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They told you перевод на испанский

5,169 параллельный перевод
I don't know what they told you.
No sé lo que te dijeron.
I don't know what they told you about me, what you think about me is more important.
No sé lo que le ha hablado de mí pero lo que usted piense de mí es más importante.
They told you that, like they just lied to you and.
{ \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } - Eso no era verdad
What have they told you?
¿ Qué te han dicho?
Have they told you not to date boys...
¿ No te dijeron no salir con muchachos...?
Isn't that what they told you?
¿ No es eso lo que te dijeron?
I assume they told you I'd gone to lunch.
Supongo que le dijeron que venía a almorzar.
They built you to do what you were told.
Te construyeron para que siguieras sus órdenes.
And I told you they were maniacs.
Y te dije que eran maníacos.
They told me if you call the police, they'd kill me.
Me dijeron que si usted llama la policía, que me mataría.
I told'em you're so healthy, they must have got the wrong fella in the first place.
Les dije que estabas tan sano, deben haber tenido al tipo equivocado desde el principio.
They're just paintings from a long time ago, I told you.
Son sólo las pinturas de hace mucho tiempo, te lo dije.
They told me to pick you up and drop you off.
Me dijeron para que lo recoja Y te deja.
On that phone call, Randi told them that you couldn't prove that someone who said that they are inhabited by a spirit 40,000 years old is a false claim.
Durante esa llamada telefónica Randi les dijo que no puedes probar que alguien que dice que está poseído por un espíritu de 40.000 años de antigüedad está haciendo una afirmación falsa.
- How could they know? - He told you this in a pub - - On 18 July.
El 18 de julio
oe told me those guys had belieoed that you did something big, and if you didn't tell them the truth, they're gonna continue till they extract that information from you.
Y que si no les decía la verdad, iban a continuar hasta que obtuviesen la información.
You just told them,'Okay, I work with you,'and they did not gioe you any missiono "
"¿ Y no te dieron una misión?" Dije que no.
I told you how much they cost.
Ya te he dicho cuánto cuestan.
We'd been together for two years and I had never told Mom and Dad about her, in fact, they were freaking out because you know, here I was, almost thirty, never married, which in our culture is like...
Estuvimos dos años juntos y jamás les hablé a mis padres de ella. De hecho, estaban asustados porque yo tenía casi 30 años y jamás me había casado lo cual en nuestra cultura es código rojo.
Like, you know, and I was I just had all these thoughts of they told him that maybe he they told him, like, " Angie wants you to be here!
{ \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Tenía en mente todas esas frases que tus padres te podrían estar diciéndote.
They told us that, um, you know, since we're in the
{ \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Nos decían que como estábamos en República Dominicana y a punto de cumplir 18 años.
I went up to his office and sat there and he said listen, everybody wants to put you on this picture so I told them they can do what they want, but I gotta tell you, you're gonna fail.
Me acerqué a su oficina y se sentó allí y me dijo escucha, todo el mundo quiere ponerte en esa película así que les dije que ellos pueden hacer lo que quieran, pero tengo que decirte, que vas a fracasar.
- I told you they were a hearty bunch.
- Te dije que eran un buen montón.
And I told them if they want it, you're producing.
Y yo les dije que si lo quieren, que está produciendo.
They just... they told me to rest, but just I'm feeling all worked up, you know?
Ellos... me dicen que descanse, pero yo solo me estoy poniendo nerviosa, ¿ sabes?
I told those boys yöu're a policeman, but they didn't believe me.
Le dije a los chicos eres un policía, pero no me creyeron.
You told me they were good parents.
Usted me dijo que eran buenos padres.
The only reason they're saying it is'cause you fucking told them.
La única puta razón por la que dicen eso es porque tú se lo contaste.
I talked to your parents, and they told me that you asked to be put in here.
Hable con tus padres, y me dijeron que pediste que te pusieran aquí.
Oh, my boy, they told me you were dead.
Mi chico, me dijeron que estabas muerto.
You told some of them if I wasn't laid off, they would be.
Les dijiste a algunos que o me despedían a mí o los echarían a ellos.
The police told me they gave you a blowjob.
La policía me dijo que te dieron una mamada.
Look, they just told me that you're gonna be doing this.
Acaban de comunicarme sobre esta entrevista.
I could have sworn you told me they knew.
- Juraría que me dijo que lo sabían.
I really do think you told me they knew.
De verdad que creo que me dijo que lo sabían.
You see, I told you they'd let me walk out of here.
Ves, te dije que me dejarían salir de aquí.
No other, what they have told you.
No queda otra, lo que te han dicho.
If they know that I told you this, they will kill me.
Si se enteran de que te he contado esto, me matarán.
They told me, "If you don't confess, you're gonna get the death penalty."
Ellos me dijeron, "Si no confiesas, que vas a conseguir la pena de muerte".
I told you, they're following me!
Te lo dije, me están siguiendo!
I just told you, they killed a man right in front of me, Art.
Te dije que mataron a un hombre frente a mí.
I told you, they're not done yet.
Te lo dije, no se hacen todavía.
And I don't know IF anybody's told you that, but they should because...
Y yo no sé Si alguien te ha dicho que, pero debería porque...
Then they print them in the book I told you about.
Luego las imprimen en el libro del que te hablé.
You told me they were stupid!
¡ Me dijiste que era una estupidez!
I stopped by, but they told me you were ill.
Pasé por aquí, pero me dijeron que estaba enferma.
I told you... they reassigned me.
Te lo dije... me reasignados.
♪ and I didn't believe them when they told me that there was no saving you ♪
♪ y yo no les creí cuando me dijeron que no había que salvar ♪
They ain't gonna let you pee. No one told you to wear a pee pad?
No te van a dejar mear. ¿ Nadie te dijo que te pusieras una compresa para mear?
They told me you would say something like that.
Me dijeron que dirías algo así.
I told you they'd try to wriggle their way out of this.
Te dije que intentarían tergiversarlo para librarse de esto.

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