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Killing her перевод на испанский

1,527 параллельный перевод
He dreamt about killing her for years.
Creemos que soñó con matarla durante años.
Her husband testified that... he told her that day of your dreams about killing her.
Su esposo testificó que él le dijo a ella ese día sobre tus sueños de matarla.
We have a video of him confessing to his therapist that he had dreams of killing her. Yes, of course.
En un video, le confiesa a su psiquiatra que soñó con matarla.
He gave me a disk. It showed the defendant fantasizing about killing her.
Mostraba al acusado hablando de que soñaba con matarla.
- Well... you learn she's having an affair... and you're told the kid she's having it with fantasizes about killing her.
- Se enteró de que tenía un amorío y le dijeron que su amante soñaba con matarla.
Oh! And he just happened to be having a teeny-weeny little dream about killing her.
Y por casualidad tenía un sueñito de matarla.
Would she have done that if she knew that he harbored thoughts of killing her?
¿ Se habría acostado con Scott de saber que pensaba matarla?
Best way to keep Dr Brasier safe is... by letting the bomber think he was successful in killing her.
La mejor manera de mantener a la Dra. Brasier a salvo es hacerle creer al terrorista que tuvo éxito asesinándola.
It's your decision whether or not to go with Barbara Stanwyck and get involved with killing her husband.
Es tu decisión si ir o no con Barbara Stanwyck... e involucrarte en el homicidio de su esposo.
I tried to help you by killing her.
Intente ayudarte matandola.
I was killing her.
La estaba matando.
Improvise by killing her?
¿ Improvisar asesinándola?
You're killing her!
¡ La estás matando!
And then he grabbed her and... and I tried to save her, but... he was killing her, and... She told me to run, so I ran.
Entonces la agarro y... y yo la traté de salvar, pero él la estaba matando, y... ella me dijo que corriera, entonces yo corrí.
The place where I saw her being killed looks nothing like the place where I found her body, and the man that I, I saw killing her is not the same man who committed suicide and left a confession.
Donde vi que la asesinaban no se parece en nada adonde encontré su cuerpo, y el hombre que... vi asesinándola no es el mismo hombre..... que se suicidó y dejó la confesión.
She confessed to killing her parents in cold blood.
Confesó matar a sus padres a sangre fría.
Until a blood vessel in his mother's brain burst, killing her instantly.
Hasta que una vena en el cerebro de su madre explotó matándola.
You think having an affair with the bodyguard is motive for killing her husband?
¿ Crees que tener una aventura con un guardaespaldas es motivo para matar a su esposo?
He keeps it so he can prolong the sexual fantasy of raping and killing her.
Los conserva para poder prolongar la fantasía sexual del rapto y el asesinato.
You'killing her.
La estás matando.
He's killing her.
Está matándola.
But if she refused to turn over the baby, I'm sure the Nelsons would've had other options besides killing her.
Pero si ella renunció a darles el bebé, estoy seguro que los Nelson tendrían otras opciones aparte de matarla.
Or, on the off chance that it's killing her, we could take it again from the top.
O, si por las dudas consideramos que pudiese estar matándola podríamos volver al principio.
Killing her doesn't help leverage the situation, does it?
Matarla a no ella no ayudará a mejorar la situación, ¿ verdad?
- I've dreamt of killing her.
- Soñé con matarla.
Elizabeth just gives her some nonsense about not killing herself.
Elizabeth sólo le dice alguna tontería acerca de que no se suicide.
- You're killing her. - I'm saving her.
- La estás matando.
You're killing her.
La estás matando.
He's killing her over and over again, once a year.
El asesino mata y vuelve otra vez, una vez al año.
Come on, you're killing her!
- ¡ Vamos, la estás matando!
Instead of killing her, he gave her a choice.
En lugar de matarla, le dio una opción.
At Forrester Grange, Raeburn accused me of killing her. He guessed who I was because Verity told him about me. He was crazy and so is that Agnes, and so is anyone who thinks that I could...
Una... navaja, plateada, un... peine de hombre, negro.
Based on her injuries, it appears as if the killing blow was to Marta's skull.
Basados en sus heridas, Pareciera que el golpe mortal fue en su cráneo.
She's killing me with her honor!
¡ Me está matando con su honor!
- You're killing her.
- ¡ La estás matando! - De acuerdo, para.
The defendant's criminal record clearly establishes her motive for killing the victim.
Los antecedentes criminales de la acusada claramente establecen su motivo para matar a la víctima.
Killing allison was a mistake. You just wanted your baby. You could have hurt gina when you heard her respond to the shooting, but you decided to leave and come back for elizabeth another time.
Matar a Allison fue un error... tú sólo querías a tu bebé... pudiste haber herido a Gina cuando se dió cuenta del disparo... pero decidiste irte y volver por Elizabethe en otra ocasión...
We Tell Her What, Some Slime Guy Is Killing Everybody On The Case?
Le contamos que, un tipo está matando a todos los del caso?
You think they sent her back into the past as some kind of punishment for you not killing Isabelle?
¿ Y crees que la enviaron de nuevo al pasado...
and the thought of her being thrown into some foster home is killing me.
Y pensar en tener que entregarla en un hogar de acogida me está matando.
Y, finalmente, consiguió su objetivo, pero terminó con su vida.
Whoever killed her Either wasn't sure They wanted to be killing or they never Tried it before.
Quienquiera que haya causado su muerte no estaba seguro de querer matar o nunca antes lo había intentado.
He sent her a suicide note by email, apologising for the affair with Kristen and confessing to the killing.
Le envió una nota de suicidio por correo electrónico disculpándose por la ventura con Kristen y confesando el asesinato.
Who went on a killing spree with her husband.
Que salió a matar a lo loco con su esposo.
An eccentric old prospector, it's one thing. A crazy woman coming back from the dead, killing off all connected by blood to her murderer - oh, and retrieving her stolen "mystical" necklace - that's something else altogether.
Un viejo explorador es una cosa y otra muy diferente es creer que una loca resucitó para matar a los parientes de su asesino y recuperar su collar místico.
And now we gotta bring your mom over here so you can slit her throat, because she just wouldn't stop blaming you for killing your dad.
Y ahora tenemos que traer a tu madre para que puedas cortarle el cuello, ya que no deja de echarte la culpa de la muerte de tu padre.
Treatment her of killing them?
¿ Trato ella de matarlos?
We should've gone to jail for what we done, but killing us won't bring her back.
Debimos haber ido a prisión por aquello, pero matarnos no le devolverá la vida.
You let her walk out of here, and I'll give serious thought to not killing you.
Si la dejas ir, pensaré seriamente en no matarte.
You're killing this woman right now if you take her away.
Van a matar a esta mujer ahora si no la llevamos.
While you were killing Mrs Waddy, dressed in the clothes you later placed in Michael's case... Miss Dairymple saw you deep in meditation. Of course, you couldn't answer her.
Encontré una pista y el espantapájaros que vi el día del asesinato de la Sra. Waddy, había sido movido... porque lo habías usado en tu farsa.

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