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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ T ] / Tell him everything

Tell him everything tradutor Português

434 parallel translation
- You don't have to tell him everything.
- Não precisa de lhe dizer tudo.
I have to tell him everything.
- Preciso contar tudo pra ele.
- You should tell him everything.
- Deverias contar-lhe tudo.
Go with the nice administrator and tell him everything.
Vai com ele e diz tudo.
Give him the diamond and tell him everything.
Dá-lhe o diamante e conta tudo.
I will tell him everything.
Falarei com ele.
- Tell him everything will be ready.
- Diga-lhe que teremos tudo a postos.
"I have to talk to you about Karin." And then you'll tell him everything.
"Preciso de falar contigo sobre a Karin" e contas-Ihe tudo.
Yet you tell him everything.
E tu contas-lhe tudo...
Tell him everything. Confess everything. Don't hide anything.
Diga-lhe tudo, não esconda nada.
I will tell him everything, but you must think of me as your friend.
Dir-lhe-ei tudo. E peço que me considere seu amigo.
So I decided to tell him everything.
Então eu decidi contar tudo a ele.
Let me speak to your Führer. I'll tell him everything he wants to know.
Eu digo ao seu Fuhrer tudo o que ele quiser saber.
I'll tell him everything.
- Vou contar-lhe tudo! - Não!
I tell him everything.
Conto-lho tudo.
I'll tell him everything that's going on.
Contar-lhe-ei tudo o que está a acontecer.
Tell him. Tell him everything, just as it was.
Conta-lhe tudo, tal como aconteceu.
You can tell him everything just as it was.
Podes contar-lhe tudo, tal como aconteceu.
Rita, you should tell him everything.
Rita, conta-lhe tudo.
Of course, I didn't tell him everything... about Tony and me, I mean.
É claro que não lhe disse tudo em relação ao Tony e a mim.
When your uncle arrives, you tell him everything, OK?
Quando o teu tio chegar, contas-lhe tudo, está bem?
I know he's scared. Tell him everything is all right.
Eu sei que ele está assustado.
I'm gonna tell him everything'...
Vou contar-lhe toda a estória...
I tell him everything, he gets arrested and spends the rest of his life in jail. - Hi, hi.
Preparo-lhe uma armadilha, faço-lhe uma que nunca mais se esquecerá!
Tell him everything you just told me.
Vais dizer ao sr. Fresnois o que me acabaste de dizer.
I had to tell him everything.
- Não é que eu digo a todos.
First you have to make him marry you, then you tell him everything.
Primeiro que case. Contas-lhe tudo depois.
When he gets back home and I ask him, he'll confess and tell me everything.
Quando ele voltar para casa e eu lhe perguntar... Ele vai confessar e dizer-me tudo...
Tell him Mimi says everything is all right, but that I've got to see him.
Diga-lhe que a Mimi diz que está tudo bem, mas que tenho de lhe falar.
Tell him I'll write him a letter and explain everything.
Diz-lhe que lhe mando uma carta a explicar tudo.
Tell me, did he talk about anything else but music? Oh, everything is music to him.
Falamos da vida, do amor... e de ti.
And you can tell him that everything you said about the Kellerson wasn't so No, Mum, don't
Se tivesse havido um assassinato como tu dizes, a polícia já saberia.
And tell him we'll have a big coming-out party for him... with a brass band and everything. - Okay. Sure.
Que não se preocupe. – Está bem.
Tell him to bring up everything that's messy. - Okay.
Diga-lhe para trazer tudo que é bagunçado.
Tell him to find out everything he Can about John J. MaCreedy.
Diz-lhe que descubra o que puder sobre o John J. Macreedy.
Get him to tell you everything to do this season.
Peça a ele para contar-lhe tudo sobre a temporada.
Tell him I'd like to explain everything very carefully.
lhe diga que quero explicá-lo tudo muito devagar.
Tell him I have confessed to everything.
- Diz que eu confessei tudo. - O quê?
We can take him, and if he doesn't get help, he'll die. Or we can leave him here, and he'll tell the Germans everything.
Ou podemos levá-lo, e sem tratamento ele morrerá ou podemos deixá-lo aqui, e então revelará tudo aos alemães.
Just something... - Tell him everything is under control.
- Diga que está tudo sob controle.
Can you tell him that I beg him to forgive me for everything.
Diga que lhe peço desculpa por tudo o que lhe fiz.
Better tell him the truth yourself. When everything is cleared up, thank him on my behalf for returning my suitcase.
Conte-lhe a menina a verdade e quando estiver tudo esclarecido agradeça-lhe em meu nome por me ter devolvido a mala.
And tell him I know everything.
E diga-lhe que eu sei tudo.
- I'll tell him everything.
- Vai matá-lo!
Tell me everything you know about him.
Diz-me tudo o que saibas dele.
This police detective came over here to ask me a lot of questions... about Clifford and his nephews and everything. - I didn't know what to tell him.
Um polícia veio cá fazer-me um monte de perguntas sobre o Clifford e os sobrinhos e eu não sabia o que devia dizer-lhe.
Everything you tell him you have to repeat half a dozen times.
Temos de lhe repetir tudo meia dúzia de vezes.
You know? I didn't know how to do stuff, so I'd go to him and I would ask him, and he would tell me how to do things. And then I'd go back to work and everything would be all right.
Eu não sabia coisa alguma, e ele me ensinou a trabalhar... e como fazer as coisas... da forma correta.
When you get him on the phone, tell him... I said call off the crew, and call off everything.
Diga-lhe que eu disse para cancelar a equipa, tudo.
Tell him that he will obtain everything from me on those terms and that, except Marianne, I leave him free to choose.
Diga-lhe, mestre Jacques, que se assim é, ele poderá esperar tudo de mim e que, excepto Mariane, deixo-lhe a liberdade de escolher a mulher que quiser.
We got a dead man who can't tell us why he's here, who sent him... You can't go around telling everybody everything.
O que eles estão fazendo na adega?

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