That is ridiculous перевод на испанский
927 параллельный перевод
That is ridiculous!
¡ Eso es ridículo!
- Now, that is ridiculous!
- No seas ridículo.
Mademoiselle, that is ridiculous.
No sea ridícula, mademoiselle.
Charlotte, that is ridiculous!
¡ Charlotte, eso es ridículo!
- That is ridiculous, of course she will.
- Es ridículo, claro que irá.
The honour's mine, but you want to take it from me. Why, you even murdered my companion just to get a cheap story for your newspaper. That is ridiculous.
El honor es mío, pero quieres robármelo. ¿ Por qué, incluso asesinando a mi compañero, sólo para conseguir una historia barata para su periódico?
That is ridiculous.
Eso es ridículo.
That is ridiculous!
¡ Qué ridiculez!
Your Honour, that is ridiculous.
Su Señoría, eso es ridículo.
A poor and tacky woman comes barging into my life and a successful wealthy man like myself won't leave your side when everyone else around him is telling him that it's ridiculous to get involved.
Una mujer pobre y de mal gusto viene a irrumpir en mi vida... y un hombre exitosamente rico como yo no va a dejar su puesto... cuando todos su alrededor le dicen que es ridículo que se involucre.
A ship loaded with Garibaldini is so ridiculous that Miss Clelia couldn't have thought of it.
Un barco cargado de garibaldinos es tan ridículo que la señorita Clelia no podía pensarla.
Is not it a little ridiculous with that wound?
¿ No es un poco ridículo con esa herida?
The professor then said that it is ridiculous to recite someone else's poem.
Entonces el profesor dijo que era ridículo recitar el poema de otro.
That is a ridiculous idea.
Qué idea más absurda. Estás enfermo, A.J.
That is perfectly ridiculous of course, Mr. Czaka... but... just wait here a moment... please.
Es ridículo desde luego, Sr. Czaka. Pero.... Espere aquí un momento.
Exactly the opposite. I was attracted to the man. Now I'm deliberately proving how ridiculous that attraction is.
Me atraía y compruebo que es una atracción ridícula.
The idea that a frail girl like you... could literally tear a boy of 10 to pieces is utterly ridiculous.
Que una muchacha frágil como tú pudiese, literalmente... despedazar a un niño de diez años es absolutamente ridículo.
Oh, what is my loving you got to do with that ridiculous dance?
¿ Qué tiene que ver mi cariño con ese baile ridículo?
When a person is fated, others go with him. - That's ridiculous!
Cuando una persona está maldita, los demás son también malditos.
Papa says that deputy sheriff job is just ridiculous, that you should have finished law school and then you'd be...
Papá dice que ese trabajo de ayudante del sherif es ridículo. Deberías acabar los estudios de derecho, y luego serás...
It's ridiculous. Preposterous! It's downright silly, that's what it is.
Es ridículo, absurdo y absolutamente tonto.
I was going to say leper, but that, of course, is ridiculous.
Iba a decir a un leproso, pero eso es ridículo
What I hate most is that you make me look ridiculous to others.
Lo que más me molesta es que me dejas ridículo ante otros.
That hair is ridiculous.
¡ Y ese peinado que llevas es ridículo!
We do everything so that this idiot doesn't see how ridiculous her situation is.
Nos esforzamos para que esta cretina no sienta lo ridículo de su situación.
That question is ridiculous and outrageous.
Protesto. Esa pregunta es ridícula y extravagante.
- That is how ridiculous it is.
- Ciertamente ridículo.
All I know is that this is ridiculous.
Solo sé que esto es ridículo.
There is no reason for you to be pleased... since it is not about you that I've been thinking... but your ridiculous GOD.
No hay razón por la que estar agradecido. Ya que no es en ti en quien he estado pensando sino en tu ridículo Dios.
No, I'm going to jail just because your girl is so pretty. That would really be ridiculous.
He estado en la cárcel por la bonita cara de tu mujer.
If this is going to be a serious discussion... and suddenly I'm terribly afraid it is... you're going to have to take off that ridiculous mask, or else I'll have to wear one too.
Si va a ser una conversación seria... y de repente tengo la terrible sensación de que así será... vas a tener que quitarte esa ridícula máscara, o también tendré que ponerme yo una.
Now, that, too, is patently ridiculous.
Eso, también es ridículo.
I would say that person is funny... or ridiculous.
Pues claro, es uno que hace reir, un bufón.
That is a ridiculous lie.
Eso es una mentira ridícula.
That's ridiculous, erich, and you know it. Is it?
Es ridículo, Eric, y lo sabes.
and i fell asleep. Is that ridiculous? I fell asleep.
Así que, aquella vez, me escondía tras los ultramarinos,... en la parte de atrás donde guardan los cartones y demás...
... this is without question the most ridiculous thing that I've ever heard of!
... esta es sin duda la cosa más ridícula que he visto.
Then I am not joking when I tell you that if you persist in this ridiculous notion of joining our profession your wisest course is to register at once for unemployment pay.
Pues yo tampoco bromeo si le digo que si insiste en su ridícula idea de unirse a nuestra profesión su jugada más inteligente sería darse de alta para cobrar el desempleo.
I see it's ridiculous to make this little speech on philosophy this evening, but I do ask you to believe, firstly, that it is sincere, and second, not because I'm growing old that I make this declaration of intellectual prudence.
Me doy cuenta que es una incongruencia soltar... este pequeño discurso filosófico durante esta velada... pero les pido que crean una cosa... en primer lugar, que es sincero, y después... que no se debe a que me esté haciendo viejo... el que haga esta declaración de prudencia intelectual.
No, look, Endora, I realize that into every life a little rain must fall, but this is ridiculous.
Oye, Endora, ya sé que a todo el mundo le llueve encima, pero esto es ridículo.
But what's ridiculous and annoying is the fact that we are not able to destroy that toy.
Pero lo más ridículo es que no somos capaces de destruirlo.
Oh, that is the most ridiculous story I have ever heard!
Es la historia más absurda que he oído.
Gentlemen, that's ridiculous. I came 4,000 miles to work with Professor Lindt, now where is he?
He recorrido 6.000 km para trabajar con el profesor Lindt, ¿ dónde está?
Brutus. That is ridiculous!
- Esto es absurdo.
... ungrateful man I have ever met! That is the most ridiculous accusation that...
Es la acusación más absurda que...
It is ridiculous to hear that you've allegedly achieved much and everybody respects you.
Cuando tú dices que lo has logrado, que la ciudad te respeta...
A filthy desert killer is what he is... disguised as you are in that ridiculous outfit.
Era un asesino sucio del desierto... disfrazado igual que usted con ese atuendo ridículo.
That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of. You could end up in all sorts of terrible places.
Esto es absolutamente típico de una mujer.
It is ridiculous to say that.
Menuda ridiculez.
- Yes, that certainly is ridiculous.
Sí, realmente es ridículo.
Now that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life.
No, es lo más ridículo que he oído en mi vida.
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that is not fair 93
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that is not true 434
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that is not fair 93
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that is not true 434
that is good 189
that is all 319
that is right 117
that is an order 68
that is so cool 125
that is enough 189
that is a lie 69
that is great 150
that is not the case 19
that is disgusting 118
that is all 319
that is right 117
that is an order 68
that is so cool 125
that is enough 189
that is a lie 69
that is great 150
that is not the case 19
that is disgusting 118