There was a tradutor Turco
39,178 parallel translation
Apparently, there was a real crime wave last night.
Görünüşe göre, dün gece gerçek bir suç dalgası vardı.
But there was a catch.
Ama bir avuç vardı.
I came through the door, and all of a sudden, there was a gun to the back of my head.
Kapıdan girdim ve aniden, Kafamın arkasında bir silah vardı.
There was a robbery last month.
Geçen ay bir soygun oldu.
So, Shinwell told you there was a drop coming up.
Yani, Shinwell sana bir damla düştüğünü söyledi.
There was a third member of the team
Takımın üçüncü bir üyesi vardı
There was a child who came from Hanyang to visit his mother's family's house to play at the beach.
Kumsalda oynayabilmek için akrabalarını ziyarete gelen Hanyanglı ufak bir çocuk vardı.
Sir, last night in many villages along the west coast, they say there was a strange occurrence.
Valim, dün gece sahil boyundaki birçok köyden tuhaf vaka istihbaratı aldık.
I heard that there was a murder case in this area, and so I was worried about my girlfriend who was home alone.
Bölgede cinayet işlendiğini duyunca evde tek başına olan kız arkadaşım için endişelendim.
In the sea in front of Yangyang there was a several hundred year old wreck discovered.
Yangyang'ın önündeki denizde yüzlerce yıllık bir enkaz bulundu.
Besides, if there was a problem, everyone would get a text alert immediately.
Ayrıca bir sorun olsaydı herkese anında uyarı mesajı atılırdı.
There was a leak at the nuclear power plant, but nobody was worried, and they didn't seem to care.
Nükleer santralde bir sızıntı olmuştu. Ama kimse endişelenip umursamadı.
There was a time we thought our place in the world was the will of the Divine.
Bir zamanlar, dunya uzerinde varolusumuzun takdir-i ilahi olduguna inanirdik.
I'm sure there was a reason why you insisted that I'm not the Goblin's Bride.
Goblin'in Gelini olmadığım konusunda ısrarcı olmanın da bir sebebi vardı kesin.
I was reading, when the Venerable Bedehilde fought the Hydrabeast, there were no gronk-nuks, but there was a weakness under its scales.
Okurken gördüm Saygıdeğer Bedehilde Hidracanavarı'yla dövüşürken gronk-nukları yoktu ama pullarının altında bir zayıflığı vardı.
Believe it or not, there was a time when you used to share everything with me.
İster inan ister inanma, bir zamanlar benimle her şeyi paylaşırdın.
And how was I supposed to know there was a flaming monster hiding in it?
İçinde alevli bir canavarın gizlendiğini nasıl bilebilirdim?
Last time, there was a weird stone doll in it.
Geçen sefer içinde garip, taş bir bebek vardı.
I heard there was a fight.
Kavga var dediler.
Not so much crying but that there was a hint of tears.
Ağlamak denmez ona, birazcık yaş aktı sadece.
There was a lot of dangerous things in there.
Orada bir sürü tehlikeli şey vardı.
Although we didn't say that it was a definite thing, we did say there was a plan like that between us.
Henüz adını koymamış olsak da aramızda öyle bir plan olduğunu konuştuk.
There was a car here before.
Az önce burada bir araba vardı.
There was a big container filled with water inside the operating room.
Ameliyathanede suyla dolu büyük bir varil vardı.
There was a time we thought our place in the world was the will of the Divine.
Bir zamanlar, dünya üzerinde varoluşumuzun takdir-i ilahi olduğuna inanırdık.
Did you know that there was a sword stuck in my uncle's heart?
Amcamın göğsünde saplı bir kılıç olduğunu biliyor muydun?
There was a change in Park Joong Won's plans to fortify the royal family due to the late king's will.
Rahmetli Kral'ın son arzusu Kral'ın üzerinde mutlak hâkimiyet kurmayı plânlayan Park Jong Won'un plânlarını bozmuştu.
Did you know there was a bomb in here?
- İçinde bomba olduğunu biliyor muydun?
I'd march into hell for you, if I thought there was a slightest chance of victory.
Oldukça az bir zafer şansımız olsa bile seninle nereye olursa olsun gelirim ama bunda yok.
There was a pretty good scandal after the trial on account of them getting such a light sentence.
O kadar hafif bir ceza aldıkları için davadan sonra epey sağlam bir skandal yaşanmıştı.
Nobody proved anything, but there was a rumor going around that Ed paid Andy to drop the reckless manslaughter charges.
Kimse hiçbir şey ispatlayamadı ama Ed'in, taksirle adam öldürme suçlamalarını düşürmesi için Andy'ye para verdiğine dair etrafta dolaşan dedikodular vardı.
"There once was a beautiful princess..."
Bir zamanlar çok güzel bir prenses varmış.
Whoever that was ran off, but there is a blizzard out there.
Ama dışarıda fırtına var.
A member of a rival gang was shot and killed in SBK territory- - you were there, weren't you?
Rakip bir çetenin bir üyesi vuruldu ve öldürüldü SBK bölgesinde - Oradaydın, değil mi?
There was a scheduling mix-up.
Tüm doktorlarla birlikte.
there was a guy and a girl in the car.
Arabada bir erkek ve bir kız vardı.
Failed to find a diagnosis'cause there was no disease.
Tanı bulamadı Çünkü hastalık yoktu.
If she was caught, she would've gone to prison, but somewhere in there she was still a physician and you were her patient.
Eğer yakalanmış olsaydı, hapise girerdi. Fakat orada bir yerde hala bir doktordu. Ve onun hastasıydın.
I'm sorry, I was looking from over there. You look like a magazine spread, don't you agree? What are you talking about?
Özür dilerim, arkadan bakıyordum da dergi modeli gibi görünüyorsunuz.
I'm not sure what kind of person he / she was, but there's a high chance they're pretty strange too.
Ne tür bir insandı bilmiyorum, onun da tamamen tuhaf olma ihtimali yüksek.
"I think I might be happy if I lived there. I was happy, if only for a bit."
"Orada yaşasaydım mutlu olurdum yine de bir anlığına mutlu oldum."
I mean, if there was even a song written about this...
Demem o ki, böyle bir şarkı bile yazıldığına göre...
I couldn't find a single person who was there.
Oraya gelmiş bir kişi bile bulamadım.
- There was definitely a Jim.
- Jim kesinlikle oradaydı.
Among the fishermen, there was one who put his hands on a mermaid and I heard he went insane.
Denizkızlarına dokununca kafayı sıyıran denizciler olmuş.
There's no way for me to know, if she was reincarnated with a different face.
Farklı bir yüzle doğduysa onu tanımama imkân yok elbet.
First night I was there, I knew it was a mistake.
İlk geceden bunun bir hata olduğunu biliyordum.
But there was once a time, when we did not even know who our enemy was.
Fakat bir zamanlar, düşmanımızın kim olduğunu bile bilmiyorduk.
It was like a memory, but I've never been there before.
It, bir anı gibi oldu Ama yapmam gerektiğinde daha önce orada hiç.
He was right when he said in everyone's life there comes a time or, in my case, many times...
Herkes hayatında... böyle bir ânı bir kez - benim durumumda bir kaç kez - yaşadığını söylediğinde haklıydı.
Was there ever a time you would have done that for me?
Benim için yapar mıydın mesela?
there was a time 64
there was a problem 25
there was an explosion 49
there was a girl 56
there was an accident 105
there was a boy 17
there was a break 38
there was a fire 52
there was a man 63
there was a fight 36
there was a problem 25
there was an explosion 49
there was a girl 56
there was an accident 105
there was a boy 17
there was a break 38
there was a fire 52
there was a man 63
there was a fight 36
there was a woman 43
there was a mix 21
there was a struggle 34
there was an incident 38
there was a party 19
there was a guy 27
there was a witness 17
there was a lot of blood 21
there was a moment 17
there was this 68
there was a mix 21
there was a struggle 34
there was an incident 38
there was a party 19
there was a guy 27
there was a witness 17
there was a lot of blood 21
there was a moment 17
there was this 68