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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ H ] / He would say

He would say tradutor Português

1,343 parallel translation
If he was here now, what do you think he would say to you?
Se ele estivesse aqui agora, o que é que pensas que ele te diria?
Bach in high school, in front of our parents'friends it was always the first thing that he would say : "Ich bin Schwul"
Na frente dos nossos pais, na escola, sempre era, a primeira coisa que ele dizia : "Ich bin Schwul"
You know what he would say?
E sabes o que ele dizia?
Do you think he would say "never ever", Tommy?
Achas que ele diria "nunca jamais", Tommy?
What would Greg say if he could see you hitting on me?
O que diria o Greg, se te visse a atirares-te a mim?
He'd say nothing that would help you.
Ele não diria nada que o ajudasse.
- Not even a hint. - This weapon they're building... did he say how long it would take them?
A arma que estão a construir ele disse quanto tempo vão demorar?
Air he had left, I'd say his chance would be about one in a very large number.
Há alguma hipótese daquele sacana sobreviver? Como o ar que ainda tinha, diria que as hipóteses dele são de uma... num número muito grande.
- 9 : 15. And when did he say he would call?
- Era para telefonar a que horas?
I mean, he would never... say anything.
Quero dizer, ele nunca... dizer nada.
Why would you say that? For the past two years, he and Dexter Larsen have been threatening each other.
Durante dois anos, ele e o Dexter Larsen andavam a ameaçar-se um ao outro.
- How tall would you say he was?
- Quanto é que ele media?
Would you say yes if he asked you out?
Aceitarias se ele te convidasse para sair?
They were married for 65 years, Every night, before Grandpa and Grandma walked around the block, he would look deep into her eyes as if to say, "I'd follow you anywhere."
Eles foram casados durante 65 anos e todas as noites, antes do avô e a avó darem a volta pelo bairro ele olhava fundo nos olhos dela como se dissesse "seguir-te-ía a qualquer lado"
I'm surprised someone like you would put stock in anything he had to say.
Espanta-me que o senhor acredite no que ele tinha a dizer.
Why would he say that?
Porque diria ele isso?
If your father saw you now, breaking that vow, what would he say?
Se o vosso pai as visse agora, a quebrar este juramento, o que é que ele diria?
I would get into detail, but let's just say... he left the building.
Podia entrar em pormenores, mas digamos apenas que ele abandonou o edifício.
Your father, who gave his life for me, what would he say?
O teu pai deu a vida por mim! Que diria ele disto?
Or I should say, he would have less time to think about dating me.
Ou deveria dizer, que ele teria menos tempo para pensar em namorar-me
Why would he say Crateros?
Por que diria isso?
You know what I would say if he was here?
I would have to say that he was right on both cases
E devo dizer que em ambos tinha razão.
Now, he's all grown, he likes, as you would say, to do his own thing!
Agora ele cresceu, e quer... como se diz, Fazer a sua vida.
When we already have the shoe-bomber who would have blown up an airplane if he had a butane lighter, according to the FBI why would Transportation Security say it's okay to take four books of matches and two lighters as you board a plane?
Se já tinham apanhado Richard Reid, o que tinha a bomba nos sapatos, e que teria feito explodir o avião se tivesse tido um isqueiro, segundo declarações do FBI, por que é que a Agência de Segurança nos Transportes acha aceitável, levar 4 carteiras de fósforos e dois isqueiros num avião?
He would always say that the world was a tough place... and you needed total self-reliance to survive it.
Ele dizia sempre que o mundo era um sítio difícil e que precisas de total confiança para sobreviver.
He used to say that he would rather die than be disabled.
quer dizer-lhes que não quer que a sua morte os afecte
When your brother knocked George overboard would you say he was in control or out of control?
Quando o teu irmão atirou o George borda fora dirias que ele se controlava... Ou estava descontrolado?
because they will kill her he / she had promised my sister that he / she would not say anything but this it was a life situation or death and he / she had to stop this now hear the last ones words of Lilac
porque iam matá-la tinha prometido a minha irmã que não diria nada, mas esta era uma situação de vida ou morte e tinha que a deter
He hath a great infection, sir, as one would say, to serve.
Tem uma grande "infecção" - como se diz - para servir.
- How long did he say he would be there?
- Quanto tempo disseste que se ficaria?
My dad would say no if he were alive
Se estivesse vivo, o meu pai teria dito que não.
Why would a doctor say he's "gone" when he means he's escaped?
Porque diz um médico "Foi-se", quando quer dizer "Escapou-se"?
Now, the doctor didn't say he would necessarily die, right?
O médico não disse que ia necessariamente morrer, pois não?
How old would you say he is, Jimmy?
Que idade?
Why would he say he was hit with a gun?
Porque disse ele que foi da arma?
I was petting the... - Why would he say that?
- Porque iria ele inventar?
And if I were to confide in him would he circulate my optimism? I mean, wouldn't he say,
Se fosse a confiar nele, enquanto faz circular o meu optimismo, quer dizer, não ia dizer :
Chloe met Wolff when he was doing security for her, and they hooked up, as the kids would say.
Chloe conheceu o Wolff quando ele trabalhava para ela como segurança e eles curtiram, como diriam os miúdos.
And how old would you say he was when you started this procedure?
E que idade tinha quando tu começaste o procedimento?
I mean, Freud would say that on some level he wanted to blow me whether he knows it or not.
Freud diria que, de certa forma, ele queria chupar-me quer saiba ou não.
- I think what he is trying to say is that, based on our past experiences, negotiating would be insane. Crazy.
O que o Coronel O'Neill está a tentar dizer e que, com base nas nossas experiências do passado, negociar seria uma loucura.
Now, if he's as troubled as you say why would you hire people to shake him down?
Se ele está tão perturbado como diz, porque iria contratar pessoas para o assustar?
He would not say.
Não disse.
Nobody actually liked to come out and ask him how he's getting on with the proof, so somebody would say I saw Andrew this morning.
Ninguém queria ir perguntar-lhe como se estava a sair com a prova, assim, alguém dizia : "Vi o Andrew hoje de manhã."
Who would you say he looked like?
Com quem é que achas parecido?
Because, before he died, he promised me that if it was like they say it is that he would find a way of getting to me and letting me know that he's happy.
Porque antes de ele morrer, ele prometeu-me que... se fosse como... dizem que é que ele arranjava uma maneira de... entrar em contacto comigo e contar-me que... ele está feliz.
What would he say?
Ela não foi a única pessoa a afogar-se no Knox, nesse dia.
What does he say? He says he would have satisfied her.
Ele diz que a teria satisfeito.
Where did Emmett say he would be?
Onde o Emmett disse que estaria?
- Why? Why would he say that?
- Por que diria isso?

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