Second base перевод на испанский
629 параллельный перевод
You throw higher than him. You have to throw way down to second base.
Pero más alto, para que llegue hasta la segunda base.
From first base to second base to third base, we roam.
De la primera base a la segunda base a la tercera base, deambulamos.
Whitey, this is Mo Kahn, our second baseman and barber.
Whitey, él es Mo Kahn, nuestro segunda base y peluquero.
Toss that ball down to second base.
Lanza la pelota hasta la segunda base.
That happened to Eddie Collins the greatest second baseman we had at Columbia.
Eso le pasó a Eddie Collins el mejor segunda base que hemos tenido en Columbia.
Sure. I " m practically standing on second base right now.
Claro. Ahora estoy en la segunda base.
Jim Brown and Terry Moore proved to be easy outs, but Enos Slaughter caught one of Bonham " s fast ones and slammed a scorching liner to right field and slid into second base for a double.
Jim Brown y Terry Moore fueron eliminados enseguida, pero Enos Slaughter supo aprovechar una de las bolas rápidas de Bonham para batear con fuerza a la derecha y llegar hasta la segunda base.
No. What is on second base.
Qué está en segunda base.
What's the guy's name on second base.
- Qué está en segunda.
What is on second base.
- Qué es el que está en segunda base.
We had to kick the goose step out of them and cure them of blind obedience and teach them to beep at the referee. If they want to steal, make sure it's second base.
Les hicimos olvidar el paso de ganso, curarse de su obediencia ciega les enseñamos a silbar al árbitro y sobre todo a recordar lo que es hacer deporte.
A hit right over second base.
Imparable, en la segunda base.
Right over second base.
En la segunda base.
Baker gets the ball, whips it to the second baseman.
hacia la segunda base!
They threw me off the ball team because I was catching home runs at second base.
Me echaron del equipo... porque completaba las carreras desde la segunda base.
... and don't forget that this chronometer has a six-second base delay, have you understood that?
Comprendes, ¿ verdad? Veré si llegan los trabucos. Y no te retrases.
- Like, who just stole second base?
- Por cierto, ¿ quién es usted?
They played shortstop. Second base. first base for the old Cubs?
¿ Jugaron de jugador medio, segunda base y primera base en los Cubs?
I didn't ask if you were a second baseman but if you had been, I'd expect you to confide in me.
No pregunté si jugabas de segunda base, pero de hacerlo, me lo habrías dicho.
Yeah, the lady is my aunt Clara and the man is my Sunday-school teacher and the colored gentleman played second base when I managed the New York Giants.
Sí, es mi tía Clara, y el hombre es mi catequista,... y jugaba para mi de base, cuando cuando estaba con los Gigantes de Nueva York.
Charlie Neal, second base.
Charlie Neal, segunda base.
Baltasar Charles, second base.
Baltasar Charles, segunda base.
The throw down to second base is not in time.
El lanzamiento a la segunda base no llega a tiempo.
And it's a base hit right over second base.
Y está a un golpe de la segunda base.
Funny. Listen, last night, i was at the polo grounds. And right in the middle of ron hunt's slide into second base, i stopped the game.
Y justo en mitad de un batazo de Ron Hunt a la segunda base, detuve el juego.
I, uh, played a little second base.
Jugué un tiempo en la segunda base.
Well, you know when that runner's on first coming down into second base... to break up the double play?
¿ Vio cuando el corredor de primera está llegando a la segunda base... para romper un doble play?
Now they tell me you can play second base.
Me dicen que puede jugar en segunda.
I want you to step on second base, then relay the ball to first base to complete the double play, okay?
Quiero que se pare sobre la segunda base... y que lance la bola a la primera para completar la doble matanza, ¿ sí?
Quiere que avance hacia la segunda base.
- I came in a close second, though--they really liked me. - I'm the first one to win two, I won two! I'm gonna try to get three.
Eso es Bob, se construyo despacio, pero tarde o temprano, la base de desestabiliza y se convierte en una gran caida.
Remember, there's a man on second.
Recuerda, hay un hombre en la segunda base.
They forgot to touch second.
Olvidaron tocar segunda base.
I throw the ball to first base, whoever it is grabs the ball so the guy runs to second.
Arrojo la bola a la primera base. "Quien sea" la toma y corre hasta la segunda.
- Short to second to frst.
- Corta entre segunda y primera base.
That puts the tying run on second.
Eso le sitúa en la segunda base.
Throw in second, trying to get Desmond.
Ya hay un hombre en segunda base. Se desliza...
The one at second that all that rhubarb was about?
- La jugada que casi provoca un motín en la segunda base.
We shall now announce the second list of members elected to the House based on the votes cast :
Vamos a dar la segunda lista de los diputados elegidos... en base a los votos escrutados.
But the second that fence shorts again, you lift off and report back to Earth base on conditions in this sector.
Pero si se produce otro cortocircuito en la valla, despegue y avise a la Tierra de la situación en este sector.
Second, one of the sharpest German agents in Spain operates in that district.
Segundo... uno de los agentes alemanes más avispados en España tiene su base en ese distrito.
In that split second, did instinct remind you that Barton might be waltzing your girl around the base?
En ese segundo crucial, ¿ acaso el instinto le recordó que Wes estaba saliendo con su novia?
Then he spears this hot line drive, runs over and touches second... then dives over and tags the runner sliding in.
Entonces atrapa la potente bola, corre, llega a segunda base... y elimina al corredor golpeándole con la bola.
The pitcher winds up... and Ruíz takes off for second!
El pitcher se prepara... ¡ y Ruiz sale para segunda base!
Those dodgers think they can steal second any time they want.
Esos Dodgers creen que pueden robar segunda base siempre que quieran.
Two men were out. Howard and moon were on first and second. And this umpire with no pupils in his eyes calls a foul ball an out.
Había dos fuera, Howard en primera base y luego Moon, y ese árbitro... sin ojos en la cara va y pita fuera una bola que era falta. ¿ Lo vio?
I left my seat, i ran down on the field, i grabbed second base, and i moved it ten feet.
Trace a second imaginary line from the base of your neck... to the tip of your left breast.
Trace una segunda línea imaginaria desde la base de su cuello... hasta la punta de su seno izquierdo...
Shortstop Necio is almost on the first-base side of second.
Shortstop Necio casi está en el lado de la primera base de segundo.
And the second thing is that there's a base in this desert... that's gonna launch an attack on the cities of this world... and London is gonna be first.!
Hay una base en este desierto... que atacará las ciudades de este mundo... y Londres será la primera.
With such a huge financial base, there is no question that Von Frank could become a second Adolf Hitler. Fanatically dedicated to the overthrow of democracy wherever it exists.
Con una base financiera así, no hay duda de que Von Frank podría volverse en un segundo Adolf Hitler con el mismo fanatismo por derrocar la democracia dondequiera exista.
base 131
basement 96
baseball 151
based 128
based on 37
based on what 147
bases loaded 17
based on what evidence 19
second 1107
seconds 3944
basement 96
baseball 151
based 128
based on 37
based on what 147
bases loaded 17
based on what evidence 19
second 1107
seconds 3944
second chance 27
seconds later 55
seconds ago 103
seconds out 51
second thoughts 29
seconds to go 31
second grade 17
second round 19
second floor 165
second rule 43
seconds later 55
seconds ago 103
seconds out 51
second thoughts 29
seconds to go 31
second grade 17
second round 19
second floor 165
second rule 43
second time 38
seconds away 16
second row 18
second of all 241
seconds left 62
secondly 391
second date 16
seconded 22
second door on the right 16
second best 19
seconds away 16
second row 18
second of all 241
seconds left 62
secondly 391
second date 16
seconded 22
second door on the right 16
second best 19