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Worth a try tradutor Português

422 parallel translation
How about it? Well, it's worth a try.
Vale a pena tentar.
Anything is worth a try.
Sim. Vale a pena tentar tudo.
Do you think it's on? - It's worth a try.
Sim, que lhe parece?
It's worth a try.
Vale a pena tentar.
Whatever the risk, it was worth a try.
Apesar do risco, merecia a pena tentá-lo.
that's worth a try.
isso vale a pena tentar.
Well, I think it's worth a try.
Bem, acho que vale a pena.
It was worth a try, though.
Valia a pena tentar, julgo eu.
- It could be worth a try.
- Valeria a pena tentar.
At least it's worth a try.
Pelo menos vale a pena tentar.
_ It's worth a try.
- Mas vale a pena tentar.
- Mm-hmm. Well, it's worth a try.
Vale a pena tentar.
Believe me son, it is worth a try!
Barrett não é cruel.
- It's worth a try.
- Não custa nada tentar.
It would be worth a try, at least until we're certain of the device.
Valeria a pena tentar, pelo menos até ao aparelho funcionar.
It's certainly worth a try.
Com certeza, vale a pena tentar.
It was worth a try.
Não custou nada tentar.
It's worth a try.
É muito provável.
- lt`s worth a try.
- Vale a pena tentar.
True, but worth a try.
É verdade, mas vale a pena tentar.
I think it's worth a try.
Que vale a pena tentar.
- No, but it was worth a try.
Não, mas podemos sempre tentar :
It'd be worth a try anything to get out of this mess.
Vale a pena tentar qualquer coisa para sair dessa bagunça.
It's worth a try.
Podemos tentar.
It's worth a try, Captain.
Vale a pena tentar, sr, comandante,
It was worth a try.
Valia a pena tentar.
If I can adapt it, it's worth a try.
Se puder adaptá-lo, vale a pena arriscar.
It's certainly worth a try.
Vale a pena tentar, claro.
It's worth a try, captain.
Vale a pena tentar, capitão.
- I think it's a worth a try.
Acho que vale a pena tentar.
But it's worth a try.
Mas vale o esforço de tentar.
Worth a try.
Mas vale a pena.
- It's worth a try, though, right?
- Vale a pena tentar, não?
It's worth a try.
Vale tentar. - Vou chamar o elevador.
That's worth a try.
Vale a pena tentar.
I'm sorry to be such a nuisance, but I thought it was worth a try.
Há algo de ruim naquela mulher, quase sinistro. - Deve fazer-lhe a vida num inferno.
Who's to know? It's worth a try
Ninguém sabe disso e vale a pena tentar.
I'm not sure, but I think this is worth a try.
Não sei, mas acho que vale a pena tentar.
Well, I certainly think it's worth that try.
Eu acho que vale mesmo a pena tentar.
It's worth the try.
Vale a pena tentar.
Ragnar, try to get him to draw maps that'll guide a ship through fog. Then maybe he'll be worth having around.
Ponha-o a desenhar mapas que guiem um navio através do nevoeiro.
But it was worth a try, right?
Mas repara, não fico zangada por tentares...
It's worth a try, isn't it?
- Pode tentar.
Well, it's worth a try.
Vale a pena tentar.
Yes, I think it is worth a try. Good old ahm.
Sim, acho que vale a pena tentar.
Are you gonna try telling me that lousy stolen freighter : was worth the lives of those two cadets?
Vais dizer-me que essa "sucata" roubada... valia mais do que a vida desses dois cadetes?
I try to decide if what I'm going to say... is worth getting hit for.
Eu tento decidir, se aquilo que vou dizer... É a palavra para conseguir isso.
It might be worth our try.
Valeria a pena tentar.
Contemptible! Worth a try.
Exigo uma explicação!
Listen, Obadiah, I'd sure try and make you a good deal - if you'd rent me your boat. - Ain't worth too much.
Obadiah, faria uma boa oferta, se me alugasse o seu barco.
of course... You have enough stuff to make me worth my while to try and help you.
Isto, claro se tiveres bastantes casacos para que valha a pena ajudar-te.

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