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Found you перевод на испанский

41,100 параллельный перевод
You seem to have found your way very quickly.
Te acostumbraste muy rápido al puesto.
When I found you out in the hall.
Cuando te encontré en el pasillo.
So my driver found you?
¿ Entonces mi chofer te encontró?
She found you yet?
¿ Ya te encontró?
When I found you... you were pursuing a career as a cage fighter.
Cuando te encontré... te ganabas la vida peleando en una jaula.
You found her but I found you.
La encontró a ella, pero yo lo encontré a usted.
I'm just so glad that I found you.
Estoy tan contenta de que lo encontráramos.
- We're the ones who found you.
- Somos los que te encontramos.
I found you here, in this sparrow's nest.
Te hallé aquí, en este nido de gorriones.
We found you... here.
Nosotros te encontramos...
They found your address, they brought you here.
Han encontrado tu dirección y te han traído aquí.
Mitch, if you can hear me, you were right. We found the drugs on Leeds's boat.
Mitch, si me oyes, encontramos la droga en el bote de Leeds.
I can't believe you found us. Let's go home.
No puedo creer que nos hayas encontrado.
You found him.
Lo encontraste.
- You couldn't get into my class so you found out where I go to have my students'stories read to me?
No puedes entrar en mi clase y averiguaste a dónde voy. ¿ Qué me lean las historias de mis estudiantes?
He was found in this establishment, and that doesn't look good for you.
Lo encontramos aquí, y eso no es bueno para ustedes.
I think I found something that belongs to you, Lack.
Creo que esto te pertenece, Lack.
It seems as though you found a way to use the sword.
Parece que descubriste cómo usar la espada.
You found me.
Tú me hallaste.
You finally found some imagination.
Finalmente encontraste algo de imaginación.
And you might have never found it otherwise.
Y es posible que nunca lo hubieras encontrado de otra manera.
Since you got me infected, I've looked all around the world for a cure and I've finally found it.
Desde que me infectaste, he buscado una cura en todo el mundo, y al fin la encontré.
- A gun. I found it round the block, you know.
La hallé doblando la esquina ¿ sabes?
- You know what, I am sorry that for once in my life I found a boy that is totally awesome and broodingly sexy.
Lamento que, por primera vez, yo haya encontrado a un chico que es sensacional y melancólicamente sensual.
Reminds me of the ring I gave you. The one I found at the gallery.
Me recuerda al anillo que te di que encontré en la Galería.
- You found him?
- ¿ Lo encontraron?
There's a safe, no doubt you found it by now.
Hay una caja fuerte, seguro la has visto.
So, George, you're gonna repatch the markets... To a shadow server I found in Iceland.
De este modo, George, vas a reconectar los mercados... a un servidor sombra que encontré en Islandia.
And when I found out those sick people wanted you for their own I went to the doctor I should've seen in the first place, and I told him our crazy story and Andy, Andy, he believed me.
Y cuando me enteré que esas personas enfermas te querían para ellos, fui al doctor, debería haberlo visto en primer lugar, y le conté nuestra loca historia, y Andy, Andy, me creyó.
I had never learned to take care of myself until that day that day I found out they wanted you for their own.
Nunca había aprendido a cuidarme hasta ese día, ese día descubrí que te querían para ellos.
Yay, you found him, whoo.
Lo encontraste.
Tell me you found it.
Dime que lo encontraste.
Have you found our ship yet?
¿ Ya has encontrado nuestro barco?
Have you found a man, Viviane?
¿ Has encontrado a un hombre, Viviane?
If you surprised us all and proved yourself a safecracker, you still wouldn't have found it.
Si nos sorprendiste a todos y probaste ser un ladrón de cajas fuertes, aún no lo habrías encontrado.
Have you found a colonel?
¿ Has encontrado un coronel?
But then you found out your boss had sent AGRA in. Very handy.
Pero luego se enteró de que sus jefes enviaron a A.G.R.A.
I was going through some paperwork the other day and, er... I found this old clipping of when you won the juniors.
Estaba pasando por un papeleo el otro día y... encontré este viejo recorte de cuando ganaste los juniors.
I found something you'll definitely be interested in.
Descubrí algo que te va a interesar mucho.
You found things we didn't even know existed, let alone were still preserved.
Encontraste cosas que ni siquiera sabíamos que existían, y mucho menos aún los conserva.
Why not bring down your brother and reclaim what you rightfully found?
¿ Por qué no desbaratar a tu hermano? ¿ Y reclamar lo que encontraste por derecho?
Remember when I found that blue piece of glass and you told me it was a treasure?
¿ Recuerdas cuando encontré esa pieza azul del vidrio y me dijiste que era un tesoro?
Melissa said you were there when they found the Duchess.
Melissa dijo que estabas allá cuando encontraron a la Duquesa.
"You have been judged and found wanting."
"Has sido juzgado y encontrado insuficiente".
You found no one.
¿ No encontraron a nadie?
If you'd found it, you'd be home by now.
Si lo hubieras encontrado... ya habrías vuelto a casa.
Found this for you.
Encontré esto para ti.
You found Bobby? Where?
¿ Dónde encontraste a Bobby?
The only reason I found out is because now all the local girls ask me is if I know you.
La única razón que encontré es que... las chicas me preguntan si te conozco.
You found them? - Ooh!
¿ Los hallaste?
You found four men and one woman.
Encontraste cuatro hombres y una mujer.

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