed gets the test results on Premiers.
Il faut juste qu'on se détende jusqu'à ce qu'on ait les résultats des tests Premiers.
You just stay cool.
Reste cool.
Okay, fellas. Just stay cool.
Gardez votre calme, les gars.
Just stay cool. I'm with you.
Je suis de votre côté.
All right, bro, just stay cool.
Du calme! On ne veut pas d'ennuis.
Everything's okay. Just stay cool.
Tout va bien, restons calmes.
Let's just stay cool.
On garde la tête froide.
- Okay, just stay cool.
- C'est bon, reste calme.
All right, let's just stay cool, and we'll go downtown and straighten this out later.
Restons tranquilles. On ira arranger ça plus tard.
Just stay cool.
Just stay cool.
Et garde ton calme.
Just stay cool and give me the dad-face.
Prends ton look "papa".
Whatever it is, just stay cool.
Je sais pas, mais garde ton sang-froid.
Just stay cool
T'en fais pas! Ok
Relax. Just stay cool, okay? Then it'll be fun.
Restez détendues et tout va bien se passer.
All right, just stay cool, partner everything's gonna be all right.
Très bien, on reste calmes, partenaire. Tout va très bien se passer.
Just stay cool.
Restez calme.
just stay very cool, calm and collected.
Ne perdons pas notre sang-froid.
As I told you before, all we have to do to win is just stay calm, cool, and collected.
Comme je te le disais, pour gagner, il suffit de rester calmes et sereines.
That should just about do the trick, as long as you stay cool.
Ça devrait coller, mais il ne faut pas s'échauffer.
Just stay calm, keep cool and get some sleep.
Restez calme, relaxez-vous et essayez de dormir.
Just stay calm, cool, collected, and if anybody asks you anything... just mutter something about Allah.
Restez calmes. Si on vous parle, marmonnez à propos d'Allah.
All right, just stay cool.
Restons calmes.
I'm just- - I'm trying to stay Happy-go-funky, you dig?
J'essaie de rester cool et funky, voyez?
Look, why don't you just try and stay cool?
Pourquoi t'essayes pas de rester calme?
Just like you said. Stay cool.
Comme tu disais, on garde la tête froide.
" Life is just a breeze when you stay fresh and cool
La vie est légère, si on reste cool.
In the meantime, just try to stay shway for another day or two, ok?
En attendant, reste cool pendant un jour ou deux, d'accord?
Just stay cool.
Reste calme.
No, just stay here for a minute, if that's cool.
Reste une minute si tu peux.
Guy was just trying to stay cool.
Inventif. Il essayait juste de garder la tête froide.
- I'm just sayin'that... Jackie needs a place to stay, and it'd be really cool... if you can ask her in a way that doesn't make her feel bad.
Jackie a besoin d'un toit, et ça serait cool de lui proposer sans la froisser.
But as the sunlight begins to disappear at the end of their fifth year and the warm days begin to cool they, too, will climb out of the water. And they will march just as they have done for centuries ever since the emperor penguin decided to stay to live and love in the harshest place on Earth.
Et lorsque la lumière du soleil commencera à disparaître, à la fin de leur cinquième année, et que les jours chauds commenceront à refroidir, eux aussi, à leur tour, sortiront de l'eau et entreprendront la longue marche exactement comme ils l'ont fait pendant des siècles depuis que le manchot empereur a décidé de rester pour vivre et aimer dans le lieu le plus rude de toute la Terre.
Just stay cool, man.
Reste zen.
l just don't really know when I'm supposed to step in and be the dad or if I'm just supposed to just stay Uncle Jake friendly visitor who buys them cool stuff.
Je ne sais pas quand je dois intervenir et faire le père, ou si je dois rester l'oncle Jake, le type de passage gentil qui fait des cadeaux.
That is why, if we stay cool, things are going to be just...
Voilà pourquoi, si on reste cool, tout va très bien se...

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