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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ H ] / Have lunch

Have lunch перевод на испанский

4,686 параллельный перевод
- Bless you, dear, -, I'have lunch with you today,
- Salud, querida, -, l'almorzar hoy con ustedes,
Come, let's have lunch?
Ven, vamos a almorzar.
My staff said, "Don't have lunch with this right-winger."
Mi equipo dijo :'No quiero comer. Con esta derechista'
Want to have lunch and tell me about it?
¿ Quieres almorzar y hablamos de eso?
But do you want to have lunch with me?
Pero, ¿ quieres comer conmigo?
We were supposed to have lunch today.
Se suponía que íbamos a almorzar hoy juntas.
Will you have lunch with us?
¿ Vas a almorzar con nosotros?
He wants to have lunch with you.
Quiere almorzar contigo.
So, we'll have lunch, then?
Podemos almorzar después, ¿ no?
Once I leave... you will have a winning smile on your face... you will walk back with pride to your broken hut... and as you will sit down to have lunch...
Una vez que dejes de tener una sonrisa de ganador en la cara tendrás que volver con orgullo a tu choza rota... Y tan pronto te sientes a almorzar...
Did you have lunch?
¿ Ya comiste?
I can't have lunch with you.
No puedo comer contigo.
We could have lunch.
Podríamos almorzar.
We're just about to have lunch.
Vamos a almorzar.
You want to have lunch?
¿ Quieres ir a comer?
Fine. Did you have lunch yet?
We were supposed to have lunch.
Se supone que vamos a ir a comer.
Can't we have lunch immediately?
¿ No podemos almorzar de inmediato?
♪ Go have lunch'cause I'm not getting ♪
# Coman algo, porque no me casaré #
Stop embarrassing yourself and come have lunch with me.
Deja de avergonzarte y ven a comer conmigo.
I told Grace I'd have lunch with her.
Le dije a Grace que almorzaría con ella.
Alright, go have lunch.
Venga, pues a comer.
Well... Make sure that you have lunch, you're getting too skinny.
No te olvides de almorzar, estás adelgazando mucho.
We have an hour lunch, before you meet Commander Borov.
Tenemos una hora para el almuerzo antes de la reunión con el Comandante búlgaro Borov. Puedo traerlo a su habitación o -
Have we something nice for lunch?
¿ Tenemos algo que almorzar?
You'll have to get your own lunch.
Tendrás que hacerte tu comida.
I have a lunch truck.
mi camion de comida.
- You know what... if you love Chris so much, go have fucking lunch with him.
- ¿ Sabes lo que... Si te gusta tanto Chris, ve a tomar el puto almuerzo con él.
Have a great lunch.
- Buen provecho.
What did you have for lunch?
- ¿ Qué has comido?
I wanted to have kind of a consolation lunch.
Buscaba tener un tipo de almuerzo de consolación.
- Well, let's have lunch with the costumers then.
Muy bien. Organizo una comida con los clientes.
Lunch is being served. You think they'll have chicken?
Se sirve almuerzo. ¿ crees que tendrán pollo?
drive all the way back alone... I have to make my own lunch...
- Yo tendré que prepararme el almuerzo.
But when they have their lunch break in 30 minutes... and yöur son opens his lunch box... instead of mince meat, he will get a bomb.
Pero cuando tengan su almuerzo en 30 minutos. Y tu hijo abra su lunchera, no habrá Keema, tendrá una bomba.
Un error más y Baphomet te tendrá de almuerzo.
Okay, kids. For lunch we have organic chicken, a fresh kale salad and a juice bar with beets, cukes, ginger and carrots ready to be ground down into their essential goodness.
Niños, para comer tenemos pollo orgánico, ensalada de col y jugo de betabel, pepino, jengibre y zanahoria listos para soltar todos sus beneficios esenciales.
So, did you and my cousin have a pleasant lunch? Huh? Nutrition!
Entonces, ¿ tuvisteis tú y mi primo un almuerzo agradable? ¡ Alimentación!
Let's have half hour lunch break!
Vamos a tener la hora del almuerzo de media hora!
I don't have a lunch, so'meet me at Good Earth at noon.
No tengo nada en el almuerzo. Ven a verme a Good Earth al mediodía.
Have your lunch.
Coman su almuerzo.
Tom will prepare lunch, he may have a hidden talent for cooking.
Tom preparará el almuerzo, podría poseer talento para la cocina.
Post-lunch you will have a final exam which we call practical.
Luego del almuerzo tendrán un examen final. El que llamaremos práctico.
You can have your lunch now.
Ahora pueden almorzar.
What'd you have for lunch?
¿ Qué almorzaste?
I'm going to have some lunch, get high.
Se drogaba y trabajaba.
Relax and have a nice lunch, you've had enough for one day.
Entonces relájense y coman tranquilos. Que hoy ya tuvieron suficiente.
Have a nice lunch.
Que tengas un buen almuerzo.
For my lunch money, I'd expect to have an opinion.
Por el dinero de mi almuerzo, esperaría tener voto en ella.
- Mom, have you had lunch?
- Mamá, ¿ ya comiste?
We left Caio with my mother... and we have an Easter lunch today.
Sí, dejamos a Caio con mi mamá... y hoy tenemos almuerzo de Pascua.

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