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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ T ] / Talk to him

Talk to him tradutor Português

11,201 parallel translation
I'll go talk to him.
Vou falar com ele.
Well, he didn't burn up, so let's go talk to him.
Bem, ele não ardeu, portanto vamos falar com ele.
Everybody knows you don't talk to him.
Todo o mundo sabe que não falo com ele.
Just " I don't know, talk to him, you know?
Só... Não sei, gostaria de falar com ele. Sabes?
You don't have to worry that Mom is fragile, and I don't have to miss my dad more than the whole universe because he's always going to be here if I need to talk to him.
Não te preocupas pela mãe ser frágil. Não sinto a falta do meu pai mais do que todo o universo porque ele está sempre aqui se precisar de falar com ele.
You should go talk to him, honey.
- Devias ir falar com ele, querida.
Maybe you should talk to him.
Devias falar com ele.
At least it's a start. I really think you should talk to him.
Acho que devias falar com ele.
To me, this gentleman is a person of interest and somebody needs to find him and talk to him.
Para mim este homem é uma pessoa de interesse, e alguém precisa de o encontrar e falar com ele.
Talk to him.
Falem com ele.
I need to talk to him.
Preciso de falar com ele.
- He's covering his ears'cause he doesn't want me to talk to him.
Ele está a tapar os ouvidos porque não quer que eu fale com ele.
- I noticed, did you talk to him?
Já reparei, falaste com ele?
I'll go talk to him.
Eu vou falar com ele.
He's playing his string out, but you talk to him, Bob did some shit back in the day.
Vai reformar-se, mas se falarem com ele vão ver que já fez muitas cenas.
- Do you talk to him?
- Falas com ele? - Não.
We need to talk to him.
Temos de falar com ele.
Let me go talk to him.
Deixa-me falar com ele.
If you won't tell me what's going on, maybe you'll talk to him.
Se não me queres dizer o que se está a passar, talvez fales com ele.
He's not badly hurt, but it will be a while before you can talk to him.
Não está ferido, mas vai levar um tempo até conseguir falar com ele.
- Let me talk to him. - While you two boys were content to sit back and be a couple of also-rans.
Enquanto vocês se contentavam com prémios de consolação.
My uncle will talk to you and you'll know how to talk to him.
O meu tio falará convosco e vós sabereis como falar com ele.
Nobody commits suicide because a girl, even one as beautiful as you, Doesn't want to talk to him.
Ninguém se suicida só porque uma bonita rapariga como você não quer conversar.
I won't talk to him, I promise.
Eu não falo com ele, prometo.
Let me talk to him first, all right?
Deixem-me falar com ele primeiro, está bem?
He goes home to the Madonna Of Moseley on the stroke of five. You need to talk to him, Tom.
Foi para casa da Virgem de Moseley ao bater das cinco.
And you didn't talk to him in the GCPD, when Barnes brought him in?
E não falaste com ele na esquadra quando o Barnes o prendeu?
We talk to him, we find Garibaldi.
Falamos com ele e encontramos o Garibaldi.
My dad was a prisoner of war in Korea, and I could only talk to him...
O meu pai foi prisioneiro de Guerra na Coreia e eu só podia falar com ele... Cala-te.
I want to talk to him.
Eu quero conversar com ele.
You can't talk to him.
Não dá para conversar.
Fine, I guess I'll go talk to him.
Está bem, é melhor eu ir falar com ele.
You told me to call him to come over here. You wanted to talk to him.
Mandaste-me telefonar-lhe para lhe dizer para vir cá porque querias falar com ele.
- Can we talk to him?
- Deus? - Sim, posso falar com ele?
- Yeah, can I talk to him? - He's everywhere.
Está em todo lado.
That's... He can talk to him about guy things.
Pode falar com ele de coisas de homem.
Well, I'm calling from the United States and I'm... and I'm really trying to talk with him.
Estou a ligar dos Estados Unidos e estou mesmo a tentar falar com ele.
But I said to Ron, "You know, we've got to try and figure out if we can have him talk to us at all."
Mas eu disse ao Ron : "Temos de experimentar e ver se conseguimos que ele fale connosco."
Don't ask me why, but if you want make some other arrangements, you want to find someplace else to bury him, you want to talk to the mortician, and you want to call up Sacred Heart and talk to Father Martin
Não me perguntes porquê. Mas se quiseres resolver de outra forma, encontrar outro sítio, falar com o agente funerário e ligar para o Sagrado Coração para falar com o Padre Martin, saber quanto custa e tratar de tudo, estás à vontade.
And don't let him out of your sight until I get a chance to talk to whoever the hell his supervisor is back in Washington.
E não o percam de vista, até eu ter a oportunidade de falar seja lá quem raios, é o superior dele em Washington.
I do. I let him talk to his distraught parents.
- Deixei-o falar com os pais.
Well, did you talk to the guy that replaced him that night?
- Falaste com o substituto dele?
Tell him I'm ready to talk.
Diga-lhe que estou disposto a falar.
Around noon, I called Cornell and told him that we needed to talk.
Por volta do meio-dia, liguei ao Cornell e disse-lhe que tínhamos de falar.
Uncle Flick refuses to talk about him.
O tio Flick recusa-se a falar dele.
If the suspect doesn't talk, you give him a shot in the stomach with your stick, and you say, "Listen, boy, I'm talking to you."
Se o suspeito não falar, batemos no estômago dele com o cassetete e dizemos, "Ouve, rapaz estou a falar contigo."
Tell him to never talk to you again.
Diz-lhe para nunca mais falar contigo.
Talk to the kid, offer him one of the pubs we took off the Italians if he works in the house for four weeks, keeps his ears open.
Falem com o rapaz, ofereçam-lhe um dos pubs que tirámos aos italianos, se ele trabalhar na casa durante quatro semanas, que mantenha os ouvidos atentos.
Maybe you went over to his place to talk him out of it?
Talvez tenhas ido a casa dele para o fazer desistir?
Can I talk to you for a second? I thought we were gonna to try to scare him.
Pensava que o íamos assustar.
I actually brought him in eight years ago, but he refused to talk.
Eu trouxe-o cá há 8 anos, mas ele recusou-se a falar.

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