Is your перевод на испанский
261,209 параллельный перевод
John, what is your point?
John, ¿ cuál es tu objetivo?
- Mark Usher is your friend, not mine.
- Mark Usher es amigo tuyo, no mío.
What I need right now is your political calculus.
Necesito tus cálculos políticos.
Now, you have said before, that this is your endgame.
Como dijiste antes, esta es tu meta.
This is your bachelor party, not yours!
Esta es tu despedida, ¡ no la tuya!
This is your baby? Your other baby.
Este es tu bebé, tu otro bebé.
What is your problem?
¿ Cuál es tu problema?
Is this your office?
¿ Es esta tu oficina?
This is so much bigger than you and your witch hunt for dirty cops.
Esto es más grande que tú y tu caza de brujas buscando policías corruptos.
This is supposed to be one of your Yoda tricks.
Se supone que este es uno de tus trucos de Yoda.
Your job is to chase after drunk sailors and wayward Marines.
Tu trabajo era perseguir a Marines borrachos y desobedientes.
Your mask is slipping, Percival.
Se te está cayendo la máscara, Percival.
Your vlog is great.
Tu vídeo blog es genial.
The best mind for your cure is locked up in the basement.
El mejor cerebro para buscar tu cura está encerrado en el sótano.
Is that your sister?
¿ Esa es tu hermana?
American democracy is stronger than your sad attempt to take advantage of a bump in the road.
La democracia estadounidense es más fuerte que tu intento de aprovechar este bache en el camino.
Oh, Francis, my eyes are on a landscape that is so much bigger than any one of your roads.
Francis, tengo la mirada puesta en un paisaje mucho más grande que cualquier camino tuyo.
But the biggest challenge that we face, and the one that I'm going to need all of your help on, is reuniting a country that has never been more divided than it is today.
El mayor reto al que nos enfrentamos, y para el que voy a necesitar toda su ayuda, es volver a unir un país que nunca ha estado más dividido que hoy.
You know, they say the most vulnerable part of the human body... is the throat... and that you never really know how you feel about somebody... until they have their hands around your throat.
Dicen que la parte más vulnerable del cuerpo humano es la garganta. Y que no sabes lo que alguien te hace sentir hasta que te pone las manos en la garganta.
Your word? This conversation is pointless.
Esta conversación no tiene sentido.
Your meeting is here.
Llegó su visita.
Your job as vice president is to advise.
Tu trabajo como vicepresidenta es asesorarme.
Your phone is ringing.
Tu teléfono está sonando.
Francis, this is one way to salvage your first term.
Francis, es una manera de rescatar tu primer mandato.
- Your fate is sealed.
- Su destino está sellado.
Oh, your calculus is as good as mine, Mr. President. There is no plan.
Presidente, sus suposiciones son tan buenas como las mías.
Your new friend is still gonna get impeached.
Igual destituirán a tu nuevo amigo.
But before you start, am I mistaken, or is Mr. Grayson your superior?
Pero antes de empezar ¿ me equivoco o el Sr. Grayson es tu superior?
Your assertion is that the president was unaware of what was happening in his own White House?
¿ Asegura que el presidente no sabía lo que pasaba en la Casa Blanca?
I mean, the damage your testimony could do to your wife is not worth the risk.
Su declaración podría perjudicar a su esposa. El riesgo no vale la pena.
I don't appreciate being the one to tell you this, but... your presidency is beyond repair.
No me gusta ser yo la que se lo diga pero su presidencia no tiene remedio.
You, for example, Congressman Romero... and your crusade to take me down, is it for justice?
Usted, por ejemplo, diputado Romero y su cruzada para derribarme. ¿ Es por justicia?
And now, your goal is within spitting distance and all you see is betrayal?
Tienes tu objetivo al alcance de la mano. ¿ Y solo ves traición?
This is about you and coming out with a strong message in your first address to the nation.
Se trata de ti y de enviar un mensaje potente en tu primer discurso a la nación.
This is about setting the course for your presidency.
Se trata de marcar el rumbo de tu presidencia.
Bravo. If you think your little over-the-top revenge monologue is gonna throw me off your scent, then you are sorely mistaken.
Si te crees que tu monologuito exagerado sobre la venganza me va a disuadir de seguirte la pista, estás muy equivocado.
Okay, okay... there is lipstick in this mask, and it is... it is the same shade as the lipstick on your beer.
Vale... hay pintalabios en la máscara, y es... del mismo color que el pintalabios de tu vaso de cerveza.
And is it safe to post your location like that?
¿ Y es prudente que publiques tu localización de esa manera?
The display is synced to your phone.
La pantalla está sincronizada con tu teléfono.
And you're worried that turkey neck is in your future.
Y estás preocupada que vayas a heredar la papada colgante.
Is that Emily your ex-girlfriend?
¿ Es esa Emily tu ex novia?
Hey, is that any way to talk to your future husband?
Oye, ¿ esa es manera de hablarle a tu futuro marido?
Is that how you hurt your foot?
¿ Es así como te has hecho daño en el tobillo?
I don't know what your problem is, it sounds like the guy's crazy about you.
No sé cuál es tu problema, parece que el tío está loco por ti.
Well, I gather the thing about babies is that you don't get to pick your moment.
Bueno, entiendo que la cosa de los bebés es que no... eliges el momento.
No, listen, your position here is completely unassailable.
No, escucha, tu posición aquí es completamente inatacable.
Your position here is completely unassailable.
Tu posición aquí es completamente inatacable.
I know on your programme it says Paula is giving this tribute, but we've decided...
Sé que en el programa dice Paula hará este tributo, pero hemos decidido...
If motherhood is the highlight of your life, why aren't you the proud parent showing her off?
Si la maternidad es el punto culminante de tu vida, ¿ por qué no eres la madre orgullosa que la enseña?
I have no idea... I am just asking you where your daughter is.
No tengo ni idea... sólo te estoy preguntando dónde está tu hija.
I am just asking you where your daughter is.
Sólo te estoy preguntando dónde está tu hija.
is yours 46
is your mother home 24
is your father home 17
is your mom home 26
is your mom here 18
is your husband home 17
your 1839
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
is your mother home 24
is your father home 17
is your mom home 26
is your mom here 18
is your husband home 17
your 1839
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
yours 1007
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your name 485
your mum 57
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your name 485
your mum 57
your majesty 3240
your mother 885
your sister 409
your point being 45
your mother is dead 28
your mom 327
your old man 28
your dad 423
your mind 60
your brother 593
your mother 885
your sister 409
your point being 45
your mother is dead 28
your mom 327
your old man 28
your dad 423
your mind 60
your brother 593
your highness 1544
your father called 16
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your voice 78
your friend 527
your father called 16
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your voice 78
your friend 527