That is crazy перевод на испанский
2,347 параллельный перевод
That is crazy.
Qué locura.
I did it! - That is crazy!
¡ Qué locura!
- That is crazy.
- Eso es una locura.
- That is crazy.
- Es una locura.
I don't think that is crazy at all.
No me parece ninguna locura.
That is crazy, my dear.
Eso es una locura, querida.
That is why I'm slightly crazy.
Por eso soy medio loco.
All right, you guys must be crazy, Because I don't know what you're talking about. What is that?
esta bien, tus chicos deben estar locos poruqe no se sobre lo qeu estas hablando que es eso?
But she did say that your constant pranking and one-upsmanship is driving her crazy.
Pero ella dijo que vuestras travesuras constantes y vuestra rivalidad la están volviendo loca.
That I'm crazy, that his D.N.A. is on the murder weapon, that his alibi doesn't exonerate him, that he has motive to kill Jackie and kidnap his kid.
Que estoy loco, que su ADN está en el arma homicida, que su coartada no le exonera, que tiene motivos para haber matado a Jackie y para raptar a su hijo.
You are that is hungry crazy. Girl.
Es porque no has besado a nadie en mucho tiempo, muchacha...
What the hell is that crazy broad doing now?
¿ Qué demonios está haciendo esa tía?
What the hell is that crazy broad doing now?
¿ Qué demonios está haciendo esa loca ahora?
Is that what happens when people go Dark Score crazy?
¿ Es lo que sucede cuando la gente se vuelve loca al estilo Dark Score?
The most bizarre, the most absurd, the most crazy, the most ridiculous prediction that quantum mechanics makes is entanglement.
La más descabellada, la más absurda, la más loca o ridícula de las predicciones que hiciera la mecánica cuántica era el entrelazamiento.
and that is probably just crazy.
y probablemente eso es solo una locura.
I just would like to say that our son Victor is just crazy about the new teacher.
Quisiera decir que nuestro hijo, Víctor adora al nuevo maestro.
You know what's crazy to me is that I think that I actually thought that we were brothers.
Lo más absurdo es que yo creía que éramos hermanos.
That woman is crazy
Esa mujer está loca
However... and I hope everyone is paying attention to this... let's not go around scaring one another with crazy and outlandish stories that serve no one's benefit.
Sin embargo... espero que todos estén prestando atención a esto... no vamos a andar por ahí asustando a otros con locas y raras historias que no le sirven a nadie.
This is crazy, is that at first, I came for the interview.
Esto es una locura, es que al principio, yo vine a entrevistarlos.
That woman is crazy, but I got a good pump.
Está loca, pero hice ejercicio.
- Is that crazy?
- ¿ Es una locura?
Yo, all I know is that your TO is fucking crazy.
- Oye, sólo sé que tu oficial de formación está loco, carajo.
That crazy guy is the killer
Ese loco es el asesino.
That guy is crazy.
Ese tipo estaba jodido.
Like, if you were a girl, there is no way you'd be that hot. Like, if you were a girl, there is no way you'd be that hot. Aw, I'd be crazy-hot as a is no way you'd be that hot.
Como si fueses una mina... ni en pedo estarías tan buena...
Yo, that dude is crazy.
Oye, ese tipo está loco.
You guys know that Crazy Girls is one of the fastest-growing
¿ Ustedes sabían que Crazy Girls es la empresa de crecimiento más rápido.
She is bat-shit crazy enough to pull that pin.
Ella esta lo suficientemente desquiciada... como para tirar de ese gatillo.
That crazy lady is not lettin'her anywhere near us.
Esa vieja loca no va a dejar que se acerque a nosotros.
That storm is crazy?
Esa tormenta es una locura, ¿ eh?
That is crazy.
Que locura.
Is that what you mean by saying that I'm not crazy?
¿ Quieres decir que Cuando digo que no estoy loco?
I want it to be one of those games that kids would go crazy for on the school yard and passionately argue that'this game is better than this game
Quiero que sea uno de esos juegos por el que los chicos enloquecen en el patio de la escuela y discuten apasionadamente cosas como este juego es mejor que aquel otro juego.
People enjoyed what we showed them....... which is just the beginning of game that we've been polishing like crazy.
La gente disfrutó lo que les mostramos que era sólo el principio del juego, que hemos pulido incesantemente.
That is so crazy-cliche,
Eso es un cliché súper loco.
Zane, you have to know how crazy it is to be jealous of something with Carter and me that never happened.
Zane, tienes que saber que es una locura estar celoso de algo entre Carter y yo que nunca ha pasado.
Now, Friday nights are crazy, and Aaron is out because he has that thing that was going around.
Bueno, los viernes por las noches son una locura, y falta Aaron porque le dio esa cosa que ha andado por ahí.
That is- - That is too crazy.
Eso es- - Eso es muy loco.
The only part she didn't tell is this crazy idea that if you and I got together, something terrible would happen to me.
La única parte que no ha contado ha sido esa idea loca de que si vos y yo estamos juntos, algo terrible me ocurriría.
And the most pathetic part is, is I am so crazy about you that it practically wouldn't matter if you were dating a cop on the side.
Y la parte mas patética es, es que estoy tan loco por ti que prácticamente no importa si saliste con un policía.
Just that the fate of bluebell is in the hands of Crazy Earl.
Solo que el destino de BlueBell está en manos del Loco Earl.
And I will, but... we're crazy if we think that it's gonna be easier to be a couple there than it is here.
Si, quiero... pero... estaríamos locos si pensaramos que va a ser mas fácil ser una pareja allá que aquí.
Okay, could we just have a show of hands that we all still think this is a crazy idea?
Muy bien, podemos alzar la mano y decir que siguen pensando que es una idea loca.
That is one crazy, uncircumcised old man.
Ese si es un viejo loco y sin circuncisión.
That looked a little cyan to me, " or something, and the guy is, like, trying to write it down - write the footage down as it goes by, and you can't stop and - that just seemed crazy to me.
Que parecía un poco turquesa para mí, o algo, y los chicos... tratando de escribirlo, el video pasaba, y no podía pararlo, y parecía una locura.
That thing... Is crazy deep!
¡ Esto... es muy profundo!
That crazy bastard is gonna fry my brains.
Ese loco bastardo va a me va a freír el cerebro.
That's okay, but... my dad has this crazy idea that physical exercise is normal.
Está bien, pero mi papá tiene esta loca idea de que el ejercicio físico es normal.
I mean, I thought I was crazy, but- - But if this is true, if you're not lying, Then that means something's been awakened,
Pensé que estaba loco, pero si eso es verdad... significa que algo ha despertado, que algo ha nacido.
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that is not fair 93
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that is not true 434
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that is not fair 93
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that is not true 434
that is good 189
that is an order 68
that is ridiculous 146
that is enough 189
that is right 117
that is all 319
that is so cool 125
that is great 150
that is a lie 69
that is not the case 19
that is an order 68
that is ridiculous 146
that is enough 189
that is right 117
that is all 319
that is so cool 125
that is great 150
that is a lie 69
that is not the case 19