You made that up tradutor Francês
931 parallel translation
You made that up.
C'est incroyable, ton histoire.
You made that up.
C'est faux.
- You made that up?
C'est de vous?
- You made that up.
Alors là, tu inventes!
Hey. You're really made the right choice. I just came back from China after filming some drama there, but Anthony, that son of b * * ch, is acting up to come back, I guess.
tu as fait le bon choix. je suppose.
As you had instructed, I made it so that the rented ship won't come to them, but is it really necessary to go to this length when Anthony's money has already dried up?
j'ai fait en sorte que le navire loué ne viendra pas à eux. Mais est-il vraiment nécessaire d'aller jusque-là alors que l'argent d'Anthony manque déjà?
That's whyi made up my mind to come and see you.
C'est pour ça que j'ai pensé venir te voir.
You don't think you'll stop me, do you, now that I've made up my mind?
Ne crois pas que tu vas m'arrêter, ma décision est prise.
You made up your mind about that plant in Brooklyn? Yep.
T'as réfléchi à la distillerie de Brooklyn?
It was very gracious of you to elevate me to that lofty station and I hope Your Highness won't be too insulted but I have definitely made up my mind to remove the crest from my stationery my lingerie, and my life.
C'était très aimable de ta part de m'élever à ce noble rang, et j'espère que Son Excellence ne sera pas insultée, mais je suis décidée à retirer mon épingle du jeu, j'abandonne ma vie.
You is about the three best boys of the same family... that's come up here since I made little apples.
Vous êtes les trois meilleurs garçons de la même famille, depuis que j'ai fait des petites pommes.
You know, I'd made up my mind I wasn't going to ask you that. I was never so glad to hear anything in my life.
Je ne voulais pas te le demander, mais je suis très heureux de l'entendre.
Will you tell his holiness... that you made up your own mind to come back?
Veux-tu dire à sa sainteté que tu es revenue de ton plein gré?
If you have your mind made up that definitely, there's nothing more I can say to influence you.
Si vous êtes décidée, je n'ai plus rien à dire.
You took the dough, made connections built it up. For you and me. Wasn't that it?
J'écopais 3 ans... t'avais le fric, tu faisais des relations pour nous deux.
If you made up your mind, that's that.
Si tu t'es décidé!
Never be afraid that you can't do anything you've made up your mind to.
Ne crains jamais de ne pouvoir accomplir ce que tu as resolu.
You made it perfectly impossible for Mary. That's the sort of talk that mixes everything all up.
Avec votre façon de tout déformer!
Well, what is it that makes him, or you, think... that an organization like this, made up of well-meaning amateurs... buck up against those tough military boys of Europe?
Qu'est-ce qui vous fait penser à vous deux qu'une telle organisation d'amateurs bien intentionnés tiendra tête aux militaires endurcis de l'Europe?
It's possible Horace made up that part about stealing to tease you... or perhaps to punish you.
Il se peut que Horace ait invente cela pour te taquiner... ou peut-etre te punir.
Of course, I realize that you've got your mind made up about me, but I'm going to make just one more try.
Je sais que vous me croyez fou, mais laissez-moi vous démontrer le contraire.
Number two, he really beginning to believe that he wrote that suicide letter that you made up...
Deux : il commence à croire qu'il a vraiment écrit cette lettre.
Well, I made up my mind that day that I'd marry you, as soon as the right time came around.
C'est là que j'ai décidé que je t'épouserais quand la situation s'y prêterait.
Cash told you once that all the mistakes you had made... were going to pile up and someday fall on you like a ton of slag.
Cash t'avait dit un jour que toutes tes erreurs... s'accumuleraient et te tomberaient dessus comme une tonne de déchets.
You've made up your mind that I was negligent.
Vous me considérez négligent.
You made the mistake of your life signing up with that Cantor.
Tu as fait l'erreur de ta vie de signer avec ce Cantor.
You know, I nearly gave up a couple of times but then you'd say or you'd do some little thing that made me feel you still cared.
Vous savez, j'ai presque abandonné une couple de fois Mais alors vous diriez ou que vous feriez quelque chose Qui m'a fait me sentir vous encore soignés.
Because I'd made up my mind even then that I was going to marry you.
Parce que j'avais décidé, déjà là, que j'allais t'épouser.
Oh, no. I just made that up to get you over here.
J'ai inventé ça pour vous faire venir ici.
That stirred up your old guilt complex and made you think that you'd killed him.
Ça a ravivé votre vieux complexe de culpabilité, vous faisant croire que vous l'aviez tué.
I don't want you to come around here no more. My minïs made up so don't try to change it with any of that soft talk of yours.
Je ne veux plus te voir, et je ne crois pas que je changerai d'avis.
The smell of it got all mixed up with the flowers. And the powder the ladies wore. And it made a wonderful new perfume that oh, made you feel good just to smell it.
Le parfum des fleurs mêlé au parfum des femmes... c'était enivrant.
That you haven't made up your mind which side of Texas Street has the most interesting women.
Comment ça? Je leur dirai que de l'autre côté de Texas Street, on trouve des femmes plus intéressantes.
It's just a name that you made up to start me talking.
Vous l'avez inventé pour discuter.
- What in heaven made you dream that up?
- Mais, où as-tu pris cette idée?
Your Majesty, was it me that you made him give up?
Oui. Avec lui, vous n'aviez qu'une chance sur un million d'être heureuse.
Yes, Mr. Ralls, you made certain of that, but there are other points which have yet to be brought up.
Je vous fais confiance pour ça, M. Ralls. Il y a d'autres points que j'aimerais clarifier.
You came to me today and told me that you'd made up your mind, that you wanted me.
Tu es venue en me disant avoir choisi.
She's been so devoted to the family that's she's been sending money for more than twenty years, to me, and to those brothers and sister you made up.
Elle a toujours été affectueuse avec la famille. Il y a plus de vingt ans qu'elle envoie de l'argent pour moi et ces fréres que vous avez inventés.
You think I made that up about the gun, don't you?
Tu crois que je racontais des histoires pour le revolver?
I don't mean to intrude too much, gentlemen... but I'm sure that by now you must have made up your minds.
Je ne voudrais pas m'imposer Messieurs, mais vous avez dû prendre une décision.
It's a good thing this army isn't made up of fatheaded slobs like you... that think this war's run by idiots.
Dieu merci, dans l'armée, y a pas que des ploucs qui traitent les officiers d'abrutis.
So you just made up that little bit about the shoes, huh?
Tu as fait ça juste pour m'embêter?
- You've made up your mind, that's that.
- Tu as pris ta décision.
All during rehearsals. You made me feel as if you were up there on that stage and I was down in the pit looking up at you.
Pendant toutes Ies répétitions, j'avais l'impression que c'était vous qui étiez sur scêne et moi dans Ia fosse, à vous regarder.
Right then, I made up my mind that I was gonna marry you.
Immêdiatement, j'ai décidé que je t'épouserais.
You've never met anyone up'til now that made you think of it? "No, not as yet."
Et tu n'as jamais rencontré ce quelqu'un?
And when I made that close-up, I had no idea you were gonna turn out to be someone special.
Et quand j'ai fait ce gros plan, je ne savais pas... que tu allais te révéler être quelqu'un de spécial.
You must've been born with that name. Couldn't have made it up.
Vous êtes née avec ce nom.
Come on, you've gotta be made up and ready to shoot that test by 9 : 00.
Vous devez être prête à tourner pour 9 heures.
- -all the speeches that you've made up in your bedroom or in the bathtub go out of your mind completely.
Tous les discours qu'on a préparés au lit ou dans sa baignoire s'évanouissent complètement et on découvre
you made it 730
you made your bed 27
you made your point 111
you made a mistake 169
you made your choice 40
you made the right decision 46
you made the right choice 44
you made a promise 37
you made it up 29
you made me a promise 19
you made your bed 27
you made your point 111
you made a mistake 169
you made your choice 40
you made the right decision 46
you made the right choice 44
you made a promise 37
you made it up 29
you made me a promise 19
you made me 53
you made a choice 27
you made the right call 27
you made a commitment 17
you made sure of that 16
you made 28
you made this 52
you made bail 25
you made a deal 26
you made them 16
you made a choice 27
you made the right call 27
you made a commitment 17
you made sure of that 16
you made 28
you made this 52
you made bail 25
you made a deal 26
you made them 16
you made that 16
you mean 3569
you mean everything to me 17
you motherfucker 331
you make me happy 42
you mean it 157
you meant 25
you mean right now 22
you mean me 104
you mean you don't know 16
you mean 3569
you mean everything to me 17
you motherfucker 331
you make me happy 42
you mean it 157
you meant 25
you mean right now 22
you mean me 104
you mean you don't know 16