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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ K ] / Keep going

Keep going tradutor Português

8,853 parallel translation
Neither do I. Keep going out.
Nem eu. Continua a sair.
Keep going.
Shall I keep going? How about Mumbai, Tokyo, Sydney?
Que tal Mumbai, Tóquio, Sydney?
But keep going.
Mas, continue.
Let's keep going.
Vamos continuar.
Keep going.
Continue. Eu sei.
Nobody but you could put up with this much punishment and keep going.
Ninguém teria aguentado ser maltratada e continuado em frente.
Keep going.
Just walk past the stairs and keep going.
Vamos passar às escadas e continuar andando.
Keep going?
Keep going...
Keep going, keep going, you're good.
Continua a ir, está bem.
Look up, keep going.
Olha para cima. Continua!
- All right. Keep going, move.
- Continua a andar.
Just keep moving, keep going!
Continuem a andar, vamos!
The life growing inside my womb gave me a reason to keep going.
A vida que crescia no meu ventre dava-me motivos para continuar a lutar.
Keep going.
Keep going.
- Continue.
Guess I'll keep going. Gotta find where they live.
Melhor eu ir atacarNa área residencial.
They'll keep going for miles until they find the right kind of prey.
Percorrem quilómetros até encontrar a presa perfeita.
Mitch, keep going.
Mitch, continue. Sim...
You know, to keep going.
Para continuar o caminho.
Keep going, keep going.
Continua, continua.
Just keep going, all right?
Não pares, está bem?
Just keep going.
Continua em frente.
Keep going!
- Keep going.
- Continua.
- Let us keep going.
Vamos continuar.
Keep going!
Just keep going.
Apenas continua.
Keep going!
- Okay, let's keep going.
- Vamos continuar. - Sim?
And I'm gonna, you know, keep the mojo going by wriggling my way into her homicide cases. Ah.
E vou manter a minha conquista ao meter-me nos casos dela.
Her problem is that hot people should know that just because a person does something that is reckless and likes it does not mean that they are going to keep doing that thing, okay?
O problema dela é que gente bonita deveria saber que só porque alguém faz algo imprudente e gosta, não significa que continuará a fazer isso.
And what they're looking for, Wallace, is someone who's going to keep the machine humming quietly along, but I have one squeaky wheel in my district : your house.
E sabes o que eles procuram, Wallace, é alguém que mantenha o Sistema em silêncio, mas existe alguém a fazer muito ruído,
All right, keep going!
Muito bem, continua!
So you're just going to keep on driving?
Vais continuar a conduzir?
You didn't want to keep that baby, but Victoria wanted to keep it, so you brought her out to a remote location, told her you were going to Cabo.
Não queria manter o bebe, mas a Victoria queria ficar com ele, então levou-a para uma localização remota, disse-lhe que ia para o Cabo.
I'm not going to throw it away because Vic can't keep it in his pants.
Não o ia deitar fora só porque o Vic não mantinha o dele dentro das calças.
I'm going to testify, make sure that they keep him in.
Eu vou testemunhar, pra ter certeza de que o mantenham lá.
I could keep us going off the profits.
Podia manter-nos com os lucros.
He's a ruthless warlord who's going to keep on doing what he's doing until someone else more ruthless stops him.
Ele é um guerrilheiro cruel que continuará a fazer o que faz até que alguém mais cruel o impeça.
Now we are learning that Kratz took steps to try to keep that case from going public.
Sabemos que Kratz tentou ocultar o caso do público.
When you know you're innocent, you will keep on going.
Quando sabemos que somos inocentes, não desistimos.
But it's going to try and scoop you just like that, so you wanna try and keep your feet kinda forward, keep runnin'.
Isto vai subir assim, por isso, é bom manter os pés para a frente e correr. Vai ser a abrir.
[Justin] And it's going to be like full bore, keep on running, okay?
Não pares de correr, está bem?
Damn it. I was going to keep this a surprise, but...
Bolas, quería que fosse uma surpresa, mas...
I'm going to keep you alive.
Vou manter-te viva.
I was not going to keep stabbing at the negative things.
Não ia continuar a apontar a coisas negativas.
Then you're going to go outside and you're going to keep Bob on-site until we arrive.
E depois vão para o exterior e vai manter o Bob no local até nós chegarmos.
Let's just keep the fire going.
Vamos manter a fogueira acesa.

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