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Couldn't you перевод на испанский

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It... it wouldn't be wise to put you through that when we couldn't expect results.
No... no sería prudente que pasaras por eso cuando no podemos garantizar los resultados.
Tell him you couldn't reach me.
Dile que no pudiste localizarme.
- But I thought you couldn't...
- Pero pensé que no podías...
Because the whole time I couldn't reach you, I kept thinking that you were on the phone with him and laughing with him and loving him.
Porque todo el tiempo en el que no te pude localizar, seguía pensando que estabas hablando con él por teléfono riéndote con él y amándolo a él.
No, you couldn't have.
No, no pudiste haberlo hecho.
- Couldn't you tell when found the body?
- ¿ Podría decirme cuándo halló el cuerpo?
He was gonna take you away from me and I couldn't see my life going forward that way without you.
Iba a apartarte de mí y no podía concebir que mi vida fuera así, sin ti.
What if you couldn't?
¿ Y si no pudieras?
I couldn't be happier for you, Trace.
Me siento muy feliz por ti, Trace.
I couldn't live in the house, but I kept it so others wouldn't make the same mistake and then a slight reversal of fortune made me a little short when property tax time came around and you two were unlucky enough to buy it at auction.
No podía vivir en la casa, pero la conservé para que otros no repitieran el error, y luego un leve revés de fortuna me dejó corto de fondos cuando llegó el impuesto de propiedad y ustedes fueron lo bastante desafortunados de comprarla en subasta.
He was gonna take you away from me and I couldn't see my life going forward that way.
Iba a apartarte de mí y no podía concebir que mi vida fuera así.
But a second ago, you couldn't see your hand in front of your face.
Pero hace un segundo, no podías ver tu mano delante de tu cara.
- No, Reese, you couldn't have.
- No, Reese, no podías.
I'm only upset that you felt like you couldn't tell me.
Solo me molesta que creas que no podías contarme.
You know, he wanted to, but he couldn't.
¿ Sabes? , quería decírtelo, pero no podía.
Too bad you couldn't convince your client to not burn down the crime scene.
Qué mal que no pudiste convencer a tu cliente de no quemar la escena del crimen.
Ah. Except you couldn't pay for your winning bid, could you?
Excepto que no podía pagar por su puja ganadora, ¿ verdad?
Because you can't kill him, just like Regina couldn't kill me.
- Porque no puedes matarlo... igual que Regina no pudo matarme.
Well, I couldn't very well let you have it, now, could I?
- No iba a permitir que lo tuvieras.
Why couldn't you see that? !
¿ Por qué no te das cuenta?
After all, when I heard you were trapped aboard this ship, I couldn't believe my good luck.
Cuando supe que estabas atrapada en el barco, no creí mi buena suerte.
Um, Edgar, I thought you said you couldn't get my writing snacks'cause the store was cordoned off due to police activity.
Edgar, me dijiste que no habías podido conseguir mis "aperitivos para escribir" porque la tienda estaba acordonada por la policía.
I've been trying to get a job for so long, and then when it happened for you so quickly, I just... couldn't handle it.
Hace tanto tiempo que intento conseguir un trabajo y cuando tú lo conseguiste tan rápido, es que... no he sabido sobrellevarlo.
I wanted to tell you..... but I couldn't. All right, love?
Quería decírtelo... pero no pude. ¿ Está bien, cielo?
You couldn't do it.
No podrías hacerlo.
I tried to come and see you earlier but I just couldn't.
Traté de venir a verte antes, pero simplemente no podía.
I mean, before everything that happened to me and you were there for me and I needed you... and I couldn't have asked for more.
Es decir, antes de que nos pasara todo, estabas ahí... para mí y te necesitaba... y no podría haber pedido más.
I would have done this earlier, but Zosia couldn't forgive you for some of the things you wrote about our family, particularly with regard to Tomek.
Yo hubiera querido hacerlo antes, pero Zosia no te hubiera perdonado por algunas de las cosas que escribiste acerca de nuestra familia, particularmente con respecto a Tomek.
I'm sorry he couldn't tell you himself.
Siento que no pudiera decírtelo él mismo.
But you couldn't get the good one, could you, so you had to settle for this.
Pero como no pudiste conseguir a la buena, cierto, sólo te conformaste con esto.
I tried to upgrade you, couldn't do it.
Mierda, amiga, intente actualizarte, pero no pude.
I couldn't have managed without you.
No podría haberlo logrado sin ti.
And you couldn't have done that during your free time?
¿ Y no podías haber hecho eso en tu tiempo libre?
I mean, you just couldn't ask for any better material to illustrate a story with.
No había nada mejor que eso para ilustrar una historia.
No, you're right. These couldn't have been defensive wounds.
No hay rastros de piel bajo las uñas.
Well, I couldn't have stopped them without you.
Bueno, no habría podido pararles sin ti.
- Couldn't make it too easy on you.
- No podía ponértelo tan fácil.
You couldn't put it in a briefcase or something?
¿ No podías meterlo en un maletín o algo?
I couldn't leave knowing that you were gonna continue to lie to yourself and to your family.
No puedo permitir que te sigas engañando... ni a tu familia. - ¿ Qué pasa?
But after hearing you and the boy, I couldn't keep these to myself.
Pero al escucharte a ti y al chico... no pude guardarme esto sólo para mí.
I couldn't even tell you how many they are.
Ni siquiera podría decirte cuántos son.
You said you couldn't ruin one more family.
Dijiste que no arruinarías otra familia.
I couldn't lose the one thing that might help save you.
No pude deshacerme de lo único que podría salvarte.
You said we couldn't afford a bartender... or a mechanical bull, which would have paid for itself by now.
Dijiste que no podíamos permitirnos un camarero... ni un toro mecánico, que ya se habría pagado solito.
And then this part I couldn't even tell you, I f...
Y después, esta parte no pude ni contártelo, yo...
Why couldn't you tell me that over the phone?
¿ Por qué no me cuentas por teléfono?
I couldn't hear you.
No pude escucharte.
I never said you couldn't.
Nunca dije que no pudieras.
Look, I couldn't tell if Dr. Cox was talking about Jackson or you back there.
Mira, no podría decir si el Dr. Cox hablaba sobre Jackson o de ti.
You couldn't land any more out of the way?
¿ No podías aterrizar aún más en mitad de la nada?
You couldn't have found me a thong?
¿ No me podías haber buscado un tanga?

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