And everyone tradutor Português
11,645 parallel translation
I merely keep a little eye on each and everyone of you.
Apenas fico de olho em cada um de vocês.
And everyone knows she's sleeping with him.
E todos sabem que ela dorme com ele.
He was- - He was sweet with me even though I had a horrible face and was sitting down here, and everyone was thinking, "That girl is in a really bad mood, she's not interacting,"
Ele foi simpático para mim, apesar de estar sentada com uma cara horrível e todos pensarem :
And the decisions you're gonna make tonight are gonna touch you and everyone you love.
As decisões desta noite vão tocar-vos a vocês e a quem amam.
And everyone that comes after me will say the same thing.
E todos os que vierem depois de mim dirão o mesmo.
Him and everyone else.
Ele e os outros todos.
And everyone has things they want to keep hidden.
E toda a gente tem algo a esconder.
And I was just taught, you know, express myself and have things to say and everyone will care about them.
Eu fui ensinado que, se me expressasse e tivesse coisas para dizer, toda a gente quereria saber.
You stumble out there and everyone just walks all over you, but here, we just simply take your hand and lift you up because our fuck-ups are just a reminder that we're all human.
Mas se forem lá para fora, todos vos pisam. Aqui, só pegamos na vossa mão e elevamos-vos. Porque os erros são para nos recordar que somos humanos.
We got to the landing strip, and everyone was dead.
Chegamos à pista de aterragem, e estavam todos mortos.
I will keep Susan honest, and everyone safe.
Manterei a palavra da Susan e a segurança de todos.
Hello, everyone, and welcome to the first annual city wide dance crew competition finals!
Olá a todos e bem-vindos à primeira Final do Concurso de Grupos de Dança de City Wide!
Tell everyone I said hi though, okay, and have fun.
Dá um alô ao pessoal, está bem? Diverte-te.
And if Nolan hugged someone else, then everyone would know that Hannan was innocent.
E se "abraçasse" mais alguém, todos saberiam que o Hannan era inocente.
And he's using you to take out everyone who turned on him.
E está a usar-te para eliminar todos os que se viraram contra ele.
And it's why I insisted that everyone involved sign a... non-disclosure agreement.
E foi por isso que insisti que todos os envolvidos assinassem um... acordo de confidencialidade.
Well, you and your husband were having a difficult time, according to just about everyone we talked to.
Bem, vocês estavam num momento complicado, segundo todos com quem falámos.
So they murder Jean-Pierre Morneau and they make everyone think that the treaty's
E, mataram Jean-Pierre Morneau e fizeram que pensássemos que o tratado ia acontecer.
So they make everyone think the treaty's gonna happen... and then they kill it?
Fazem que acreditemos no tratado... E, destroem-no?
If I have to read the billions of posts of everyone who buys me, a never-ending onslaught of stupidity, unwise selfies and Confederate flag birthday cakes, I'll go mad.
Se tiver que ler os bilhões de publicações dos compradores, uma interminável sequência de idiotice, selfies imprudentes e bolos de aniversários com bandeiras da confederação, vou enlouquecer.
And the sooner you make peace with that, the better for you and for everyone under your command.
E o mais cedo você faz paz com isso, o melhor para você e para todo o mundo debaixo de seu comando.
Tony can be in a great spot down in the front where we can nail it with four cameras, or it can be back here, you know, with a crowd of people around and we're completely blocked by everyone.
O Tony pode estar num bom local à frente onde o filmamos com quatro câmaras ou pode estar aqui atrás, rodeado de imensas pessoas e ficar completamente tapado.
He gets there, walks up on stage, and just everyone's at a peak.
Chega, sobe ao palco e todos estão ao rubro.
So everyone had to give their love through sex, so everyone, since we were six years old, to give God's love, you had to have sex with people, and see your mother and your brothers... everyone being abused.
Todos tinham de dar o seu amor através do sexo, por isso todos, desde que tínhamos seis anos, para darmos o amor de Deus, tínhamos de ter sexo e ver a nossa mãe e os nossos irmãos todos a serem violados.
To have made it through that and be here in this moment, you're a miracle to everyone in this room.
Passares por tudo isso e estares aqui neste momento, és um milagre para todos nesta sala.
Everyone has a question you ask more often than anything else on Earth, and here's why that's so important.
Todos temos uma pergunta que fazemos com imensa frequência e vou explicar porque é tão importante.
So you risk my client's life by marching him through this building where anyone can see him dealing with the feds, and then you tell him he should snitch on his whole organization, everyone he knows, in order to stay safe?
Vocês arriscam a vida do meu cliente fazendo-o entrar neste prédio onde todos podem vê-lo falando com os federais, e dizem para ele entregar toda a organização, todos que ele conhece, para ficar seguro?
Well... it seems like everyone in the world, both this one and the next, knows what I need to be.
Bom... parece que toda a gente no mundo, tanto neste como no outro, sabe o que preciso de ser.
And People Everyone knows I'm guilty But they admit that I should not be punished
Só pretendia que o porta-aviões podre não viesse para a nossa nação.
Everyone, come on, gather near and watch, as Reverend Downey strikes me down before your very eyes.
Todos! Venham. Aproximem-se!
It means that you should have told him that I'm loyal to everyone in my life, and I would rather go to jail than betray them.
Quero dizer que lhe devias ter dito que sou leal a todas as pessoas da minha vida e que preferia ir para a prisão a traí-los.
And whether he says it or not, he's banking on the fact that you are gonna think this is a victimless crime, but if you acquit him, you are giving permission to everyone to say...
E, quer ele diga quer não, ele está a apostar no facto de pensarem que é um crime sem vítimas, mas, se o absolverem, estão a dar permissão a todos para dizer...
Comforting to see that everyone's appetites for food, lies and larceny have not diminished over the years.
É reconfortante ver que o apetite de todos por comida, mentiras e roubo não diminuiu com os anos.
So why don't you just stop wasting everyone's time and talk to me?
Porque não pára de perder tempo e fala comigo?
He's a respected alumnus, and the hope is his presence will calm everyone, including law enforcement and state athletic officials.
É um ex-aluno respeitado, e esperamos que a sua presença acalme toda a gente, inclusive as autoridades e entidades desportivas estatais.
I wanna make sure everyone is okay and...
- Quero certificar-me de que estão bem...
Okay. Everyone re-bed the hose and do it again.
Por aqui.
And I think everyone was taught that and most of us found out no one gives a shit what we think.
Acho que todos na sala aprenderam isso e a maioria de nós descobriu que ninguém quer saber o que pensamos.
Everyone sat in the yard, sweating in the sun, and refused to move until the prison changed its policies on job hiring.
Todas se sentaram no pátio, a suar ao sol e recusaram-se a sair até a prisão mudar as políticas de contratação.
And I know that I have wrecked everything I built. Everyone I love.
Sei que destruí tudo o que construí e todos os que amo.
Hmm. The thing that does have to stop, though... is you always worrying about everyone and everything.
A coisa que tem de parar... é que estás sempre a preocupar-te com tudo e com todos.
And after tonight, everyone will know.
E depois desta noite, todos saberão.
Someone buries the truth, a line is crossed, everyone gets hurt, and no one knows why.
Alguém esconde a verdade, ultrapassam um limite, toda a gente sofre e ninguém sabe porquê.
But everyone doesn't have someone they can share it with, you know, and be completely honest with.
Mas nem toda a gente tem alguém com quem possa falar deles e ser totalmente sincero.
Not everyone can live in a cave and ignore the world.
Nem toda a gente vive numa gruta e ignora o mundo.
Everyone knows the Valley's all dug out, but you got him to put his hand in his pocket, and now you're back here the very instant the Army turns you loose.
Toda a gente sabe que o Vale já está todo escavado, mas fizeste-o ir com as mãos aos bolsos, e agora voltaste assim que o exército te libertou.
Everyone's had their fill of war and awfulness.
Toda a gente está farta das atrocidades da guerra.
So, apart from Jay and Rosey, everyone else was in the marquee when this happened?
Assim, além de Jay e Rosey, toda a gente estava na tenda quando isto aconteceu?
- Oh, and great work, everyone.
- Ótimo trabalho de todos.
He knew where everyone was supposed to be, and when.
Ele sabia onde todos deveriam estar e quando.
she, like the others, was still entirely oblivious to Jay's presence inside that tent, and with everyone in their place, you had less than a minute to get backstage, kill Zoe, make your way back out front again and recover your camera
Ela, como todos os outros, estava totalmente alheia à presença de Jay dentro daquela tenda, e com todos no seu lugar, tinha menos de 1 min. para ir aos bastidores, matar a Zoe, e regressar à frente e agarrar na sua câmara
and everyone else 26
everyone 6978
everyone does 112
everyone knows that 202
everyone else 136
everyone makes mistakes 31
everyone's fine 32
everyone else does 24
everyone knows 120
everyone is here 26
everyone 6978
everyone does 112
everyone knows that 202
everyone else 136
everyone makes mistakes 31
everyone's fine 32
everyone else does 24
everyone knows 120
everyone is here 26
everyone says 22
everyone calm down 28
everyone says so 22
everyone dies 42
everyone knows it 22
everyone says that 28
everyone does it 23
everyone out 134
everyone's gone 34
everyone's dead 32
everyone calm down 28
everyone says so 22
everyone dies 42
everyone knows it 22
everyone says that 28
everyone does it 23
everyone out 134
everyone's gone 34
everyone's dead 32