Down you go tradutor Português
4,658 parallel translation
Dries, down you go.
Dries, é a tua vez.
That's holding, you don't have to go down there.
Ali fica a detenção, não precisa ir até lá.
Slow down. What I want you to do is pause at the roundabout... And go around the other side!
Quero que pares e na rotunda vás para o outro lado.
If they take it off of you and beat you up, you go around their houses at night and burn them down with their families inside. What's the worst they can do?
Se se meterem contigo e te baterem, vais até casa deles, à noite, e incendeias-lhes as casas, com as famílias lá dentro.
I know you hate when people tell you what to do, but I can't very well go down there and tell that thing who's boss if I have to worry about you.
Sei que detestas quando te dizem o que fazer, mas não posso ir lá abaixo dizer àquilo quem é que manda se tiver que me preocupar contigo.
Lieutenant, if you'd be so kind as to go down to the dock and speak to the captain and make sure he holds that boat.
Tenente, faça o favor de ir até à doca, fale com o capitão e assegure-se de que o barco não parte.
What if we go down this road again, and you...
E se formos outra vez por essa via e tu...
You go sit down.
Vai-te sentar.
You can't go two seconds without putting someone else down.
Não podem passar dois segundos, sem colocar alguém para baixo.
So go grab your torches, as fast as you can, and we'll hunt down that motherfucker!
Vão buscar as lanternas, o mais rápido que puderem, e vamos caçar esse filho da mãe!
Because some roads you shouldn't go down.
Porque há caminhos que não devemos percorrer.
Then I'm gonna drive away and you're gonna go home to your daughter, and every few years, you're gonna look at her face and know that you're alive because you chose not to go down a certain road on a certain night,
O senhor agente vai para casa ter com a sua filha, e durante alguns anos, vai olhar para ela e vai perceber que está vivo, porque escolheu não percorrer um certo caminho numa certa noite.
You go outside and wait to flag down the ambulance. Yes, sir.
Também preciso da gravata, para ficar a tala, e da sua.
Well, do you want to go lay down?
Bem, queres is te deitar?
Right, but are you sure you wanna go down that path?
Certo, mas tens a certeza que queres ir por esse caminho?
Before you go, write this down.
Antes de ir, escreva isto.
Trust me when I tell you you do not want to go down there.
Acredita quando digo que não queres ir ali abaixo.
You know your father didn't go down lightly.
Sabes que o teu pai não foi derrotado fácilmente.
You go down to the police station to see the new photos?
Vais à esquadra da polícia para veres novas fotografias?
You two, go down to Rue du Mont-Thabor.
Desçam à Rua de Mont-Tahbor.
I'm gonna go track her down, and we'll meet you there.
Vou procurá-la, e encontramo-nos lá.
Go to the store and buy some bleach, and you scrub this place down, Mike, okay?
Vai à loja comprar alguma lixivia, e esfrega isto tudo, Mike. Está bom?
You two go down the sides. Okay?
Vocês os dois vão pelos lados.
Darling, I'm gonna go down to the kitchen and fix you some warm milk.
Querido, vou para a cozinha preparar-te um leite quente.
So, you and I should go through your proposal and discuss it right down to the last detail.
Devíamos rever a tua proposta e discutir todos os pormenores.
Why don't you go down, play your videogame?
Porque não desces, e jogas o teu videogame?
- No, it has to be me. I've got to lay down the law... he's got to understand you don't go around kissing the help.
Tenho que estabelecer a lei, ele tem que entender, que não pode sair por aí a beijar a criadagem.
Ethan, you should go lay down.
Ethan, devias deitar-te.
How could you know it'd go down like that?
Como podias adivinhar que as coisas iam acontecer desta forma?
Then you go down and get suited up.
Depois descemos e vestimos os fatos.
The room was s-small, and you had to go down some stairs to get to it.
A sala era pequena, e era preciso descer algumas escadas para chegar.
Just write down what you want. We'll go get it. Anything I want?
Escreve o que queres e eu vou buscar.
But if I go all Carrie and burn the school down, it's on you.
Mas se virar uma Carrie e incendiar a escola... a culpa é tua.
You will definitely go down as the best night I never had.
Serás certamente a melhor noite que nunca tive.
- And you turn me down every year so you can go sulk in your pod and smoke some dovor.
E tu dizes "não" todos os anos, para ficares no teu casulo a fumar "Dovor".
Why don't you girls go on down and join the party?
Porque não vão até lá juntar-se à festa?
- You wanna go down the hill?
- Queres ir para para a UE?
It'd be faster if you go down Steinway.
Seria mais rápido se fosses pela Steinway.
So you go and see her and you tell her how much you love her and you tell her how sorry you are for letting her down.
Por isso, vai vê-la e diz-lhe o quanto gostas dela. Diz-lhe como lamentas tê-la desiludido.
You go through this vastity [? ] of knowledge that has been embedded and lost in big physical library that's hard to find, that's not very well accessible online it's really imporatant because books are our cultural legacy you know, books are the place where people write things down
Passa-se por uma árvore vasta de conhecimento que tem estado incorporada e perdida em grandes bibliotecas físicas, que é difícil de encontrar, que não é muito acessível online.
or $ 700 a hour lawyers sitting down against you and then you got this case with this kid, which is pretty easy to prove that he did something and he has already marked himself as a troublemaker with the FBI so why not go as tough as you can in hearing [? ] against that guy?
e, depois, aparece este caso com este miúdo, em que é bastante fácil de provar que ele fez alguma coisa e ele já está marcado como desordeiro junto do FBI, portanto, porque não ir com tudo contra esse tipo?
All right, bring her up. I'm assuming that's Spanish for "you're gonna go down there and get her yourself."
Vou supor que isso é espanhol para "vou descer e atendê-la".
If you go down, I go down, too.
Se te lixares, eu também me lixo.
I'm gonna let you go now, okay? You calm down, all right?
Vou soltar-te agora.
You sure this is how you want it to go down, Darryl?
De certeza que é assim que queres que as coisas aconteçam, Darryl?
And if you go down, it won't be because of me.
E se o senhor cair, não será por mim.
- You let us down, bro. - Way to go.
- Desapontaste-nos
You know I'd be the first to go down that road if I thought it led somewhere.
Eu seria a primeira a ir por aí se pensasse que daria resultado.
Of course you must go down.
- Claro que deve ir lá abaixo.
Then I grab you and we go down to sewer town before Hersh catches up.
Então chego até si, e saímos pelo esgoto da cidade antes que o Hersh perceba.
And you go in another room? Get on down to "Real Fake Doors"!
Venham ter connosco à Verdadeiras Portas Falsas.
you got this 563
you got it 4932
you got a pen 63
you got me 900
you got that right 241
you gotta be fucking kidding me 42
you got the wrong guy 127
you gotta be kidding me 471
you got anything 117
you got a problem 205
you got it 4932
you got a pen 63
you got me 900
you got that right 241
you gotta be fucking kidding me 42
you got the wrong guy 127
you gotta be kidding me 471
you got anything 117
you got a problem 205
you got something for me 35
you got to be kidding me 439
you got a minute 371
you got 695
you got me all wrong 20
you got something 185
you gotta 165
you gotta be kidding 116
you gotta do something 53
you gotta do what you gotta do 27
you got to be kidding me 439
you got a minute 371
you got 695
you got me all wrong 20
you got something 185
you gotta 165
you gotta be kidding 116
you gotta do something 53
you gotta do what you gotta do 27
you gotta help me 173
you gotta listen to me 40
you got to 124
you got me here 19
you good 702
you got it wrong 74
you got him 382
you got to go 155
you got nothing 103
you gotta be 24
you gotta listen to me 40
you got to 124
you got me here 19
you good 702
you got it wrong 74
you got him 382
you got to go 155
you got nothing 103
you gotta be 24